

Final alert to podmins running older versions

If you are running a version of diaspora*'s software earlier than v0.6.3.0, please read the following important notice:

Our next major version,, will include our new federation protocol. This will greatly improve federation in the network and beyond. However, its introduction will break communication with pods running older software.

Full forward-compatibility with the new protocol was introduced in If you are running any version older than this, please update to the latest version to make sure your pod will still be a full part of the network when version is released.

Note: version is due for release very soon, so you will need to take this action as soon as possible.

Updating is simple and will only take a few minutes. If you are updating from 0.5.x or earlier, there are extra steps; instructions can be found in our wiki.

You can read the full message about this change in this post.

#diaspora #software #update #federation #notice #announcement #podmin