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#pushya #nakshatra
Zodiac Sign: #Cancer

Degree: 3:20 to 16:40 in Cancer

Purusharth: #Dharma
Deity: #Brihaspati
Gana: #Devta
Direction: #East

'The Nourisher' is literal translation of Pushya Nakshatra in English. The person born under this Nakshatra would have a big heart and a helpful temperament, as the name says. Additionally, they will succeed in life and enjoy amazing joys. This Nakshatra's inhabitants are regarded as fortunate. One of the Gods claimed to have been born in Pushya Nakshatra is Goddess Lakshmi. Having Saturn and Jupiter as the native's ruling planets is often advantageous.


You have a very kind, sympathetic, and generous personality. Jupiter is the ruler of this constellation, and as a result, you have a serious, committed, truthful, and upright nature, much like a God. Your body will be well-muscled and full-framed. The face will be brilliant and round. You don't possess the slightest ego at all. Your primary motivation in life is to find peace, joy, and contentment. You are devoted, dependable, outgoing, and compassionate toward others. You are easily tempted by delicious cuisine, and you value your material possessions. Positive feedback makes you very happy, and negative feedback makes you angry. As a result, using encouraging words is the only method to get you to act. You enjoy gathering various commodities.

You firmly hold that you are a follower of God. It is not surprising if you are quite popular because of these qualities. You have a spiritual and giving nature. You also make pilgrimages. You'll also be quite interested in things like yoga, astrology, and Tantra-Mantra. You will have a special appreciation for women like your mother. You have natural talent and a very inventive working style. handed your exceptional honesty and skill, it is safe to say that if a task is handed to you, it will unquestionably be completed. You might occasionally have to travel far from your spouse and kids because of your job. This won't, however, result in a break from the family.

You will constantly work hard to afford luxuries in life. Along with a sense of commitment, you exhibit a calm and respectable manner. You could easily fall victim to other people's bad behavior. You find it incredibly challenging to put what is on your thoughts into words. You try to assist people and are a devout follower of God. Even after getting married, you may not always feel comfortable telling your spouse everything, which can occasionally lead to misunderstandings. You thereby subject yourself to excruciating internal suffering.


Agriculture, Real estate, Politics, Social service, Transport, Psychologist, Finance


The native can be hostile on occasion. The individual will demonstrate aggressive outbursts if things do not go their way. The indigenous will also possess a strong sense of justice. He will be the head of the family and have a domineering personality. The native will exhibit selfishness and hypocritical behavior as well as other negative traits. When discussing family, the locals will have a kind but pragmatic attitude toward their loved ones. The native will also be known for having strong emotions. Additionally, the native will have trouble trusting others and will feel most at ease and at their best when left alone; as a result, they will value their own company over that of others.

The Native will get along well with his family, but in his latter years he will become distant from them. The aggressive actions of the native could be the cause of this. He'll get along well with his friends, on the other hand. He will carefully select his pals, and they will serve as both his haven from the outside world and his staunchest defenders. The Native will also benefit much from his relationships with his relatives and is likely to inherit money and other assets from them. The natives of the Pushya Nakshatra will get along well with their spouses.


Her diet and general health will be of the utmost significance to the individual. She is endowed with both a charming personality and good looks. She also has a sweet voice and respects traditional morals and beliefs. One of them is to respect her elders. She may be cheerful and charming, yet she has a good probability of being mistreated by her peers.

Despite how successful her job is, her family and personal life will not be smooth. The individual will have a difficult time with her relatives. The problems will also persist for the rest of her life. She puts her job before her family, which is primarily to blame. Pushya Nakshatra The experience of getting married as a woman will involve ups and downs. All she wants is a compatible companion, but her hesitation to stand up for herself and her inability to explain herself will prevent her from finding the guy of her dreams. Additionally, the female of the Pushya nakshatra would argue with her spouse frequently because he will think she is cheating on him with someone from her line of employment.


Compatible with people born in Rohini Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Anuradha, Hasta, Shravana, Magha and Uttarashada Nakshatra.


The natives' professional prospects are bright. Although success is assured, it will come too late. The Native will put in a lot of extra effort in the early stages of their job because they want to show themselves. The native will fail because they are unable to handle the pressure. He will so have difficulties in his early years. However, they will improve progressively and eventually reach their objective. Money too accompanies success for such natives. As a result, Pushya Nakshatra people should expect a fruitful and prosperous career.


