- some freshly carved pots waiting to go into the kiln
2 Likes - some freshly carved pots waiting to go into the kiln
So, last Sat we drove out to Owensboro KY to look at a truck, a truck I wasn’t going to buy that day, and perhaps not buy at all. And we live in Hazelwood, MO, heck of a drive right?
The truck in question was a 93 Utilimaster Aeromate, something you’ve prolly never heard of, right? It’s a step van based on a Dodge Caravan… Yes, really. It was quite a bit larger than I thought, I mean a Caravan would likely be a bit bigger than I need, but I figured this’d be slightly bigger than that and easy to repair, so it’d be worth considering, but not serious over kill. Yeah, about that. Also it needs some work, but for the price, $2500, it’s a killer deal, $10K is not an uncommon price for these vans as they’re as rare as hen’s teeth, and popular as food trucks. Of course I need something I can drive home.
Admittedly though, like I said, I wasn’t planning on buying it, I do gig delivery work and some have age rules, like Frayt requires the vehicle to be no more than 20 years. My main gig doesn’t care, but something that old brings with it the potential for me to lose a lot if not all of my back up gigs, so if I had wanted it, I was going to have to spend some time pouring over terms of service to see if it was allowed.
Now the funny part of all that, is that we did the trip using my husband’s Bolt EUV. Yep, electric car, and I wound up doing the last portion of the drive. On the drive back, I amused m'self by seeing if'n I could beat the estimate from the last charge to home, 22 miles. Ended with 36, which is impressive considering that this was a long non-stop trip, compared to my job which is package delivery routes with a lot of stopping and starting, which will make good use of the regenerative braking to extend my range. Boy, if'n I can do this on a long drive, what can I do at work?
Considering that my entire vehicle list, or at least the top three is Aeromate, Kei Van and Bolt. Kei van might not be insurable as I need commercial insurance, and regular insurance are big fans of them, so on a commercial policy? Well, we’ll see if'n my current or potential future will allow that.
If not, Bolt, not Bolt EUV, there’s not real advantage in what I do to the EUV. The slightly bigger EUV is a bit squarer, that’s a plus, but the extra size is in the wheel base, specifically the rear foot space, great if'n you do Über or Lyft, but not real useful for package delivery. I mean sure, I could take out the back seat and throw down some plywood which’ll give me a slight increase in space, but it’s prolly not worth it. Why? Well, Bolts tend to run around $15K, EUVs tend to start at $20K. EUVs lose around 5 or 10 miles of range, nothing real special, and they have a slightly larger turning circle. That last one is a big deal for me unlike most people, after all in my job I have to turn around a lot, and U-turns are safer than K-turns. In the end, it comes down to price, I pay more for something that has little to no real advantage.
So, while I’d love a town box (…), likely I’ll wind up with a Bolt, but time will tell.
#travel #KY #Kentucky #truck #Auto #car #þing
@Vik-Thor / Lirleni Hankeshe - I started the weekend on a positive note yesterday when I opened the kiln to see this stag and doe bowl!
Hope you all are having a great weekend!
#pottery #art #deer #kentucky #handmade #arte #mastoArt #porcelain
Misidentified as Dead Nettle, although it's a cousin of this one. It's Henbit.
♲ Scott Estes - 2024-03-26 20:05:50 GMT
Dead nettle#nature #naturephotography
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comedic perfection...
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Winchester, KY - A family residing in #Winchester, #Kentucky, witnessed a peculiar event in the sky on March 28, 2022, around 8:05 PM. The sighting was reported the following day, March 29, and has since sparked considerable curiosity ... #ufo #ovni
Why are state lawmakers bullying trans kids? Pure MAGA politics - Los Angeles Times
#trans #transgender #Kentucky #pronouns
Tags: #dandelíon
via dandelion* client (Source)
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Die Wassermassen überraschen viele Menschen im Schlaf, ganze Häuser und Autos werden weggespült. Der Gouverneur rechnet mit noch mehr Toten.#Überschwemmungen #Kentucky #Tote #Vermisste #Perry
Mindestens 16 Tote nach Überschwemmungen in Kentucky | DW | 29.07.2022
Die Wassermassen überraschen viele Menschen im Schlaf, ganze Häuser und Autos werden weggespült. Der Gouverneur rechnet mit noch mehr Toten.#Überschwemmungen #Kentucky #Tote #Vermisste #Perry
Mindestens 15 Tote nach Überschwemmungen in Kentucky | DW | 29.07.2022