

i am #crying

Osmand crashes again

i am using #Osmand for #navigation. the #f-droid version. i was so lucky with it, a long while it ran great on my old #samsung #galaxy #s5 on #lineageOS but now the crashes are back and its unusable again which it was several (partly very long) periods in the past. i don't know what they are doing that its such a pain in the ass; maybe they have problems to do a good memory management. i am very sad, because i love that app and its plugins. it nearly is able to do everything you would like to do with such an app. when it runs. now i'll try it with #organicmaps. seems to be spartan but stable. and it has no trackers. if you have any further ideas, you are welcome.


Not happy about the recent development around #OrganicMaps

They added kayak, a proprietary booking service, in december 2023. That resulted in #Fdroid tagging the app as using ads.

A debate broke out what qualifies as advertising. Personally earning money via referral-links certainly is very problematic. It basically means, the app makers are no longer neutral in regards to how links are presented in the app, which I consider a dark pattern that I would not want in a navigation / maps app.

A PR was created to add toggles to a) social platforms and b) proprietary Kayak booking service https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/6720

That brought up the question whether such a dark pattern services should be opt-in or opt-out. If people are so happy to use Kayak, why not make that service opt-in and all the happy Kayak users will be able to use their favorite service conveniently.

But maybe there are not so many Kayak users out there and the idea was always to throw the entire OM user base against this dark pattern by default.

Wondering if there was any agreement between #Kayak and OrganicMaps about adding the service. Have not read about that but also from what I read, that question has not been raised.

biodranik, a core OM developer stated: "If you don't like social or any other links displayed, then don't click them. ... Note that there is also always an option to fork OM and customize it for your needs" https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/6720#issuecomment-1914101249

I strongly disagreee with those statements. Users go with defaults. If you want to create an app that respects user privacy and doesn't use dark patters, please don't add referral links. Or add them and make them opt-in. Probalby only a few users would then use such dark patterns. But at least they would have made a conscious descision to opt-in to using Kayak. Also personally I will never visit any instagram or facebook link. If there was an option to hide the links of those surveillance capitalism services, I wouldn't hesitate a second to make use of it.

That PR was however rejected and closed in favor of an inferior solution (see below). Also that issue was locked to prevent further debate. Only later was it unlocked again.

While I understand the core team has an interest to monetize, they are also not shy asking for donations. Adding referral links and dark patterns to an app that claims to be privacy friendly does not go along well.

The side effect of all this is, that OM has not seen an update on #Fdroid for a while now. To resolve that problem https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/7262 was created, removing referral codes from F-Droid build but not from the app in general. Also that PR does not include a toggle to disable either kayak or social platforms from what I can tell, which again is not great and cause of concern.

licaon-kter of F-Droid stated in the new issue: "This is no replacement for #6720 🙁
That one granted you the option to keep the referral, as you wanted, and users that would want to help OM would be able to renounce on some of their own privacy to be able to do so." https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/pull/7262#issuecomment-1913662305

Couldn't agree more: keeping the feature but making it opt-in would resolve most conflicts. Apparently OM team is not willing to compromise on that solution.

Telling users "go make a fork, OM is OSS" is not a great reply to the questions and concerns brought up in regards to that new dark pattern added to the app.

They say they wouldn't make much off the referral links. Either that is the case, than they could make the feature opt-in. Or they have other plans in which this feature is problematic since they as devs are no longer neutral about the app behavior. Maybe at a later point in time the links off of which they make money will be more prominent. More dark patters are then inevitable over the course of time.

😢 #opensource #openstreetmap #osm


Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine kleine Befragung zum Thema "Karten-Apps & Navigation" 🗺️ 📍 erstellt und lade Euch hiermit 🧡lich zur Teilnahme an der Befragung ein. Die Umfrage beinhaltet (maximal 10) Fragen zu #KartenApps im Allgemeinen und zu #OpenStreetMap im Besonderen.

Die Umfrage dauert nur wenige Minuten und ist anonym. Es werden keinerlei personenbezogene Daten erhoben, alle Angaben sind freiwillig. Die Ergebnisse werden in zusammengefasster Form auf gnulinux.ch veröffentlicht.

Über den folgenden Link kommst Du direkt zur Befragung:
👉 https://cryptpad.digitalcourage.de/form/#/2/form/view/2hCqKwX6AoKaP6knPb1rzRPRObOJXWGOVEqb0dnGv2s/

Teile gerne diesen Beitrag für die breitere Verteilung im #Fediverse! 🚀 #BoostOk #BoostWelcome
Gerne kann der Link zur Befragung auch auf anderen Kanälen geteilt werden. Danke!