1st Pada (Leo): Kind, Charitable, Attractive, Will get support from parents

2nd Pada (Virgo): Caring, Sensitive, Analytical, Magnetic

3rd Pada (Libra): Spontaneous, Peaceful, Love comfort, Give importance to their looks

4th Pada (Scorpio): Outgoing, Assertive, Dominating, Face struggles in Career


Venus: Venus's position in this nakshatra tends to make people quite unselfish in their displays of affection. Additionally, the people turn out to be quite emotional by nature.

Jupiter: Jupiter's location in their nakshatra tends to make people more compassionate by nature. Additionally, the people turn out to be incredibly lucky and kind.

Rahu: Rahu in Pushya nakshatra tends to make a person more focused on their family. However, this may result in the person struggling in their profession to maintain the happiness of their family.

Mars: A person with Mars in Pushya nakshatra is likely to be rather hostile by temperament. In addition, the person reveals themselves to be diplomatic as well as unyielding.

Sun: An individual who has the Sun in this nakshatra is likely to be a powerful character. Additionally, the persons are also exceedingly wealthy in their later years.

Moon: Anyone who has the Moon in Pushya nakshatra is considered to be intelligent. Additionally, such people are superb speakers and very good communicators.

Mercury: An individual who has Mercury in this nakshatra is likely to be very intelligent. Additionally, such people are often intelligent people.

#Saturn: People born under the influence of Saturn in this nakshatra are often quite law-abiding. They also have a tendency to be very organized in all they do.

Ketu: Might cause someone to experience rejection and resentment from their relatives. Additionally, the individual won't be able to experience maternal love or tenderness in their daily lives.



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#Pushya #Nakshatra is considered as one of the most beneficial and powerful nakshatras in #Vedicastrology. It is the eighth nakshatra among the twenty-seven #nakshatras, and it is situated in the zodiac sign of Cancer. This nakshatra is symbolized by a #cow's #udder, which represents abundance, nourishment, and fertility. The ruling planet of Pushya Nakshatra is Saturn, and it is believed to bring immense wealth, prosperity, and success to those who are born under it.

People born under the Pushya Nakshatra are considered to be very nurturing, caring, and supportive in nature. They have a deep sense of responsibility towards their family and loved ones, and they always strive to provide them with the best possible care and support. These individuals are also known for their intelligence, wisdom, and ability to handle difficult situations with ease and grace.

The deity of Pushya Nakshatra is #Brihaspati, who is considered to be the teacher of the gods. Brihaspati is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality, and those born under this nakshatra are believed to possess these qualities in abundance. They have a natural inclination towards spirituality and are often drawn towards the path of self-discovery and self-realization.

If you were born between 03°20′ to 16°40′ in the sign of Cancer, then you have Pushya Nakshatra in your birth chart. It is believed that individuals born under this nakshatra are blessed with good fortune, abundance, and prosperity throughout their life. They are also believed to have a strong connection with their family and roots, and they often have a successful and fulfilling career in fields related to education, finance, or spirituality.

Pushya Nakshatra holds a significant place in Kundli, and its presence has a profound impact on an individual's life. When this nakshatra is present in a Kundli, it brings good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the person. People born under this nakshatra are blessed with intelligence, creativity, and a caring nature. They are also known for their spiritual inclination and strong connection with their roots and family.

When the Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra, it is believed to be a very auspicious time for starting new ventures and performing spiritual activities. People born with the Moon in Pushya Nakshatra are highly intelligent, creative, and artistic. They have a natural inclination towards spirituality and are often drawn towards the path of self-discovery and self-realization.

The lord of Pushya Nakshatra is #Saturn, who is known for his disciplined and practical approach to life. People born under the influence of Saturn are highly disciplined, organized, and hardworking. They have a strong sense of integrity and honesty, which makes them stand out in their personal and professional life.

Pushya Nakshatra is regarded as one of the most auspicious nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. It is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and happiness to those born under its influence. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Saturn, which represents discipline, hard work, and practicality. The deity of Pushya Nakshatra is Brihaspati, who is known as the guru of the gods and is associated with wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality.

Characteristics of individuals born under Pushya Nakshatra
Creative and Artistic: People born under Pushya Nakshatra are highly creative and have a natural talent for the arts. They are often skilled in music, dance, and other forms of creative expression.

