

Jakob from Yaroslavl in Russia sent...

Советский плакат 102-летней давности, против Врангеля. Любопытный сюжет: поезда и суда вывозят на Запад хлеб, выращенный, очевидно, в Крыму и на Украине. А взамен с Запада поступает оружие для войны с РСФСР...

Soviet poster 102 years ago, against Wrangel. A curious plot: trains and ships take bread to the West, grown, obviously, in the Crimea and Ukraine. And in return, weapons for the war with the RSFSR come from the West...

#no-surprise #odd #history #poster #Russia #Ukraine


VIDIVERSE (Alex Proyas)

Indie (short) movies streaming platform

vidiverse logo

In August 2021 Proyas has announced that he is developing a new video platform titled "VidiVerse" for independent filmmakers, as an alternative to YouTube. [source]


I just subscribed to it, and am quite excited to explore. Lots of interesting-looking shorts on the platform. But it's too early for me to recommend it. Nevertheless, feel free to explore. Think of it what thy will :-)



#alex #proyas #youtubeAlternative #vidiverse #indie #filmmakers #shorts #movies #platform #subscription #vod #bizarre #odd #art #thriller #dark #city