

40 babies!

This is the lie that is spreading like weed on social media, started from i24 reporter saying "I saw 40 dead children with their heads cut off" on her broadcast.

She later changed the story that she heard it from one of the soldiers.

Later she said that the quote was indirect quote from a soldier who heard from another soldier.

The lies has got such unbelievable spread that the IDF posted an official denial that "they have no knowledge of any children being beheaded by Hamas terrorists".

But it doesn't stop Twitter and Facebook and other social media to spread these outrageous lies and deny request from users to take them down.

This is the modern version of "Jews kidnap christian children and drink their blood" spread by anti-semites before the WW2 that lead to the Holocaust.

They are making the case for the planned genocide in Gaza and rest of occupied Palestine.

#Propaganda #Genocide #Media #SocialMedia #MediaCampaign

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#AbbyMartin #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #media #propaganda #WarPropaganda



The ex-Saudi backed, now Iseaeli-Financed "Iran International" spreading outrageous lies about Palestinians on their web site and social media.

This title claimed Hamas fighters decapitated 5 children's in a village in Israel.

Something that was posted earlier in Arabic and English by fake accounts and since then been proven to be false.

This doesn't stop these disgusting charlatans to spread these lies on the Persian/Farsi broadcast.

#Fakenews #Propaganda #IranInernational #Hamas #Media #Twitter #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


This is real-time atrocity propaganda being fabricated to elicit support for #Israel.

The amount of propaganda BS is absolutely unbelievable to see on social media and making the Hamas attack look far worse than it was. They are being shared again and again everywhere.

This is a systematic and organized attempt to dehumanize all Palestinians by making such outrageous stories that ha absolutely 0 truth to it.

#Gaza #Propaganda #FakeNews #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow #SaveGaza


#AnyaParampil #propaganda #media #Palestine #Israel




Als der Vorübergehende am Wahlabend an einem Fernseher vorüberging und hörte, wie Lars Klingbeil, Bundesvorsitzender der SPD, im Interview das für seine Partei sehr deprimierende Wahlergebnis interpretierte und dabei weiterhin schamlos die Stimme derer ergriff, die ihre Stimme gerade abgegeben hatten, hörte er auch, wie Herr Klingbeil voller schlecht gespielter Einsicht „Wir haben Fehler im Wahlkampf gemacht“ sagte.

Und obwohl das sprechende Bild dieses Feindes es gar nicht hören konnte, musste der Vorübergehende ganz laut mit „Nein, du Genosse von Gerhard Schröder, ihr habt Fehler in eurer Politik gemacht, und das seit einem Vierteljahrhundert. Genau ihr, mit eurer gewollten, geplanten und von euch gestalteten, geforderten und geförderten Massenverarmung großer Teile der Bevölkerung der BRD, genau ihr Sozialdämonkraken, ihr seid der Erfolg der AfD“ widersprechen.

#SPD #Wahl #Klingbeil #TV #Einsichtsverweigerung #Propaganda #Dummes | Zweitverwertet aus Lumières dans la nuit


Everyone is trying to fish in the murky waters and spreading lies about their "enemies" these days!

Indian extremists are pushing for putting the blame on Pakistan
War mongers in US and Israel trying to put the blame on Iran.
Trumpsters saying that the weapons were American coming from Afghanistan and Ukraine.

It is a sick and disgusting world we live in and the social media is helping these lies to be spread unchecked unchallenged (the US/israel propaganda have a much better outreach and big name media behind them).

#Israel #Gaza #Hamas #Politics #Propaganda #Missinformation #War #Occupation #Trump #India #Pakistan #Hamas #Hezbollah #Biden #Trump


The Wall Street Journal claims that #Iran gave #Hamas the 'final go-ahead' for its attack on #Israel during a meeting last week in #Beirut

As expected, #WSJ, the unofficial #IDF news outlet is blaming Iran for the attacks of Hamas and Islamic Jihad yesterday.
#Media #Propaganda
