

About Odessa...

About #Odessa ... #Ukraine #Russia #massacre

"... May 2, 2014. There is a good material in Ria on that grim anniversary (in Russian, use Google translate). What is correctly noted, for many Russians this was the event which changed everything. Later those events will be "explained" by the onset of the war in Ukraine. So, keep in mind, while SMO started in February of 2022, the conflict was ongoing for the last 10 years. It is then when I completely lost any "brotherly" feelings. Why I do not consider, as many still try (for Putin it is obvious, he has to project moderation and historical wisdom) to convince that Ukrainians and Russians are "brothers"--ethnically, yes, culturally, no--them to be largely not brotherly at all, bar people from what historically was Malorossiya, is long to explain. New generations of Ukies are people radically different from Russians and it is not just the matter of propaganda. Long story short--it is a debilitating envy and complex of inferiority which is in the foundation of Ukrainian nation. I am on record--Ukrainian nation DID happen. It is a real nation, which only now is getting the whiff of its own demise."



My wife shared this podcast with me, and it's disturbing.


Biden Must Save Biden From Himself. It's the Only Way to Ensure Trump Never Sets Foot in the Oval Office Again.

Over 100,000 Michigan voters in the Democratic Presidential Primary last week sent a message to Biden. Their message was strong and clear: End this war. Stop funding Israel's slaughter. Young voters in this 21st century will not support a president who funds a massacre, and if Biden continues to ignore the wishes of the vast majority of Americans, he will lose thousands of people in November who simply won't vote, and Trump will win by default.

Please listen and share.

— Mike

#MichaelMoore #JoeBiden #Israel #genocide #massacre #election #president

#Israel #Criminels de #Guerre #Génocide #Guerre #ONU #Palestine #Gaza #Netanyahou #Israeliens #USA #UE #Compice

Un cessez-le-feu à Gaza ?

C’était un vote historique le 25 mars. Le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a approuvé une résolution proposée par l’Algérie exigeant un cessez-le-feu à Gaza pour la durée du Ramadan.

L’ONU est l’organisation internationale qui regroupe 193 États et a pour but de maintenir la paix dans le monde depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale. Son Conseil de sécurité compte 5 États membres permanents : la Chine, les États-Unis, la Russie, la France et le Royaume-Uni. Un seul de ces pays s’est abstenu : les États-Unis, mais il n’a pas pour autant posé de veto, ce qui a permis à la résolution d’être validée.

Après 5 mois de génocide, au moins 32.000 morts dont plus de 10.000 enfants, des dizaines de milliers de blessés et une #famine généralisée, l’ONU réclame enfin un arrêt du #massacre. Une mesure temporaire, et qui arrive beaucoup trop tard, mais qui était un maigre espoir de voir l’immense souffrance des habitants de Gaza amoindrie.

Le gouvernement israélien a immédiatement balayé cette décision et défié l’ONU. Le ministre fasciste Itamar Ben-Gvir a déclaré : «La résolution du Conseil de sécurité prouve que l’ONU est antisémite et que son secrétaire général est antisémite et encourage le Hamas». Le ministre de la défense Yoav Galant a renchérit : «Nous n’avons pas le droit moral d’arrêter la guerre tant qu’il y a des otages à Gaza». Ce dernier avait déjà asséné en octobre dernier : «Gaza ne reviendra pas à ce qu’elle était avant. Nous éliminerons tout», «Nous avons aboli toutes les règles de la guerre, il n’y aura pas de tribunaux militaires», et désigné les palestiniens comme étant des «animaux humains».

Le 24 octobre, déjà, Israël avait réclamé la démission du secrétaire général de l’ONU pour avoir simplement évoqué l’occupation israélienne.

Nous avons un gouvernement fasciste et messianique qui commet un génocide sous nos yeux, et qui menace les instances internationales. Pour couronner le tout, il piétine une décision de l’ONU. Si la communauté internationale est cohérente, elle peut envoyer des forces armées en Israël pour faire respecter sa résolution. D’autres régimes ont été destitués par le «camp du bien» pour bien moins que cela.


