

Unconfirmed report from #Iran: Parviz Broumand (Iran's goal keeper in #France 1998 world cup) was arrested for his support of #WomanLifeFreedom movement in #Tehran.

Sad part is, most people posting on social media on his support, used to attack him back in 98 for being a regime supporter for participating in the #WorldCup and meeting with Iran's president after their return.

It's sad to use these players as pawn in the political game and propaganda campaign driven by supporters of Rajavi, Reza Pahlavi and the Neocon stooj Maesoume (Masih) Alinejad.

#politics #IranProtrsts #IranUprising #TeamMelli


Toomaj Salehi a popular rapper in #Iran was accused of Moharebe( the sentence of Moharebe is execution)

The courts are sentencing many people to death, but unlike the massive propaganda by the opposition, the sentence has not been confirmed and he has the right to appeal.

Regime is doing this to scare the protesters and then showing the reaction of the online diaspora as the proof that they are wrong and dishonest.

That doesn't mean they won't go ahead and approve the sentence if the protests slows down.

The disgusting gang of Reisi is preparing for a repeat of their criminal actions in 1988 and they are both willing and able to go ahead with it. No matter the consequences.

#IranProtests #IranUprising #Politics #HumanRights


10 year old Kian Pirfalak, is the youngest victim of the bloody crack down by the IRI regime. According to reports he was killed by a bullet on Nov. 16, in the city Izeh in the border between Khuzestan and Lorestan Province.

Regime sources deny any knowledge about his death, but his family have told he was killed by a direct shot while watching the protests.

#IranProtest #Politics #IranUprising #PoliticalMurder #ChildrenAreNotTargets #Iran


Another victim of the regime brutal crack down on protesters in Iran!

#Karwan_Qader_Shokri, a 16 years old boy from #Piranshar, the kurdistan province of Iran was reported dead by his family after being shot by live rounds by the IRGC military forces.

There are more reports of casualties by IRGC forces using live amo toward demonstrators that the regime claims using AK47 and even 50 caliber machine guns against it's targets.

#Iran #IranProtest #Politics #RIP #IranUprising #PoliceBrutality


Oppositions groups, stepping up attacks against targets in several key cities in Iran

As I was afraid of, the 3 main armed groups Kumelah/PKK in Kurdistan, Ansarollah in Baluchistan and MKO in Tehran and central parts of the country targeting key (and symbolic) targets across the country.

  • The images and statues of Khamenei and Soleimani vandalized/burned or red paint thrown at them
  • The home of Khomeini's father that was turned into a museum was attacked by molotov cocktails
  • Several high ranking IRGC and Basij commanders were gunned down in Tehran, Kurdistan and Baluchistan.
  • Basij and Mosques used by them targeted by molotov cocktail and vandalized.

In return, ever since late last week, the regime has started using live amo against protesters and those trying to attack the police and IRGC headquarters. The number of casualties reported by opposition and even the regime indicates that the situation is turning more and more like those of Syria at the start of the civil war, 1 years ago.

Yesterday, the Kurdish groups and media such as Saudi backed Iran International and the Radio Farda (the persian separate branch of the CIA voice of America) and others said that the city of Mahabad was liberated and the people had taken over the city.

As expected, the regime has used it's heavily armed anti riot paramilitary that are part of the special forces of both Basij and IRGC trained in the past 2o years to brutally crush any attempt to question the regime's authority.

Since late last night and all day today, 100s of armored vehicles and 4x4 trucks with machine gun placed on their top have entered Mahabad and reports of heavy gun fire and explosions is coming out every minute.

On the other hand, Turkey seems to be either working with the regime of Iran or using it to escalate it's attacks against Kurdish separatist groups in Syria and Iraq. The same way Iranian drones and long range missiles were used to bomb headquarter and training camps of Kumela in Iraqi Kurdistan.

- https://twitter.com/ThomasVLinge/status/1594344350951112704
- https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1594287282311565312
- https://twitter.com/LucyKromSec/status/1594310981056098304
- https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1594464061403824128
- https://twitter.com/journalistsay/status/1594462699303436291

#Iran #IranProtests #IranUprising #Politics


Iran's army says "rioters" will have no place in country if order given by supreme leader

Iran's Army Ground Forces Commander Kiumars Heydari said on Wednesday that "rioters" would have no place in the Islamic Republic if the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered a tougher crackdown on nationwide protests, said the semi-official Mehr news agency.

#Iran #iranprotests #Politics

#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #IranUprising



Up until about 20 years ago, I was very active focusing on Iranian politics and to work on (tryied) to create a united front including all democratically minded Iranians abroad to gather around a simple platform of an alternative to the major forces of the time, the IRI, the Cult of Rajvi, the followers of the Pahlavi with their extreme right supporters and the small but vocal extreme left.

