

bit of sobering #news


Oncologist: #Cancers Are ' #Growing #Out #of #Control' In #COVID - #Vaccinated Individuals

Aggressive and rapidly-growing "turbo cancers" are affecting young people unlike anything Dr. William Makis has seen in his career.

"High school kids are coming down with these cancers. The turbo cancers. I'm seeing lymphomas. I'm seeing brain cancers, stage four brain cancers, and then breast cancers, colon cancers, lung cancers. The leukemias that are showing up in the COVID-vaccinated individuals - they can kill in a matter of days or even hours."

Full Video: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/is-the-covid-vaccine-causing-turbo-cancers/

More insights from Dr. William Makis on @Vigilant_News:

Teachers Are Being Decimated by Aggressive and Metastatic Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Fitness enthusiasts are dying suddenly - 16 sudden deaths examined

TURBO CANCER - Nurses are developing advanced (usually Stage 4) turbo cancers after being forced into taking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

MASK TOXICITY - German study exposes dangers of CO2 re-breathing - neuron death & learning impairment (children), stillbirths & birth defects (pregnant women), testicular toxicity (adolescents)

Vaccine Injury Treatment - Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy - the body's detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells and reboots the immune system

#nwo #vaccinescam is working to exterminate humans on mass


"Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as controls. He was ‘shocked’ to find that they were allegedly contaminated with tiny fragments of plasmid DNA.

McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to, in his opinion, 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In particular, McKernan was alarmed to find the presence of an SV40 promoter in the Pfizer vaccine vials. This is a sequence that is, ‘…used to drive DNA into the nucleus, especially in gene therapies,’ McKernan explains. This is something that regulatory agencies around the world have specifically said is not possible with the mRNA vaccines..

..Now, McKernan, Dr Buckhaults and other scientists are calling for urgent research to test whether the DNA contamination is lingering in the cells of mRNA vaccinated people, and whether the human genome has in fact been altered by mRNA Covid vaccines."


#vaxicide #depopulation #genocide #NWO


#how to get away with #Mass #Murder


Officials in charge during the Maui fire now refuse to take responsibility. Many of them claim they didn't know what was going on at the time. The police chief Pelletier is the one who ordered the roads to be blocked, an order that trapped many residents inside the fire zone. Accountability process is doubtful.
#Lahaina #Fires updates. They said WHAT??

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DDglSmC2u84

#Maui #Massacre by the #nwo gruesome goons