Ualid Rabah, presidente da FEPAL -
"...Suspeitamos e tememos que Ronald0 #Caiad0 ( #União GO) e Tarcísi0 de #Fre1tas (#Republicanos RJ) foram a "Israel" para algo até pior e perigosíssimo: adotar Israel e seus crimes como #Modelo para o 🇧🇷 #Brasil, importar 🇮🇱 #Israel, israelizar o Brasil ... -

https://pic.twitter.com/xMciwVOxs7 -
https://www.facebook.com/fernando.rossasfreire/posts/pfbid02BxPAx2xaidyvZCfaN9YVC6mc4Jd9ANFP2z2o2xWRZ2hj3BgNBuKHsGwW6L97Yuanl -
RT @FepalB - Via Fernando Rossas Freire - #Massacre -


Israel’s ‘Flour Massacre’ – When A Crime Becomes A ‘Tragedy’

Media Lens

(...) Far from jumping through hoops ‘to be balanced and impartial,’ the BBC seems embarrassed even to associate Israel with its own crimes. A typical BBC headline read:

‘World Food Programme says northern Gaza aid convoy blocked’

Was there a landslide? Was Hamas playing politics with food aid? The headline should have read:

‘Israel blocks northern Gaza aid convoy’

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of destroyed part of Gaza

Or consider the damning words of the Director-General of The World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who reported this month:

‘Grim findings during @WHO visits to Al-Awda and Kamal Adwan hospitals in northern #Gaza: severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shortages of fuel, food and medical supplies, hospital buildings destroyed…

‘The situation at Al-Awda Hospital is particularly appalling, as one of the buildings is destroyed.

‘Kamal Adwan Hospital is the only paediatrics hospital in the north of Gaza, and is overwhelmed with patients. The lack of food resulted in the deaths of 10 children.’

The BBC headline reporting this story read:

‘Children starving to death in northern Gaza – WHO’

Did the crops fail? If Russia had caused child starvation in Ukraine, we can be confident the words ‘Putin’ and ‘Russia’ would have appeared front and centre in BBC reporting. (...)

On 29 February, a New York Times comment piece was titled:

‘Starvation Is Stalking Gaza’s Children’

Former Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook commented:

‘Israel is choosing to starve Gaza’s children by blocking aid.’

On 5 March, a Reuters headline read:

‘As Gaza’s hunger crisis worsens, emaciated children seen at hospitals’

Author Assal Rad responded:

‘Gaza’s “hunger crisis” is not a natural phenomenon. Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians in Gaza as a weapon of war, which is an act of collective punishment and a war crime.’ (...)

At least 118 Palestinian civilians were killed and at least 760 were injured after Israeli tanks opened fire on civilians seeking food from aid trucks on al-Rashid street to the west of Gaza City. The BBC’s immediate headline reactions were full of mystery:

‘Israel-Gaza war latest: More than 100 reported killed as crowd waits for Gaza aid’ (...)

Clearly, then, it was a massacre; so why the lack of clarity? Why was the word ‘massacre’ not used to describe a textbook example of a massacre in a report supposed to verify and clarify the truth?

As we noted recently, the Glasgow Media Group examined four weeks (7 October – 4 November, 2023) of BBC One daytime coverage of Gaza to identify which terms were used by journalists themselves – i.e. not in direct or reported statements – to describe Israeli and Palestinian deaths. They found that ‘murder’, ‘murderous’, ‘mass murder’, ‘brutal murder’ and ‘merciless murder’ were used a total of 52 times by journalists to refer to Israelis’ deaths but never in relation to Palestinian deaths. The group noted that:

‘The same pattern could be seen in relation to “massacre”, “brutal massacre” and “horrific massacre” (35 times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths); “atrocity”, “horrific atrocity” and “appalling atrocity” (22 times for Israeli deaths, once for Palestinian deaths); and “slaughter” (five times for Israeli deaths, not once for Palestinian deaths).’ (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #media_bias #news #journalism #journalist #bbc #the_guardian #reuters #new_york_times #israel #gaza #palestine #palestinians #war #war_crimes #starvation #massacre #aid #humanitarian_aid #weapons


New evidence confirms Israel’s full involvement in ‘Flour Massacre’ of starving Palestinian civilians

Geneva – Several recent developments confirm Israel’s full involvement in what has been dubbed the “Flour Massacre”, revealed Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor in a new statement, referring to the killing of Palestinian civilians attempting to receive humanitarian aid at dawn last Thursday. The rights group said that its ongoing investigations into the horrific incident at the #Nabulsi roundabout, southwest of #Gaza City, verify the Israeli army’s role in the massacre, citing evidence including the precise type of bullets used and reiterating calls for an effective international investigation to hold Israeli officials accountable.

According to Euro-Med Monitor’s statement, many victims of the #massacre suffered injuries from 5.56x45mm #NATO bullets; this is a type of bullet fired from Israeli army weapons. The statement went on to explain that a sample of 200 dead and injured victims revealed that they were indeed hit by this type of bullet, and that the bullets were discovered and examined at the massacre site along with shrapnel found in the bodies of the wounded and dead.