I spend countless hours setting up, maintaining and organizing the first Iranian internet group called "Democracy Network of Iran" and helped with the side project of "Iranian Human Rights Working Group".

It all started in early 90s and lasted about 8 years, during that time, we have about 5000 members (by the time the largest online community), a fully working mailing list, a large web site and many side projects with Amnestt, IHRWG and other HR groups.

My main focus for years was to document the atrocities of the regime, mainly the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988. Something that no one, except small groups in the left and the cult of Rajavi were talking about. The Iranian diaspora in UK and US would not even mention it, because in their minds, those 1000s of young women and men who were killed by the regime, were all to blame for their loss of their beloved Pahlavi dynasty, directly or indirectly and they would not even consider helping to highlight that as a major issue and would rather focus on "regime change" with the help of Americans.

So came Khatami and his reformer movement, our discussions turned hostile, many believed that the opening of the IRI was possible and Khatami could be the Gorbachev of IRI and his reform movement was the Iranian Perestroika. Many left the group and joined one of our younger members (Trita Parsi) the Zoroastrian Iranian kid living in Sweden who was hell bent on supporting the reform movement in order to prevent a possible US/Iran war. He then later moved to US, got his PhD in political science and was one of the founders of the NIAC, the group that was mainly built to promote the interest of Iranian people and to give an impartial "Iran" oriented alternative to the MEMRI that was the only source of Persian/Farsi translation in US, funded by Mossad/AIPAC, MEMRI had build a strong grip over politicians in US and was providing them with weekly newsletter with translation of the worst of the worst of countries in the ME with main focus on Iran and it's proxies in Lebanon and Iraq.

So came 9/11, and with that, Bush's famous axis of evil and putting Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the main enemies of the united states, despite the fact that Iran was the only supporter of the Northern Alliance fighting the Taliban movement and went almost into war with them after a convoy of humanitarian aid and diplomats of Iranian consulate in Mazar Sharif were slaughtered by the Taliban.

No matter what Khatami did to please Americans, including letting them use Iranian airspace to attack the Taliban or send shipment from US military hubs as well as Europe to Afghanistan, changed the mindset of the Americans. The American for New Century, the group of neocons with Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bolton to push for targeting Iran after Afghanistan. The results were devastating for Khatami and his reform movement, the conservative forces in the country, with Ahmadinejad (the conservative mayor of Tehran by the time) criticized him for being soft of US and causing more harm than good by letting US use Iranian "resources" to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq.

So DNI died out shortly after 9/11 as many Iranian Americans were simply too scared to be part of anything "Iranians" and others used the group as a jumping start for their career in US as advisors, reporters, translators and even lobbyist for neocons who were throwing money at anyone who would sing by their music!

I stopped all my contacts, kept the group's web site and mailing archive on my homepage and quit all my involvement with any Iranian diaspora.

I was pulled into politics one more time during the 2009 riots after the election of Ahmadinejad for his second term and the sad and brutal failure of desperate young Iranians who thought the criminal Mousavi was their savior and fought and died for him as they saw Ahmadinejad as the one who lost the election, but was put in place with the direct order of Khamenei and the conservative members of the Iranian Guardian Council, with backing of both Sepah (IRGC) and Basij (Militia).

My friends in US gathered around NIAC, they focused on working on normalization of relation between Iran and US and with Obama in change, many of them got an opening in US to support their views and helped John Kerry and Obama administration during their work on the road toward JCPOA.

Ever since the signing of JCPOA, the group became a main target of AIPAC who saw them as their biggest enemy in the US, specially since most of the members in the group are prominent Iranians in top industrial, educational and political positions in the US. Most are not usually political and their goal was mainly to ease the sanctions that were hurting the Iranian people much much more than it was hurting the government, who's position was actually getting stronger and it's corrupt leaders richer since they were using their position and contact to smuggle US/EU made products into the country as well as selling oil and other products to Europe and other countries by avoiding US sanctions.

When Trump got into power, the Pahlavi and extreme right groups of Iranian diaspora, as well as the cult of Rajavi who were removed from US terror list by Obama saw and opening for them to push for regime change in Iran and receiving money from various shady NGOs involved in many operations backed by Saudi, Israeli and Americans to push for a colored revolution in Iran, like they had successfully done in many former eastern blocks. The attacks against NIAC became more severe after Trump unilaterally removed US signature from JCPOA and put much harsher sanctions against Iranians (not just the regime) including the famous Muslim ban (which was actually built on the law Obama passed long before Trump). NIAC played a strong role of being the voice of Iranians in US to fight the injustice of the Muslim Ban and managed to help many stranded Iranian university student who were caught in limbo during the early days of the ban and finally managed to push for a change (together with CodePink, Amnesty US and ACLU) to exclude Iranians green card, H1B (work) visa and student visa holders from the ban and allowing many of them to return to their homes in the US.