Intelligent: These individuals are known for their intelligence and analytical abilities. They are quick learners and have a sharp memory. They have a thirst for knowledge and are always looking to learn something new.

Nurturing and Caring: People born under Pushya Nakshatra are extremely nurturing and caring. They have a deep love for their family and friends and go out of their way to make sure everyone is taken care of.

Disciplined and Practical: These individuals have a disciplined and practical approach to life. They are hardworking and dedicated to achieving their goals. They are not afraid to put in the effort required to succeed.

Spiritual and Religious: People born under Pushya Nakshatra have a strong spiritual and religious inclination. They have a deep faith in the divine and are often drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and chanting.

Good Luck and Prosperity: The presence of Pushya Nakshatra in the birth chart is considered to be very auspicious. It indicates good luck, prosperity, and happiness in life. These individuals are likely to achieve success in their careers and personal life.

Overall, people born under Pushya Nakshatra are considered to be highly blessed and fortunate. They have a natural ability to attract positivity and success into their lives.

Characteristics of Male Pushya Nakshatra
People born under Pushya Nakshatra exhibit certain specific traits and characteristics that are distinct from those born under other nakshatras. Here are some of the common traits and characteristics of males born under Pushya Nakshatra:

Practical and Disciplined: Men born under Pushya Nakshatra are known for their practical and disciplined approach to life. They are hardworking and dedicated to their goals, and they do not shy away from putting in the effort required to achieve success.

Highly Spiritual: Pushya Nakshatra is associated with Saturn, the planet of discipline and spirituality. Therefore, men born under this nakshatra tend to have a deep spiritual inclination. They are often drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, and other forms of introspection.

Caring and Nurturing: Men born under Pushya Nakshatra are extremely caring and nurturing towards their family and loved ones. They have a strong sense of responsibility towards those close to them, and they go out of their way to ensure their well-being.

Creative and Artistic: Males born under Pushya Nakshatra often have a natural talent for the arts. They are creative and artistic, and they often excel in fields such as music, painting, writing, and other creative pursuits.

Intelligent and Analytical: Men born under Pushya Nakshatra are intelligent and analytical. They have a sharp mind and are quick learners. They have a thirst for knowledge and are always looking to learn something new.

Good Luck and Prosperity: The presence of Pushya Nakshatra in the birth chart is considered to be highly auspicious. Men born under this nakshatra are often blessed with good luck, prosperity, and happiness in life.

Here are some of the main characteristics of Female born under this Nakshatra
Nurturing and caring: Women born under Pushya Nakshatra have a natural instinct to take care of others. They are compassionate and empathetic towards the people around them, and they go out of their way to help others.

Creative and artistic: Pushya Nakshatra is associated with creativity and art. Women born under this Nakshatra have a natural talent for music, dance, painting, and other forms of creative expression.

Disciplined approach to life: These women have a disciplined approach to life and are known for their strong work ethic. They are goal-oriented and work hard to achieve their goals.

Good leadership skills: Pushya Nakshatra is also associated with leadership qualities. Women born under this Nakshatra possess excellent leadership skills and are often successful in their professional lives.

Spiritual and religious: Pushya Nakshatra is a highly spiritual and religious Nakshatra. Women born under this Nakshatra have a strong connection with their spiritual side and believe in maintaining strong family values.

Responsible and hardworking: These women are responsible and hardworking. They take their duties and responsibilities seriously and are always willing to go the extra mile to get things done.

Strong communication skills: Women born under Pushya Nakshatra have excellent communication skills. They are good at expressing their thoughts and ideas and are often successful in professions that require good communication skills, such as teaching, writing, and public speaking.

Career of Pushya Nakshatra

People born under this nakshatra are believed to possess a strong and nurturing personality, and they are often very dedicated to their work.

When it comes to career, individuals born under Pushya nakshatra have a natural inclination towards business and entrepreneurship. They have an excellent ability to make money and possess a strong sense of financial management. Therefore, they may excel in fields such as finance, accounting, banking, and business management.

Additionally, people born under Pushya nakshatra have a creative mind and an eye for detail, which makes them great designers, artists, and architects. They have a natural talent for creating beautiful things and are often very passionate about their work.

Pushya nakshatra individuals are also excellent communicators and have a way with words. Therefore, they may excel in fields such as journalism, public relations, advertising, and marketing. They have a great ability to connect with people and can often persuade others with ease.

