

My work #MailServer requires #2FA for fetching and sending #Email and so I can still use #Thunderbird on my #laptop to read and send mail. Until recently, though, there was no alternative but to use #Outlook on my #MobilePhone, which I used as little as possible. However, since #Thunderbird bought #K-9Mail, it has brough out a new version of the #MobileApp which does support two-factor authentication and so I can purge Outlook. #Progress



Contrary to what some companies with #privacy -themed Web sites baselessly promise or want you to believe, the moment you connect a #mobilephone to the network you’re giving away vast amounts of data, not only about yourself but also those in your vicinity • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2021/12/27/elusive-mobile-phone-with-privacy/#Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2021/12/27/elusive-mobile-phone-with-privacy/


ZmBIZI’s $550 Z2 phone pays you for using your phone, and can act as a mobile POS machine with digital wallet, but be wary before committing

We live so much of our lives on our smartphones these days that our mobile devices are just full of valuable data that we often unknowingly and freely give to all the major tech companies: our spending habits, our personal preferences, our locations, and much more. Since we can’t really live without our phones, and tech companies aren’t going to stop monetizing our data without a fight, we might as well get our cut of the data pie.

That’s the premise of ZmBIZI phones, the LA-based and minority-owned startup backed by the fintech lender Street Cred Capital that is trying to make our phones work for us. Both its new phone, the Z2, and its proprietary software are designed to share the profit that your mobile data generate, back with you.

An interesting concept but be sure to read their privacy policy. It is true that all mobile phone providers can essentially read all this information anyway and even profit from it, so you probably need to bare that in mind. It is no different really from what Facebook already does, except you get some money in return. For those who ditched Facebook out of privacy concerns, this is probably not the phone for you.

Who knows if the company will be able to realize its vision of paying its users for their data usage or if the startup will just fold. Back in 2017, the FreedomPop V7 phone in Europe had promised a “free mobile plan for life,” but it offered such low data limits (200 megabytes) that made the company pivot its strategy again. Or the Saygus company that raised money in 2006 for a new phone that was never made and ended up defrauding investors.

See ZmBIZI Z2 is the $550 phone that pays you for your data

#technology #hardware #ZmBIZI #mobilephone


How much is your personal data worth?



Infinix’s new Zero X series comes with high refresh rate displays and 5x periscope zoom camera - Zoom is probably the next Frontier for Mobile Phone Cameras

Megapixels are increasing, and we've seen wider angles, but the next differentiator will probably be optical zoom capability, as megapixels can only do so much without real optical capability. Optical zoom, along with really wide angle, and macro capability are what holds mobile phone cameras well back from DSLRs, yet many prefer to use their phones as they always have them close but due to their compact size.

So we see Infinix's Zero X now has a 5x optical zoom, and tomorrow will tell if Apple has made any real differences to their iPhone.

See The new Infinix Zero X series brings periscope cameras to the masses

#technology #cameras #mobilephone #photography #zoom


Infinix today unveiled the new Infinix Zero X series featuring high refresh rate displays, the MediaTek Helio G95 SoC, and 60x periscope zoom cameras.



Motorcycle / Scooter vibrations can degrade iPhone camera performance, Apple says - High amplitude vibrations can cause problems for the cameras’ gyroscopes

The company recommends against mounting an iPhone on a motorcycle, as the vibrations may be transmitted via the bike’s handlebars and chassis. Long-term direct exposure to high-amplitude vibrations within certain frequency ranges may degrade the performance of these systems and lead to reduced image quality for photos and videos. It is recommended to avoid exposing your iPhone to extended high-amplitude vibrations.

Apple says if you’re planning to mount your iPhone to a scooter or a moped, it recommends using a vibration-dampening mount to lessen the risk to the phone and its camera system.

See Motorcycle vibrations can degrade iPhone camera performance, Apple says

#technology #iphone #motorcycles #scooters #mobilephone


It recommends against mounting an iPhone on a motorcycle



This Room Could Wirelessly Charge All Your Devices | Scientific American

What if your smartphone or laptop started charging as soon as you walked in the door? Researchers have developed a specially built room that can transmit energy to a variety of electronic devices within it, charging phones and powering home appliances without plugs or batteries.

So, all you need is a 'special room'. I guess that could be a waiting room at a transport hub, or in many other places. Except the doctor's surgery. That would probably freak some people out.

#technology #tech #smartphone #MobilePhone #BatteryTrchnology #power



Salut !
Je ne sais pas si c'est le bon lieu mais je me pose de sérieuses questions sur l'abandon de mon smartphone. (J'espère ne pas me faire tomber dessus ^^ j'ai parfois l'impression qu'ici sur framasphere tout le monde est sans smatphone et sans aucun gafa, même si j'imagine qu'il y a tout un tas de nuances, vu que ça prend du temps de tout abandonner.. et je sais qu'en général il y a de la tolérance donc merci d'avance)
J'ai vécu avec un vieux modèle de smartphone (6ans) avant qu'il ne "meurt", et j'en ai repris un pas cher l'année dernière, et un peu à contre coeur pour toutes les raisons évidentes, mais principalement pour les appli de messages comme signal et whatsapp, qui me permettent d'avoir des contacts réguliers avec familles et amis, dont la majorité vivent loin de chez moi. Et aussi l'appareil photo qui me semble un bel outil pour saisir des images du quotidien, et un peu aussi pour le gps bien pratique en campagne.
Mais Bref je suis en usage restreint de la machine depuis toujours et pas affolé à l'idée de m'en séparer. Reste les coups de fil et les sms si besoin.
Reste plusieurs questions auxquelles peut être certains ici sauront répondre:
- Un mobile a l'ancienne est il réellement moins traçable, du fait qu'une carte sim y est et qu'un opérateur a donc j'imagine accès à la localisation du téléphone, au micro, etc...?
- Y a t'il des sites web ou article détaillant/accompagnant le passage d'un smartphone à un mobile ancien pas smart?
- Existe t'il des logiciel libre de messages comparables à ceux cités plus haut afin de continuer ce type d'usage sur mon ordi?
(- A propos de l'ordi, je ne trouve rien de très clair sur le web, avez vous des infos précises sur, voire des tutos pour installer un, vpn?)
- Où trouver un petit adaptateur qui permet de mettre une mini carte sim dans un tel ancien prévu pour la grosse carte?
- Toute info sur ces sujets m'intéresse, n'hésitez pas :)
Ca vaudrait le coup de faire un guide complet pour inciter les gens à en faire autant.
Déso je suis plutôt newbie en la matière, peut être mes questions vous sembleront bidon ^^
#oldphone #smartphone #cartesim #informatique #opensourcephone #tracking #traçage #mobilephone #logiciellibre #opensource #help #tolerance #conseils #VPN #guide #signal