


Retrouvez ci-dessous les accueils 🤗, formations 👩‍🏫, actions ✊ de #ExtinctionRebellion a.k.a. "XR" ⏳

Lundi 9 📆
⏳ 18h30, rassemblement du groupe "chorale" de XR #Lille 👉 https://xrb.link/O7hUy0O4n

Mardi 10 📆
🤗 18h, réunion d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement par XR Bigorre 👉 https://xrb.link/f5s2Dq (event Facebook)

Mardi 10 📆
🤗 19h, réunion d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement sur Clermont Ferrand 👉 https://xrb.link/RI9bMk4

Mardi 10 📆
🤗 20h, réunion d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement sur #Quimper 👉 https://xrb.link/X9SjF5

Mercredi 11 📆
🤗 19h, réunion EN LIGNE d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement 👉 https://xrb.link/T7QfZ7bt0s

Mercredi 11 📆
🤗 19h, réunion d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement sur #Nantes 👉 https://xrb.link/B8Y1e6XK9M

Mercredi 11 📆
🤗 19h, soirée "Ramdam Party" (ou soirée de présentation pour la manif'action des 21 & 22 octobre) sur #Paris 👉 https://xrb.link/eH5v21jU3W7

Jeudi 12 📆
👩‍🏫 18h, formation "Culture Régénératrice" sur #Lille 👉 https://xrb.link/Zv0eP0j

Jeudi 12 📆
🤗 9h, apero "nouvelleaux" sur #Nice 👉 https://xrb.link/S0Fhj2X

Jeudi 12 📆
🎭 18h30, théatre-débat "La Nouvelle Antigone" sur #Paris 👉 https://xrb.link/Q5Ksq29fO7

Jeudi 12 📆
🤗 19h, réunion d'accueil des nouvelleaux dans le mouvement sur #Blois 👉 inscription à blois@extinctionrebellion.fr (infos sur https://xrb.link/S7MAc76O6 )

Jeudi 12 📆
🤗 19h, réunion EN LIGNE du groupe de XR #Auxerre 👉 inscription à auxerre@extinctionrebellion.fr (infos sur https://xrb.link/oq2vU4 )

Vendredi 13 📆
⚖️ 9h, procès des activistes de l'action au mondial de l'auto 2022 & de l'action "banque trop crade" sur #Paris 👉 https://xrb.link/v7Kl4A9OMA3

Samedi 14 📆
🤗 & ✊ 19h30, soupe aux chandelles & promenade digestive sur #Auxerre 👉 inscription à auxerre@extinctionrebellion.fr (infos sur https://xrb.link/X55J0leH )

Rejoignez nous sur un de ces nombreux événements 😉

Sinon vous pouvez vous investir en suivant ce lien :
👉 https://extinctionrebellion.fr/rejoignez-nous/
ou 👛 Faire un don par là :
👉 https://extinctionrebellion.fr/faire-un-don/


Stupid #Lufthansa, they changed the reservation of my kids and re-booked them to a flight to #Newark from #Nice airport instead of going through #Frankfurt.

Now that they have arrived in #US, their connection flight was canceled and they booked them for another flight at 8pm tomorrow.

Talking to #UnitedAirlines and Lufthansa didn't help at all and they are being really unfriendly and uncooperative.

I should have booked the ticket using my #Revolut card, at least they could receive help getting home and insurance would cover it.

I am really pissed!

#Airlines #WTF #CustomerService


"This is a residential neighbourhood."
#FaceTheHorror "A war, is when two sides are fighting... so i think right there... we can all agree... it wasnt exactly a war." -- Bill Hicks.
"You must remember that the attack on Iraq, although presented as a war, it was not a war. It was so one sided, and it became an attack on the civilian population. The most vivid, and probably the most educative, revelation, was collateral murder." -- John Pilger
"THIS VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC FOOTAGE" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G_lYSEcqdA #IllegalInvasion #1MillionDeadIraqis
not the first time. #SeeWhatTheyDo #ruthless #deskkillers #CollateralMurder #wokepeopleuptothehorror #facethehorror #Iraq #WikiLeaks #JohnPilger #NotAWar " #LightThemUp " #deathfromabove #AreWeTheBaddies #UnarmedCivilians #WarCrime #WarCrimes #asymmetry #NotAThreat #Unarmed #WeaponsOfMassDestruction #TheyLied #FullSpectrumDominance #hypocrisy #TheyBombedMyHouse #Hate ... " #LookAtThoseDeadBastards " " #Nice " ... #EnemyCombatant #CollateralDamage #KilledCivilians #Orwellian ... #FirstTheyCame #NotInOurName #ThereIsSomethingYouCanDo #YouWillFindItAndYouWillDoIt


A lot of people share a silly meme about planting fruit trees on the streets to feed the homele!

But none of them know how much work it is to keep the streets clean from the fallen fruits and stop rodents from eating them.

There is a stree on Nice, that has orange trees on both sides of the street. With the level of pollution in there, I would never eat any of those oranges.

But sure they look pretty.

#France #Nice #FruitTree #Photography #SouthOfFrance