Moreover, people born under Pushya nakshatra have a strong sense of responsibility and are highly reliable. They are often very dedicated to their work and are willing to put in long hours to achieve their goals. This quality makes them great leaders and managers, and they may excel in fields such as politics, law, and administration.

Pushya Nakshatra Compatibility
Pushya Nakshatra marriages are known to be highly compatible with other Nakshatras, especially Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Shravana, Uttarashada and magha Nakshatra. The compatibility of Pushya Nakshatra with these Nakshatras can lead to a happy, fulfilling, and long-lasting marriage.

Here are some of the characteristics that make Pushya Nakshatra marriages highly compatible:

Shared values and beliefs: People born under Pushya Nakshatra value traditional customs and practices, which are also important to those born under compatible Nakshatras. This shared value system can provide a solid foundation for the marriage.

Similar personality traits: Pushya Nakshatra individuals are nurturing, caring, and committed to their families. They are also disciplined, goal-oriented, and hardworking. These qualities are also present in individuals born under compatible Nakshatras, which makes them highly compatible.

Similar interests: Couples born under compatible Nakshatras are likely to share similar interests and hobbies. This can lead to a deeper connection and understanding between partners, which is essential for a successful marriage.

Effective communication: Communication is key to any successful relationship, and individuals born under compatible Nakshatras are likely to have excellent communication skills. They can express their thoughts and feelings clearly and listen actively to their partner's needs and concerns.

Mutual respect: Respect is a crucial component of any relationship, and individuals born under compatible Nakshatras are likely to respect each other's opinions, beliefs, and values. This mutual respect can lead to a strong and lasting bond between partners.

Pushya Nakshatra Astrology Predictions
According to Vedic Astrology, the presence of Pushya Nakshatra in the birth chart indicates good luck, prosperity, and happiness. People born under this nakshatra are highly spiritual and religious. They possess good leadership skills and have a disciplined approach to life. They are responsible, hardworking, and have a strong sense of duty towards their family and society. They are highly compatible with individuals born under Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana Nakshatras.

Remedies for Pushya Nakshatra
If an individual has malefic effects of Pushya Nakshatra in their birth chart, they can perform the following remedies to minimize the negative effects:

Chanting of the Brihaspati Mantra regularly can help minimize the malefic effects of Pushya Nakshatra.

Wearing a yellow sapphire gemstone can also help minimize the negative effects of Pushya Nakshatra.

Offering prayers to Lord Vishnu and Brihaspati on Thursdays can help minimize the negative effects of Pushya Nakshatra.

Doing charity and helping the poor and needy can also help minimize the negative effects of Pushya Nakshatra.

Online Pushya Nakshatra
There are several online resources available for people who want to learn more about Pushya Nakshatra. Online astrology websites offer personalized birth chart analysis and predictions based on the position of the planets and nakshatras. Online forums and discussion groups allow individuals to connect with others who share similar interests and beliefs. Online courses and webinars provide an in-depth understanding of Pushya Nakshatra and its significance in Vedic Astrology.

Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga
Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga is a very auspicious planetary combination in Vedic astrology. It occurs when the planet Jupiter (Guru) is in conjunction with the Pushya Nakshatra, which falls in the zodiac sign of Cancer. This combination is said to bring great prosperity, wealth, and good fortune to individuals who are born during this time or perform certain rituals during this period.

The Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga occurs once a month when the Pushya Nakshatra coincides with the day of the week when Jupiter rules. This is considered an extremely auspicious day and is believed to be an ideal time to perform important tasks such as buying property, starting a new venture, or getting married.

During this time, it is believed that the energies of Jupiter and Pushya combine to create a powerful force that can help individuals achieve their goals and dreams. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, knowledge, and expansion, while Pushya is associated with nourishment, nurturing, and growth. This combination is said to create a harmonious balance of these energies, making it an ideal time to start new ventures, invest in long-term projects, and pursue personal growth and development.

Many people also perform certain rituals during this time to enhance the positive effects of the Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga. These rituals may include performing pujas or homas (fire ceremonies) to appease the deities associated with Jupiter and Pushya, fasting, and offering charity to the less fortunate.

Facts of Pushya Nakshatra
Pushya Nakshatra is the eighth nakshatra in the series of 27 nakshatras in Vedic Astrology.