The Current protests in Iran became another chance for the now open Israeli American groups, the Saudi backed "Iran International" TV channel, the CIA's Farsi programs of Radio Farda and VOA Persian to get together with the extreme right groups (Iranian GOP members), Pahlavi loyalists and members and supporters of Rajavi/NCRI to start a vicious and massive attack against NIAC and specially Negar Mortazavi the prominent reporter and political analyst as "paid by the mullahs" or "Iranian regime's agents" among other things.

It makes me angry and sick to stomach to see how much money, energy and time these people are spending on destroying NIAC instead of focusing on creating a united front against the brutal regime of IRI and it's murderous thugs in and outside Iran.

I am once again, despite my strong feeling going to leave the political discussion about this subject and this is the last time I am posting something about it.

It was a long time ago I wrote anything this long, I am sure it has a lot of grammar errors, but don't have time to go back and correct it. It is just my 2c of a short history of NIAC and they reason for people attacking them for those who are not familiar with the group or who is who in this nasty and dirty "war" that is going on.

#Iran #Politics #History #IranProtests #Diaspora #IranUprising #AIPAC #MEMRI #NCRI #NIAC #TritaParsi #NegarMortazavi #GOP #Journalism #HumanRights #Personal


Iran's judiciary says it will deal firmly with protesters

Despite massive social media hype. The protests in Iran are not gaining support from the majority of the public.

The movement is still wide spread and strong, but it doesn't have theomentum and backing of the workers, the Bazar and the military to challenge the rule of Khamenei and his IRGC gurad dogs.

This doesn't mean that the protests will end and things will go back to normal, the leadership of IRI has 2 ways of dealing with this uprising, either going Syrian way and let the country fall into total chaos, or open up a bit and let people have some freedom.

Unfortunately, the gang of Khamenei and Reisi would rather burn and destroy Iran like they did with Syria than losen up a bit.

The opposition is also being played by extrmist groups from Pahlavi, AIPAC stoog Maesoume Alinejad and the cult of Rajavi and NCRI together with separatist groups like Kumelah and PKK in Kurdistan, the AnsaorAlIslam in Baluchistan and Azeri separatist who are pushing for military confrontation with the regime with hope of getting support from US and neighboring countries to fight with the regime.

The more I see of the news from Iran, the way social media being hijacked by professional actors paid and funded by KSA, US state department, AIPAC and directly Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan rrio. The more I'm pessimistic about the outcome of this protests.

If they had stopped at fighting against the compulsory Hijab, it could have received a much stronger and broader support, but now when protests are mainly focused on "Revolution" and "Regime Change" the winner of it will be the extremists of Basij and IRGC with some horrible outcome in the coming weeks and months.

Iran's courts will deal firmly with anyone who causes disruption or commits crimes during a wave of anti-government protests, the judiciary said on Tuesday, signalling the authorities intend to hand down harsh sentences to convicted demonstrators.

One of the biggest challenges to Iran's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the demonstrations have already persisted for eight weeks despite tough security measures and tough warnings from security forces.

More than 1,000 people have been indicted in Tehran Province alone in connection with what the government calls "riots".

#Iran #iranprotests #IranUprising #IranRevolution #IRGC
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #Pahlavi #Rajavi #Alinejad #CIA #AIPAC #SaudiArabia


The regime in Iran still strong and have control, the loonies of Pahlavi supporters starting to fight against the golden child of AIPAC and neo cons, Maesoume (aka Masih/Messiah) Alinalejad.

The tweet by this guy who is one of the "influencers" among the Pahlavi crowd, is everything I hate about these people.

What he wrote is, Alinejad didn't tweet, RT or even mentioned the holiness "Prince" that shows her true personality.

She is a peasant and our prince is royal!
(Referring to Alinejasd's parents coming from a small village and possibly were farmers).

The whole tweet is a dumpster fire of the worse of the worse among Iranian diaspora, a bunch of self serving ass holes who all are fighting for the generous dollars given to oppositions by various American, Saudi and Israeli "NGO" s.
One thing they all agree on is to attack NIAC and those who support the non-American push for regime change.

You maybe able to understand some of the discussion using Google translator, but they use a lot of slang and double meaning slur words attacking each other.

#Iran #Diaspora #DumsterFire #Pahlavi #Alinejad #AIPAC #MKO #NIAC #DumbFuckistan #Idiocracy #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #IranUprising #Farsi


#Students defy #Iran protest ultimatum, unrest enters more dangerous phase

Weeks of protest in Iran entered a more violent phase on Sunday as students defied an ultimatum by the Revolutionary Guards and were met with tear gas, beatings and gunfire from riot police and militia, social media videos showed.

The confrontations at dozens of universities prompted a threat of a tougher crackdown in the seventh week of demonstrations since 22-year-old #MahsaAmini died after she was arrested by the morality police for attire deemed inappropriate.

Iranians from all walks of life have been protesting since Amini's death.

#IranProtests #IranUprising #Politics