

Richtungswechsel - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee #CDU #CSU #SPD #FDP #Grüne


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#Richtungswechsel ist angesagt!

Nicht nur für #Turkey #Airlines, auch für die #Politik der #Parteien in "D". Nehmt endlich #Menschen und ihre #Umwelt wieder in den #Fokus und nicht den schnöden #Mammon.

Jetzt mal einen #Kaffee und was aus der #Mottenkiste:

#10cc - The Wall Street Shuffle


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!



Diversity Naysayers Make Labor Crisis Worse

A good article by Russ Niles on #AVweb. The story deals with #aviation, but is widely applicable and well argued.

One of the most interesting, frustrating, entertaining and occasionally frightening tasks of the modern-day editor is monitoring the comments on the stories we run. Most outlets have disabled comments because it’s just too much damn work to filter out the mean, hateful and irrelevant missives that inevitably appear no matter what the topic. It must be all Trump’s fault. Or wait, maybe it’s Biden’s.

#diversity #minorities #airline #airlines #aircraft #flying #bigots #bigotry


Stupid #Lufthansa, they changed the reservation of my kids and re-booked them to a flight to #Newark from #Nice airport instead of going through #Frankfurt.

Now that they have arrived in #US, their connection flight was canceled and they booked them for another flight at 8pm tomorrow.

Talking to #UnitedAirlines and Lufthansa didn't help at all and they are being really unfriendly and uncooperative.

I should have booked the ticket using my #Revolut card, at least they could receive help getting home and insurance would cover it.

I am really pissed!

#Airlines #WTF #CustomerService