Press release: https://euromedmonitor.org/a/6207

#FlourMassacre #Israel #Genocide #Politics #Inhumanity #FoodAWeapon #Palestine #SaveGaza


A #Fome mata.
Esse poema foi escrito em 1947 e nunca foi tão atual. -
https://pic.twitter.com/U95mmCUNaQ -
https://www.facebook.com/faconti/posts/10157944635669757 -
https://www.instagram.com/p/BiXJ2aqlAiW/ -
RT Cristina Vitor - Via #Armandinho - #Desigualdade #Fome #Miséria #Homem #ManuelBandeira -
[ Já esteve aqui. É tão bom que voltou ] - 2019 -

#Grilagem em ação: 🇮🇱 #Israel planeja anexar centenas de hectares de terra 🇵🇸 #Palestina na #Cisjordânia ocupada para expandir #Assentamentos. É visto como um dos maiores esquemas de roubo de #Terras do regime sionista -

https://presstv.ir/Detail/2024/02/29/721027/israel-settlement-expansion - [em inglês] -
RT @UrbanNathalia - #Massacre -


La face cachée des forêts françaises - Sur le front avec Hugo Clément 26 février 2024

#forêt #climat #massacre #Macronie #anthropocène #mafia #énergie #arbre #charbon #greenwashing #avion

Merci à le-là-les diaspopote(s) qui avaient partagé ce docu et son lien :). N’ayant pas retrouvé le post originel je repartage ici après visionnage…
Depuis Sivens je connaissais l’existence de ces faucheuses de l’enfer qui tondent la forêt en pleine saison comme on fauche du vulgaire maïs. Je les vois à plus que jamais à l’œuvre dans mon coin forestier du sud du Tarn. Je constate aussi d’année en année l’érosion des sols qui s’en suit.
Ce docu m’a éclairé sur la finalité financière et les conséquences dramatiques de ce ravage gargantuesque orchestré par la mafia macronique.


#Israël #Guerre, #Gaza #Massacre #Génocide

Israël massacre les palestiniens venus chercher de l’aide alimentaire

Lien de la #Video ; https://contre-attaque.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/gzzz.mp4
Attention, images sensibles

Après le massacre de milliers d’enfants, les bombardements systématiques d’hôpitaux et la famine organisée, on pensait que l’État Israélien avait atteint les limites de l’horreur humaine. Ces derniers jours, de nouveaux caps dans la cruauté semblent franchis à Gaza.

En début de semaine, des avions français et jordaniens ont largué de l’aide alimentaire d’urgence sur la côte de Gaza, pour permettre aux centaines de milliers de personnes affamées de survivre. Mal lancés, ces colis sont tombés dans la mer, face à une foule agglutinée sur la plage. Des pêcheurs ont tenté d’aller récupérer les colis, mais l’armée israélienne a largué des bombes sur les embarcations !

Jeudi 29 février, c’est pire encore. Alors qu’à nouveau une foule dense attendait l’arrivé de camions d’aide alimentaire sur la côte, l’armée israélienne a ouvert le feu sur les palestiniens affamés et désarmés en tirant des rafales à l’arme de guerre ! Un véritable massacre : 800 personnes auraient été blessées par balles, et 112 au moins sont mortes. Des chariots entiers de cadavres étaient récupérés après ces tirs.

Les autorités israéliennes ont évidemment menti en parlant d’abord d’un «mouvement de foule», mais face aux nombreuses images accablantes, elles ont reconnu avoir donné l’ordre de tirer car elles se sentaient «menacées». Il s’agit en réalité d’un nouvel acte génocidaire : après avoir organisé la famine, cette armée profite de l’afflux de personnes affamées pour les exécuter froidement. À tel point que même la France et les USA ont condamné ces actes et demandé des explications.
De tels crimes rappellent inévitablement les heures les plus terribles de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le degré de barbarie et le niveau de déshumanisation atteint par l’armée israélienne rejoint ceux des pires tortionnaires que l’humanité ait connue.


(from pro palestinian telegram channel) 30 years ago today, American doctor "Baruch Goldstein" massacred 29 Palestinian worshippers and injured 125 more in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil. At least 26 Palestinians were martyred in clashes that ensued following the massacre, and nine more settlers were killed.

Baruch was beaten to a pulp by wounded Palestinians that he wasn't able to murder.

While many refer to Baruch as a zionist "extremist," one must understand that this killer's actions are a microcosm of the entire "history" of the zionist entity, rooted in genocide, theft, and desecration. Baruch is not a one-off; he is represented by those who currently control the zionist entity.

Itamar Ben-Gvir proudly portrayed Baruch Goldstein's picture in his living room for years in defense of his actions; they were members of the same zionist terroist "Kach" party. Many other zionists continue to treat him as a hero.

