


self-hosted decentralized alternative to #Spotify

enter image description here

I discovered funkwhale just a few days ago. It's a great piece of software, running quite stable. You can upload your own music library and share it with your friends. You should give it a try.


You can pick your own from this list of Funkwhale installations

Also feel free to create an account at my personal Funkwhale installation.
If you already have an account you might be interested in sharing our music library.
Here's one of mine: https://funkwhale.projecttac.com/federation/music/libraries/cb7d929c-6b48-4741-b1e5-36a763ca2ee8

#music #fediverse #self-hosted #oss #opensource


The Synthulator..... An Open Source DSP Chip project to keep synths alive

Project to emulate the Motorola 563xx DSP chipset (new contributors welcome).
The chief goal of the project is to be able to keep numerous past synthesizers based on the chip alive. These include:
Waldorf MW2/XT — Motorola 56303
Waldorf Q — Motorola 56303
Clavia Micro Modular — Motorola 56303
Clavia Nord Modular — Motorola 56303
Nord Lead 3 — 6 Motorola 56362
Nord Modular — 4 Motorola 56303
Novation SuperNova — Motorola 56303
Novation Nova — 5 Motorola 56362 (synth engine), and 1 Motorola 56303 (fx unit)
Access Virus A — Motorola 56303
Access Virus B — Motorola 56311
Access Virus C - Motorola 56362
Access Virus TI - 2x Freescale DSP 56367
Access Virus TI2 - 2x Freescale DSP 56367. Later models used DSP56321

EPROMs for (at least) most of the above can be found here:

The Discord channel for the project can be found here:

Image featured above is of a GUI made by "Hoverland" for controlling the Virus C on the Emulator.

#DSP #Synthesis #Motorola #Waldorf #Novation #Access #Clavia #Synthesizers #NoiseArchitecture #OSS #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #Programming #ArtHarder



Can anyone assist in providing some instruction on how to stream OUT TO an icecast server on Linux. The "Internet DJ Console" has proven a confusing mess, I get an odd result from ReaCast saying it's successfully connected to the server when attempting to use Reaper but then it's obvious no connection is actually occurring. I AM able to successfully connect when using the MIXXX software but using Auxillary Ins on the MIXXX software isn't ideal.

#Linux #Icecast #Icecast2 #Audio #Streaming #Broadcasting #OSS



I have been working on some a program I call LibreCheck for a little while now. LibreCheck is free (libre) and open source software for logging people in places like day cares and Sunday-school at churches. It will be flexible enough to be used for many different situations such as conferences as well. The fact that it is free software means that you may change the code to make it work the way you want it to.


LibreCheck's main technical goals are reliability, simplicity, and flexibility. Other software is complicated in design, which often leads to many bugs and general instability. They also generally set to work in certain settings, and since they are often proprietary, are not easily extensible to work in different situations. LibreCheck also is meant to be simple to use for the end user. It will be easy to install, easy to start, and easy to run.


Right now I am building it in JavaScript and PHP, but nothing is finalized yet for the final public version. I may completely rebuild it before I make a public version. It is being set up where is does not really matter how it is built now. I can replace the proverbial ax head and the handle separately or together, and the program will work the same way.


I am mostly working on this first version on my own, but also with a friend who is not on diaspora*. Another friend (@Zath) is learning basic programming currently, and likely will help in the future. He will build the first version of our website.


I plan to finish a basic functional alpha version by the end of 2018. A more complete beta version will be developed in the following months. After a stable and complete enough beta is ready, it will be tested in production for a while and improved before the public beta is released.

  • Alpha: end of 2018
  • Private beta: end of January 2019
  • Public beta: March (?)

#freesw #freesoftware #libre #oss #opensource #programming #linux #librecheck