

Are you awake/woke/sentient?
If you loved the party of #TrumpVirus, how about an MTG-fueled cult of hollowing out American integrity? Of lies & hate?
Where lunacy is accepted as reality, like Jewish space lasers and other MTG pearls? Welcome to the #GQP cult nee 'party'.

Future of the GOP: Party of election deniers?

As Marjorie Taylor Greene continues to spout the big lie, we learn more Republicans are “mimicking” her and they’re getting big money for it. David Plouffe and Mark McKinnon break down what makes her so appealing to Georgia voters and what it says about America.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #Vote



Crazy business as usual, among the #GQP / #Fox cult and friends.
As 'followers' en masse express anger at #democracy and especially #Cheney and the #Jan6Committee

Some #truth here in an article framing the closing words, warning of how narrowly We the People of USA dodged a bullet.

Breaking the Republic


"This man who shamelessly pounds his chest with protestations of patriotism, who literally wraps himself in the American flag, who demonizes his political opponents as haters of America is really the one who views our imperfect experiment in self-governance with disgust."

"The rule of law. Peaceful transfers of power. The will of the people. These are the pillars of our nation’s foundation. But for Trump, that’s all just for suckers. He had the presidency, & he didn’t plan on relinquishing it, no matter what the voters or the Constitution said."

"January 6 wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t a rally that spun out of control. It was a dangerous and violent storm threatening our nation’s core principles and our whole system of representative democracy."

And of course the reaction of her colleagues in the once "Republican", now solidly #TrumpVirus 'party. To applaud her honesty?
Right. Instead they double-down on the on the Dark Lord. Still waiting to see how low they can go - hopefully to Hell. Jail for now.

#tyranny #psychopathology #sedition #accountability #justice #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


And so, on the heels of the Jan 6 #sedition hearing wrap-up today, the talking heads and others are processing the fact that the Committee 9-0 resolved to subpoena "the center of it all". #TrumpVirus

And the most buzz seems to be along the lines of: "Would he?" Obviously, being a living lie machine with more guilt for more crimes than could be tried in 10 lifetimes, his lawyers will in unison say, "No way!" At the same time, some are noting Trump's love of cameras and microphones, and audiences in the millions.... would it tempt him? (Smart-money observers say: No) He won't testify.

Some fine arguments and impassioned pleas for #truth and #accountability to replace the lies, and #MakeAmericaSaneAgain

DO believe our eyes and ears, not the #GQP & media fiends #disinformation

"I just want to find 11,780 votes"


So, in the U.S. today is a national holiday...... Happy Holiday(s)!

No mail delivery, Federal holiday. Many are unsure what exactly is being celebrated.
Take your pick:
1. (longstanding) Columbus Day
2. (newer) Indigenous People's Day
3. (most ignored) National Mental Health Day

Hope folks found some time off, to rest, recover, reflect...
Happy (and happier) holidays!

#holiday #ColumbusDay #IndigenousPeoplesDay #MentalHealthDay. #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Perfect. May need a lot more space than being freed up! But what a good move letting out pot-heads and jailing the most vile, dangerous, crime ring anyone's ever seen before. So terrific, the #TrumpVirus crime organization (including #GQP and #Fox magnates) - and they've yet to be held #accountable, or denied free reign to continue to hate, steal, lie, and plot #sedition at will.

Biden Releases Marijuana Offenders from Prison to Make Room for Trump Administration

[Yes... #satire as of this moment. Morally/legally/historically, however, we have #crime & #corruption on a scale never seen before!]



Yes, the appeal court did a masterful job of demolishing Judge "Loose" Cannon's inside-out 'reasoning' in giving #TrumpVirus what he asked for, which like usual involves abandonment of reality-testing and suspending normal belief.

Here it is, full-text:


Laid out super-clearly (you don't need to be a lawyer!) one can see each twisted premise in the call for a "special master" by someone who stole documents and was caught (had no "standing" to then stall), in claiming he could use his hand-picked unqualified judge due to his status of having his Constitutional rights egregiously violated etc. In essence, each of his 4 bases for a stay was shown to be pure BS, and Judge Cannon wiped the floor with her ignorance and blatant lack of objectivity or legal knowledge.

Time for #accountability and #truth, to arrest the #TrumpVirus and #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #sedition #espionage #DJT


Oh, look at the email I just got!
Well, as I replied many fund-raisers ago, ~ all I want for Christmas is an end to #TrumpVirus and his crime family & hate machines.

So she's running again soon? Same thing I'd say as before: Nail his hide to the floors of hell (where he belongs) or at least put him in a padded cell or house arrest - monitored by bracelet and cameras, just as he'd like...

If she manages to sink Trump, or create enough cracks and referrals to finally bring about #accountability for that criminal like nobody's ever seen before, and get out the #truth.... I'll support her for anything, from AG to Gov to Sainthood. #LetitiaJames



Well, good, & seemingly necessary.

DOJ appeals federal judge's ruling appointing a special master to review records seized from Mar-a-Lago

When a s--t grinning Federalist w/ no court experience gets hired as a "get out of jail" card by #TrumpVirus as his hold was disappearing.... & She, w/no standing, over-rules justice & defends the indefensible ... SMH

#TrumpVIrus #Truth #Accountability #MakeAmericaSaneAgain