In fact, in the aftermath, the illegitimate zionist government saw it best to divide the mosque, conceding to the murderer's demands and giving colonist Jews the majority of the site while stealing Muslim sanctities from indigenous Palestinians. While this action was widely condemned by the international community, nothing has changed to correct it. The supposedly "temporary" divide still stands three decades later.

The #massacre is a reminder that the zionist entity's settler-colonial project has always been built on the subjugation, dispossession, and genocide of the Palestinian people. The zionist entity enjoys the same impunity as Goldstein to this day.

Regardless, the judge is the Palestinian resistance, speaking in the language of bullets and explosives. At least 15 settlers were killed following the massacre. The pace and nature of resistance changed as well: as it became clear that the entire entity was militarized, all settlers became legitimate targets. Ayyash's operations shook the entity in response, Beit Lid came a year later, and the struggle entered a new phase that continues to excel and avenge.

Glory to the martyrs.

#History #Palestine #Kahanist #NeverForget #Israel #Politics


‘Manifestações de chanceler israelense são inaceitáveis e mentirosas’, rebate ministro Mauro Vieira


Em tom muito elevado, governo brasileiro diz que chanceler de Israel recorre à "distorção de declarações e a mentiras"

Por Bela Megale

20/02/2024 19h27 Atualizado 20/02/2024

O #ministro das Relações Exteriores do #Brasil, #MauroVieira, subiu o tom para responder ao tuíte do chanceler israelense, #IsraelKatz.

— As manifestações do titular da chancelaria do governo Benjamin #Netanyahu, de ontem e de hoje, são #inaceitáveis na forma, e #mentirosas no conteúdo — disse Vieira, na saída da Marina da Glória, local onde aconteceram as reuniões do #G20, no Rio, na noite desta terça-feira.

O ministro afirmou ainda que “uma chancelaria dirigir-se dessa forma a um chefe de Estado, de um país amigo, o presidente #Lula, é algo insólito e revoltante”.

— Uma Chancelaria recorrer sistematicamente à distorção de declarações e a mentiras é ofensivo e grave. É uma #vergonhosa página da #história da #diplomacia de Israel, com recurso a #linguagem #chula e #irresponsável.

O ministro das Relações Exteriores separou a atitude do governo israelense, a qual chamou de “antidiplomacia”, da atitude povo judeu.

— O povo israelense não merece essa desonestidade, que não está à altura da história de luta e de coragem do povo judeu. Em mais de 50 anos de carreira, nunca vi algo assim.

O chanceler Israel Katz escreveu um tuíte nesta tarde dizendo que a comparação que Lula fez do #massacre de palestinos em #Gaza pelo #Israel com o #nazista Adolf #Hitler foi "promíscua e delirante" e recobrou um pedido de desculpas do brasileiro.

-- O ministro Israel Katz distorce posições do Brasil para tentar tirar proveito em política doméstica. Enquanto atacou o nosso país em público, no mesmo dia, na conversa privada com nosso embaixador em Tel Aviv, afirmou ter grande respeito pelos brasileiros e pelo Brasil, que definiu como a mais importante nação da América do Sul. Esse respeito não foi demonstrado nas suas manifestações públicas, pelo contrário -- afirmou Mauro Vieira.

O chanceler brasileiro disse que "a amizade com o povo israelense remonta à formação daquele Estado, e sobreviverá aos ataques do titular da chancelaria de Netanyahu".

-- Além de tentar semear divisões, busca aumentar sua visibilidade no Brasil para lançar uma cortina de fumaça que encubra o real problema do massacre em curso em Gaza, onde 30 mil civis palestinos já morreram, em sua maioria mulheres e crianças, e a população submetida a deslocamento forçado e a punição coletiva. Isso tem levado ao crescente isolamento internacional do governo Netanyahu, fato refletido nas deliberações em andamento na Corte Internacional de Justiça. É este isolamento que o titular da chancelaria israelense tenta esconder. Não entraremos nesse jogo. E não deixaremos de lutar pela proteção das vidas inocentes em risco. É disso que se trata.


#Judeus dão razão a #Lula e dizem que sim, o governo de 🇮🇱 #Israel, adota práticas fascistas -

https://brasil247.com/poder/judeus-dao-razao-a-lula-e-dizem-que-sim-o-governo-de-israel-adota-praticas-fascistas -
RT @AttuchLeonardo - #Massacre -
"é impossível, conhecendo os antecedentes, as medidas adotadas pelos nazistas, não comparar com a situação dos 🇵🇸 #Palestinos vivendo há 55 anos em condição apátrida e sob pogroms (avalizados e estimulados pelas autoridades)" -
Leia a íntegra da nota da @AJEOficial -