

An #island in the middle of the #Ottawa River, populated entirely by double-crested cormorants (the black birds) and ring-bill gulls (the white birds). It was very noisy as they do not seem to get along very well! As they always do, the cormorants are killing all the vegetation on the island.


Autor Volker Mehnert und Illustratorin Claudia Lieb laden Kinder und ihre Eltern ein zu einer tollen Entdeckungsreise durch Höhlen, Grotten und andere Wunderwelten. Eine Rezension

Dieses großformatige Sachbuch nimmt Kinder mit auf eine faszinierende Reise zu 18 geheimnisvollen Orten unter der Erde. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Unterirdische Wunderwelten von Volker Mehnert, Claudia Lieb)#Höhle #Grotte #Vulkan #Island #U-Bahn #Metro #Salzbergwerk #Fluchttunnel #Felsenkirche #Pharaonengräber #Kloster #Bucht #Cave #Geologie #Höhlenforschung #Bergbau #Geographie #Archäologie #Kindersachbuch #ErdeUmwelt #Kultur
»Unterirdische Wunderwelten«: Ein Blick in den Bauch von Mutter Erde


This is actually a cement plant on Granville #Island in #Vancouver, one of the few industrial facilities left on the island since it has become much more artsy/trendy since. The murals are a cute attempt to make it "fit in".


#Huna #Kupua

by Serge Kahili King

Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning " #secret," but it also refers to the #esoteric #wisdom of #Polynesia. Kupua is another Hawaiian word and it refers to a specialized #healer who works with the powers of the #mind and the forces of #nature. In that respect it is very similar to the #Siberian #Tungusic word "shaman."

The understanding of Huna described here comes from the kupua tradition of the Kahili family from the #island of #Kauai, through Serge Kahili King, who was adopted as the grandson of Joseph Kahili and trained in his tradition.

The #Seven #Principles
The basic assumptions of Huna are these:

  1. The World Is What You Think It Is.

  2. There are no limits.

  3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.

  4. Now Is The Moment Of Power.

  5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or

  6. All Power Comes From Within.

  7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.

The Three Selves (or Four)
Another set of assumptions used in Huna is that #human #behavior and experience can be explained and changed through the interaction of three (sometimes four) selves, aspects or functions:

  1. The High Self (Kane, Aumakua), inspires.
  2. The Conscious Self (Lono) imagines.
  3. The Subconscious Self (Ku) remembers.
  4. The Core Self (Kanaloa) wills. The Four Levels of Reality

A third set of assumptions coming from the kupua tradition divides all experience into four levels or frameworks of beliefs about reality which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Everything is objective (Scientific reality).
  2. Everything is subjective (Psychic reality).
  3. Everything is symbolic (Shamanic reality).
  4. Everything is holistic (Mystical reality). The #kupua ( #Hawaiian #shaman) learns to move in and out of these realities in order to change experience more effectively.

#Theosophical Classic #1989, 28:00 minutes.
#shamanic #healing
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=e4Z9SRzgVQQ


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"This amazing #stone #artifact, found in the 80s in a #tunnel #system in #Ecuador depicts a roughly etched #world-map, and its thought to be at least 10,000 years old. Here you can see the last remnants of the Atlantean continent in the #Atlantic off the #Florida #coast.

#Cayce. He purports that at this time there were two civilizations on #earth: one very primitive, #ancient #Man that we know about, mere hunter gatherers who populated most of the #world; and an isolationist group, the Atlanteans on their #island who were #extremely #advanced.

Atlantis was real, Cayce was correct, and as a continent civilization it existed for over a hundred thousand years, until about 12,000 years ago" #history
#quote from #pa