

US-Vorwahlkampf: New Hampshire als letzte Hürde für Trump

US-Vorwahlkampf - New Hampshire als letzte Hürde für Trump

Der Republikaner-Vorwahlkampf spitzt sich zwischen Donald Trump und der Ex-US-Botschafterin Nikki Haley in New Hampshire zu.#NikkiHaley #NewHampshire #RepublikanerDonaldTrump
US-Vorwahlkampf: New Hampshire als letzte Hürde für Trump


Our System Needs to Be Broken, and He Is the Man to Do It’ - POLITICO here

I used to believe the system was broken. I now believe it has been functioning the way its intended and needs to be broken. I don't know if Trump 47 is the right man to do it, but I will do what I have always done: support the candidate with whom I most agree on the issues, regardless of their chance of winning, and let chips lie where they will.

Right now that would be Libertarian Jacob Hornberger but there is a lot of time between now and November. Trump, Biden & Hornberger are all over 70 years old, health becomes a real concern & all three major parties could end up with different nominees.

Tags: #dandelíon #POTUS #NewHampshire #jacob4liberty #Hornbergerforpresident

via dandelion* client (Source)


Donald Trump has a big problem ahead

Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire on Tuesday night: There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee.


#Fascism #Trump #America #Election2024 #elections #Biden #NewHampshire #primaries