

I have said this before, but I think I am going to say it again:

The only actually meaningful notion of equality is Equality of Outcomes.
Right wing pundits spend a loooooooot of time railing against Equality of Outcomes, but I think it is clear this is simply because they (and their employers) do not want a meaningful notion of equality.

Let's say you have equality of the sexes, but women consistently end up with a paycheck that's 8% lower than that of male counterparts, and - say - a significant underrepresentation in the upper echelons of companies.

In any meaningful sense, this means that there is not equality of the sexes.

I am having a hard time explaining this, because it's so goddamn blatantly obvious, and explaining the obvious is always a bit weird, you know?

Another example, let's say your society doesn't have racist inequality, but black communities in your society strongly tend to be less wealthy than comparable white communities, and underserved by all public services, then your society is not in fact without racist inequality.

It really is that simple.

#inequalities #therightwingalwayslies #racism #sexism


Wolff Responds: Capitalism's False Defenses


'Prof. #Wolff refutes the 2 main arguments made to absolve #capitalism from the #injustices and #inequalities it creates; the first, that capitalism has increased our #standard-of-living, and the second, that unlike #socialism, capitalism is not responsible for #mass #deaths, #colonialism.

#richardwolff #false #defenses #democracy-at-work #working-class #labor #movement #struggle #unions #history


Dal Covid abbiamo imparato che...

- Il sistema non è affidabile. Non sono stati forniti aiuti mirati a famiglie e piccole imprese.

- Non vogliono risolvere il problema ma solo fare altro business. Le pandemie sono sempre partite dallo sfruttamento animale ma si continua a sfruttare animali.

- L'emergenza più importante è il riscaldamento globale ma non si stanno adottando vere soluzioni, si stà solo facendo altro business.

We learned from Covid that...

- The system is not reliable. No targeted aid has been provided to families and small businesses.

- They don't want to solve the problem but just do more business. Pandemics have always started from animal exploitation but they continue to exploit animals.

- The most important emergency is global warming but they are not adopting real solutions, they are just doing more business.

Nous avons appris de Covid que...

- Le système n'est pas fiable. Aucune aide ciblée n'a été accordée aux familles et aux petites entreprises.

- Ils ne veulent pas résoudre le problème mais simplement faire plus d'affaires. Les pandémies sont toujours nées de l'exploitation des animaux, mais elles continuent à les exploiter.

- L'urgence la plus importante est le réchauffement climatique, mais ils n'adoptent pas de véritables solutions, ils se contentent de faire plus de business.

Hemos aprendido de Covid que...

- El sistema no es fiable. No se han concedido ayudas específicas a las familias y a las pequeñas empresas.

- No quieren resolver el problema, sino simplemente hacer más negocio. Las pandemias siempre han partido de la explotación animal, pero siguen explotando a los animales.

- La emergencia más importante es el calentamiento global, pero no están adoptando soluciones reales, sólo están haciendo más negocio.

#Emergency #Business #Capitalism #Misery #Pollution #WorldClimateChange #Covid19 #Injustices #Inequalities