

A quotation from Ingersoll, Robert Green

It is an insanity to get more than you want. Imagine a man in this city, an intelligent man, say with two or three millions of coats, eight or ten millions of hats, vast warehouses full of shoes, billions of neckties, and imagine that man getting up at four o’clock in the morning, in the rain and snow and sleet, working like a dog all day to get another necktie! Is not that exactly what the man of twenty or thirty millions, or of five millions, does to-day? Wearing his life out that somebody may say, “How rich he is!”

Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899) American lawyer, agnostic, orator
Speech (1886-11-14), “A Lay Sermon,” American Secular Union annual congress, Chickering Hall, New York City

#quote #quotes #quotation #avarice #acquisition #greed #image #materialism #need #property #reputation #riches #surplus #wealth
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/ingersoll-robert-green/73098/


A quotation from Roosevelt, Theodore

It is a bad thing for a nation to raise and to admire a false standard of success; and there can be no falser standard than that set by the deification of material well-being in and for itself.

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) American politician, statesman, conservationist, writer, US President (1901-1909)
Speech (1910-04-23), “Citizenship in a Republic [The Man in the Arena],” Sorbonne, Paris

#quote #quotes #quotation #capitalism #commercialism #materialism #nationalinterest #success #wealth
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/roosevelt-theodore/17791/


With the war against Russia, the USA is conquering the oil and gas markets in Europe at great cost to the environment - ships instead of pipelines.

It is also conquering the oil and gas supplies in Iraq and Syria. No main stream publication covered the opening of the Iraq pipeline to the Med by Lord Brown of BP, nor the fate of iraqi or syrian oil fields - the latter after the US invasion under USA governance.

Top 10 Natural Gas Producers by Country

The US is by far the largest producer of natural gas in the world, representing nearly a quarter of global natural gas production. Its output has increased by more than 350 billion cubic meters in the past decade owing to the increasing cost of coal, and advancements in extraction technology such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking.

In addition to being a major natural gas producer, the US is also by far the biggest consumer of the fuel. In 2022, US demand for natural gas totaled 881 billion cubic meters, primarily for home heating and generating electricity.

In the first half of 2022, Reuters reported that the US became the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the country increased shipments to Europe due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

https://investingnews.com/top-natural-gas-producers/ #tags#usa #ukraine #iraq #syria #russia #lng #gas #eu #environment #globalwarming #war #historicalmaterialism #materialism #marx ">


A quotation by Sadat, Anwar

Most people seek after what they do not possess and thus are enslaved by the very things they want to acquire. They become prisoners of their desires even though they appear to be free.

Anwar el-Sadat (1918-1981) Egyptian soldier and statesman

In Search of Identity (1978)

#quote #quotation #acquisition #avarice #desire #materialism #possession

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/sadat-anwar/3406/


Feminist consciousness-raising has not significantly pushed women in the direction of revolutionary politics. For the most part, it has not helped women understand capitalism–how it works as a system that exploits female labor and its interconnections with sexist oppression. It has not urged women to learn about different political systems like socialism or encouraged women to invent and envision new political systems. It has not attacked materialism and our society’s addiction to overconsumption. It has not shown women how we benefit from the exploitation and oppression of women and men globally or shown us ways to oppose imperialism. Most importantly, it has not continually confronted women with the understanding that feminist movement to end sexist oppression can be successful only if we are committed to revolution, to the establishment of a new social order.

― bell hooks

#quote #politics #capitalism #materialism #feminism #bellhooks


Bullshit Arguments That Must Die: The "Materialism" Snarl Word

So, I've been accused of materialism, by which I'm understanding dialectical materialism.

Elsewhere, after responding to a tired rejection of the risks of computational propaganda:

The literal basis of all of our lives is propaganda. We are wholly propagandized from the start to end of every single day. How can people be so empty to turn and say 'Russia!', after the 87th advertisement experienced in three hours?


  1. Changing the nature of the propaganda changes the social and political balance.
  2. Computational propaganda operates at a scale, rate, capability, anintensity, and pervasiveness unmatched in history. In an already globally interconnected and precarious world.

And noting that the printing press triggered the Reformation and Thirty Years War. Widespread literacy, the Revolutions of 1840. Yellow Journalism the Boer, Spanish American, and First World Wars. Radio and hi-fi sound recording and playback, Fascism. Our current tools are vastly more powerful, my interlocutor brilliantly quipped:

Yeah, materialism is a hell of a drug.

Asked for clarification they quote Wikipedia.

If I'm reading them accurately, "materialism" sounds like a snarl word shallow dismissal.

Theories of history have evolved: mythic, religious, Great Man, ideas. A systems model, in which inputs, information, relationships, and capabilities are mutually determinative is closest to my views, though you seem more interested in projecting a preconceived label than inquiring as to my own understanding.

Changing any element of the system, and information capabilities, including sensing, processing, storage, retrieval, and transmission --- media technology being a large part of this --- do have major impacts on systemic function. As does material ability to effect the environment or culture through capital and energy, scientific and technical understanding, motivating values, and other factors.

Ideas tend to emerge regardless of capabilities (subject to limits on empirical observation, existing foundations, and collaborative capabilities). But their ability to become prominent or dominent is enabled or limited by capabilities, including technological. There are times that similar concepts have arisen independently in widely separated areas, the Axial Age (Greek, Hindu, and Chinese philosophical traditions) being one example. Democratic government, empiricism, liberal democracy, socialist principles, nationalism/tribalism, feudalism, market economics, polytheism, monotheism, and humanism similarly. Ideas themselves face Darwinian selection and fitness to specific niches.

And yes, scale effects absolutely matter. The modern industrialised world, and its ideas, aren't possible without vast energy, material resource, ag productivity, transport, communications, information processing/storage/retrieval, organisational, technological, infrastructural, transformational, and sanitary/hygenic/public health capabilities and scales. No quantity or intensity of ideas will move an Airbus A380 through the skies across continents, smelt a gigaton of steel, sequence a virus and distribute a vaccine worldwide, or create and run a broadcast network or social media server farm without requisite energy, materials, scientific and technical knowledge, and the human and social systems to manage and direct them. Put your ideas on an airless bit of space dust and see what they accomplish.

Long-time readers my recognise most of the nine elements of my ontology of technological mechanisms here; fuels, materials, process knowledge, causal knowledge, networks, systems, power transmission and transformation, information, and hygiene factors.

#BullshitArgumentsThatMustDie #ideas #materialism #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory#TechOntology



Scientific materialism has been to humanity what supermarkets have been to our conception of food: the combination of marketing and variety has greatly convinced a significant portion of us that the supermarket is not only the origin of food but the best and only place to get it.

- Imam Marc Manley

#الإسلام #education #educate #indoctrinate #administer #معاملات #scientism #science #materialism #scientificmaterialism #belief #epistemology #religion #market #markets #usury #fiat #fiatmoney #money #technocracy #freedom #Europe #Europeans #Western #WesternCivilization #ربا #history #culture #society #economics #Islam #Sharia #Shariah #Shariat #Sufi #Sufism #Muslim #Khalifa #muamalat #riba #تَصَوّف