

На заводе двигателей MAN начнут выпускать аккумуляторы


Система MAN BatteryPack состоит из нескольких аккумуляторных модулей, которые объединены в корпусе аккумулятора в два-четыре слоя. Благодаря различным вариантам расположения модулей можно изготавливать аккумуляторные блоки MAN BatteryPacks различной конструкции. Каждый аккумуляторный блок MAN содержит 89 кВт ч энергии, из которых 80 кВт ч можно использовать. Благодаря трем различным форм-факторам, от почти квадратного до удлиненного, существуют […]

#новостикомтранса #man #аккумуляторы #электромобили #lang_ru #5koleso #авто #5колесо


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At Burning Man, a 26-foot tall box sculpture paid fiery tribute to Ukraine


In the early hours of Thursday, in the middle of the ephemeral city that rises in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert each summer, a 26-foot-tall, 13-foot-wide box was set ablaze. The flames formed a column in the sky, engulfing the wooden tower for over 20 minutes before it collapsed to reveal a secret monument hidden within: a giant steel phoenix representing the resilience of war-torn Ukraine.
Saturday Morning Muck Flood, #Burning #Man 2023 (4:26)
After a steady rain for much of the night, Burning Man has become a shallow lake of muck.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=O5WBsOBFtcI


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#freezone #freeman
Have you heard of the Space Fence? Heavy metals, gems, minerals, and nano tech are forming a massive computer disk surrounding the planet. Augmented Reality will soon be, well, reality. Magic Leap Inc. has designed a new Photonic Lightfield Chip that will use nano-scaled technology to project a false reality straight to your retina!

The Planetary Lockdown is happening. A system is in place that will use ionospheric heaters like HAARP in conjunction with particulates put in space to create a giant computer disk around the globe. These VLF transmitters, while powerful, will be mostly invisible outside the planet, since the ionosphere blocks nearly all of that VLF energy, further, because the pattern is omni, the power at any significant distance will be quite small. How do you fight an invisible weapon? Was it man-made of an act of God? We may never know!

#ElanaFreeland has been a Rudolf Steiner school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and is still ghostwriting books on diverse topics. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Elana Freeland on Facebook

In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Recently, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons. She has now begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, which will be about the next phase of the global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future inside the Space Fence lockdown.

#BillyHayes is known as "The HAARP Man" but, we could call him, "The #Microwaved #Man" is a #MKUltra survivor and was a contractor under #HAARP engineer Bernard Eastland. Because he was not placed under non-disclosure agreement at the HAARP facility, he can speak openly with us about what is really going on with this technology. Follow Billy Hayes on Facebook.

Billy mentioned that something always happens we he speaks out. Usually this comes in the form of #frequency manipulation that results in Billy having seizures. While he was on The Free Zone, Billy's child was involved in a hit and run and Billy had to leave the show to speak with the police.

Jim Lee joins The Free Zone in the second hour after returning from G. Edward Griffin's "Global Warming; An Inconvenient Lie". This historic conference of scientists, academics, and activists laid out the best evidence that global warming is a manufactured crisis, designed to implement global government control on every aspect of your life. Jim spoke on Geoengineering and Weather Modification, HAARP and the Sky Heaters, and of course, Chemtrails. Check out ClimateViewer 3D and Geoengineering Timeline

Freeman produced the very first documentaries on HAARP and Chemtrails. If you have not watched the Freeman Perspective, you should Start at the Beginning! His lectures have changed the way we look at this new technology. Freeman's Space War News has been ongoing from the moment that NASA bombed the moon! For more Transhumanist News, Follow Freeman on Twitter


Бывший дистрибьютор MAN будет чинить китайские грузовики


Филиалы ООО «МТБР» в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге предоставляют клиентам сервисные услуги по ремонту грузовых автомобилей, а также оригинальные запасные части МAN и/или идентичные запасные части производства сертифицированных поставщиков MAN и ООО «МТБР». Предприятия ООО «МТБР» поддерживают гарантийное обслуживание и производят работы по сервисным контрактам MAN. Также филиалы ООО «МТБР» в 2023 году получили статус официального […]

#новостикомтранса #faw #man #мтбр #сто #lang_ru #5koleso #авто #5колесо


just a funny retrospective memory...

Way back then, in the early to midst 1990ies, i had some #shell account on some random #bsd system out there in hamburg/germany, on the local telephone lines...

Additionally, i had the luxury of using a local "behördennetz" (governemt network) phone, which gave me access to local calls free of charge..

So i actually sat down, for some few days on end... to list up the contents of /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, reading the #man #page for each and every command available in there...

Did i ever mention that i love #unices and the fact they won over the world overall? ;)

#retro #unix #retrospecive #unices #retrocomputing #RandomShit ;)