Die Umfrage ist über #Cryptpad Formular realisiert und lädt evtl. relativ langsam.
#Umfrage #Befragung #Poll #Maps
#GoogleMaps #AppleMaps #BingMaps #Komoot #MagicEarth #OrganicMaps #OpenStreetMap #OSM


🗺️ 📍 OpenStreetMap-Daten einfach bearbeiten mit Organic Maps und StreetComplete

Ich nutze ja schon länger #OrganicMaps und empfehle die App auch immer wieder als einfache Karten- und Navigations-App, die #OpenSource, auf #OSM -Basis ist und auch offline genutzt werden kann. Also eine schlankere Alternative zu #OSMand : https://gnulinux.ch/organic-maps

Erst heute habe ich aber per Zufall von @Tifi erfahren, dass mit Organic Maps auch sehr einfach OSM-Daten ergänzt und bearbeitet werden können :
Einfach draufdrücken, hochziehen & bearbeiten. Beim ersten Mal wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es einen OSM-Account braucht (inkl. Link zur Registrierung). Einmal eingeloggt, lassen sich Einträge super einfach bearbeiten.
"Einfach draufdrücken, hochziehen & bearbeiten. Beim ersten Mal wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es einen OSM-Account braucht (inkl. Link zur Registrierung). Einmal eingeloggt, lassen sich Einträge super einfach bearbeiten. (...) Neue Orte lassen sich ebenfalls durch langes drücken auf die gewünschte Stelle hinzufügen." Geht wirklich supereinfach!
@Organic Maps : Vielleicht habe ich was übersehen, aber auf Eurer Homepage könnte die Funktion auch zumindest erwähnt werden? https://organicmaps.app/de/ - ich finde es eine tolle Sache, auch wenn die meisten die Funktion nicht brauchen.

Eine weitere schöne Option, um zu OpenStreetMap beizutragen, ist #StreetComplete: Ein wirklich sehr einfacher und auch unterhaltsamer Weg, um sich am #OpenStreetMap -Projekt sinnvoll zu beteiligen.
"Diese App findet fehlende Kartendaten in deiner Nähe und zeigt diese als Aufgaben auf einer Karte an. Jede dieser Aufgaben kann vor Ort durch Beantwortung einer einfachen Frage gelöst werden." https://streetcomplete.app/
"Es gibt vielfältige Herausforderungen zu lösen. Tippt man dann auf das dementsprechende Pin, stellt die App dann eine Frage. Meist handelt es sich um Multiple-Choice-Fragen oder Eintippen von Ergänzungen. Die Fragen sind dabei grafisch ansprechend und mit Abbildungen versehen. (...) Ein Beispiel dazu: Ich tippe auf einen Pin mit einem Uhrensymbol. Mögliche Fragen sind dann die Öffnungszeiten eines Geschäftes, oder ob diese noch stimmen.
Es gibt Fragen zu Straßennamen, Hausnummern, Untergründen und Parkplätzen - um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Selbst Standorte von Mülleimern oder Pollern werden hinterfragt. Die Aufgaben sind so vielfältig" https://gnulinux.ch/streetcomplete
Auch diese App gibt es natürlich bei #FDroid: https://f-droid.org/packages/de.westnordost.streetcomplete/
@StreetComplete News & Support
Screenshots von Street-Complete: "Welche Hausnummer hat dieses Gebäude?" - "Was sind die Öffnungszeiten von Carls Weinbar?"


GPS app alternatives

A while ago I announced to test other GPS apps to Waze and Google Maps, since I don't like Google products, I really don't like Google.
Previous Post

I mostly tested Here we Go, so here is the verdict:
- Live traffic works for highways and state roads.
- I was not sent into any weird streets, mud roads or small streets.
- Knows more than addresses, also knows shops and companies.
- Clear indication for highway exits.
- Some exits do not show all the cities shown on the exit sign.
- Sometimes not the most efficient way.
- A bit of an awkward robotic voice for guidance.

So basically it does the trick, with some small negative point, but I will keep using it.

I didn't really got to testing OSMAnd, first interactions were a bit clumsy, but I want to test it through.

On the other hand I tested Organic Maps and this is the ideal walking app.
- It works in the city and in nature.
- All small walking routes are indicated.
- You can plan a walking trip with different points.
- Clean useful interface and a direction indicator that works.
- Based on Openstreetmaps
- It's FLOSS.
- Can't say I found negative points.

Please comment with any other tips or additions.

#gps #waze #googlemaps #herewego #osmand #organicmaps #smartphone #opensource #floss


Just discovered this, looks pretty cool: https://organicmaps.app/

It's a very fast implementation of OSM for the phone. Importantly, they're open-source and they claim "no ads, no tracking, no data collection". I'm trying it out in the last days and it works really smooth! The UI is crisp and simple

P.S. Did anybody build their desktop version? https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md#desktop-app Feedback welcomed if you've tried it

#organicmaps #opensource #foss


Kennt Ihr eigentlich #OrganicMaps? Eine #Navigation-Software für Fuss, Rad und Auto auf #OSM Basis und #OpenSource.

Bei mir hat das Magic Earth (ebenfalls OSM aber kein OpenSource) ersetzt.

Danke @OrganicMapsApp ❤️ #foss
