

Island - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

Aufgrund der aktuellen #Wahlergebnisse benötige ich für den Rest meines #Lebens vorsichtshalber einen #Plan B.
Seit längerem steht da #Island bei mir im #Fokus:

Es ist zwar eine #Insel und ich hasse Inseln, aber in #Zukunft wird es auch dort mummelig warm. Was die politisch auf die Kette bekommen ist auch nicht das #Schlechteste. Nur die #Sprache und die #Vulkane sind Minuspunkte (-:

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


Kotisaari Island is a small landmass, accessible only by boat, in the town of Rovaniemi. Nestled into the Kemi River, the island was a lumberjack stronghold in a time when the waterway was used by the logging industry. Now, the idyllic island is the protagonist of a set of photos by Jani Ylinampa, which shows the changing seasons. Winter, spring, summer, and fall—Ylinampa’s photographs show the remarkable beauty of the island year-round.

#JaniYlinampa #photography #island #Finland #seasons


Monemvasia: The Beautiful Island You Should Know

Located in southern Greece, Monemvasia is one of the country’s hidden gems. Although left undisturbed by flocks of tourists, Monemvasia still offers travelers the best of Greece. Here, you’ll be treated to coastal views, Byzantine churches, and authentic Greek charm packed into its narrow streets.

But what makes Monemvasia so incredibly unique is that, since it’s surrounded by a fortress wall, the town can only be accessed through one entrance.

#Greece #beautiful #island #Monemvasia


‘Ice has a memory’ ~ an Inuit poem contemplates scientific exploration of Greenland


' #Greenland is the #world’s #largest #island, a #sprawling #landmass covered by a notoriously #receding #ice #sheet. With a population of just 56,000, it’s also one of the #least #populated places on #Earth. The vast majority of these #Greenlanders are #Greenlandic #Inuit, with roots on the island stretching back centuries. Recent decades, however, have brought a new kind a visitor – #climate #scientists with #complex #devices for #drilling and #prodding the Earth. Setting up #temporary #camps that tend to leave #permanent #marks, they aim to peer into the deep past #preserved in the #ice, hoping that it will offer hints about the climate’s precarious #future.

An #impressionistic work of #nonfiction with #science-fiction influences, #Utuqaq (‘ice that lasts year after year’) juxtaposes images of a #scientific #expedition to Greenland’s ice sheet with a #poem about the visitors, narrated in #Kalaallisut, a variant of Greenlandic Inuit language, by #AviajaLyberth. As the filmmaker #IvaRadivojevic’s #otherworldly and often #beautiful #exploration unfolds, two distinct perspectives on the #stark #white #landscape slowly emerge. #climatechange #short #documentary #stunning #poetic #arctic #film