It is ruled by the planet Jupiter and its deity is Brihaspati.

Pushya Nakshatra falls under the zodiac sign of #Cancer.

The symbol of Pushya Nakshatra is a cow's udder, which represents nourishment and abundance.

Pushya Nakshatra is associated with the qualities of discipline, responsibility, and spirituality.

Individuals born under Pushya Nakshatra are known for their calm and composed nature, and possess good leadership skills.

Pushya Nakshatra is considered an auspicious time period for performing important tasks, such as starting a new business or signing important contracts.

Famous personalities born under the Pushya Nakshatra
Mahatma Gandhi: Born on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most famous personalities born under the Pushya Nakshatra. He was a political and spiritual leader who led India to independence from British colonial rule. Gandhi is known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, and his teachings continue to inspire people all over the world.

Warren Buffet: Warren Buffet is a billionaire investor and business magnate who was born on August 30, 1930. He is known as the "Oracle of Omaha" for his incredible investment acumen and is widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in history.

Amitabh Bachchan: Amitabh Bachchan is a legendary Bollywood actor who was born on October 11, 1942. He has acted in over 200 films and is considered one of the greatest actors in the history of Indian cinema.

Princess Diana: Princess Diana, born on July 1, 1961, was the first wife of Prince Charles of England. She was known for her humanitarian work and her dedication to charitable causes. Her untimely death in a car accident in 1997 shocked the world and led to an outpouring of grief.

J.K. Rowling: J.K. Rowling is a British author who was born on July 31, 1965. She is best known for writing the Harry Potter series of books, which have sold over 500 million copies worldwide and have been adapted into a successful film franchise.


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#Pushya #nakshatra (Cancri) is the 8th of the 27 #Nakshatras. Puṣya’s primary symbol is a #lotus.

The Presiding of this nakshatra is #Brihaspati Planet #Jupiter himself. He is the Guru of the Gods (has been guru of Ganesh and Karthikeya himself etc.), main priest of the gods court, lord Shiva had made Brihaspati into Planet Jupiter. Therefore, Jupiter is exalted in Pushya Nakshatra.

Rig Veda (4.40.1) mentions Brihaspati as the son of Angiras

As per ancient Hindu Puranic reference, Brihaspati (Jupiter), the Guru of the Gods had a very beautiful wife named Tara. One day when she was moving in sky near Chandra’s (the Moon’s) house, Moon God (Chandra) fell in love with her immediately, and she also fell in love with him. Brihaspati started to miss Tara and started looking for her. When he found out that she was with Moon God (Chandra), he sent his disciple to bring Tara back. But Tara would not come. Finally, Brihaspati decided to go himself could not persuade Tara to come back to him. This made Brihaspati to become very angry and finally Indra and other deities persuaded Moon God Chandra to return Tara. However, upon Tara’s return to her husband, Brihaspati discovered that she was pregnant who gave birth to Buddha (Mercury Planet). Budha’s son was Pururavas who established the Chandravanshi Dynasty (Lunar Dynasty) in Hindu mythology as shown below.


A Generous Helping of Starry Moon Milk
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I got a better way
I discovered a Star
I got a better way
Ready, set, go.

D. Bowie – New Killer Star

#Nakshatra (lunar house) of #Pushya – which means, quite literally the nourisher. #Brhaspati ( #Jupiter) is Guru to the gods and is the deity of this lunar house. He is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is an auspicious star, that shines nourishment, prosperity and growth to us on earth. The Motherly Pushya Nakshatra is contained within the constellation of Cancer and has 3 stars. Pushya Nakshatra occurring on an ascending Half Moon is a powerful and auspicious placement that helps us to see into the consequences of the decisions we make. Pushya offers us the energy conducive to nourish new beginnings, decisions and opportunities.

The Star Goddess Tara has her Jayanti (annual commemoration) upon this night of nourishment. Tara appears only at night, just as her name which means Star implies.

Tara has the wisdom of converting poison into nourishing medicine. She feeds us with the healing blue twilight milk of her celestially starry breast. Hers is the twilight milk that dissolves the sharp definitions between dark and light, safety and fear, seen and unseen.

The story tells us that when the mighty Shiva suffered great turmoil for drinking the Halahala poison. Out of maternal compassion, Tara fed Shiva from her breast with a generous helping of healing Starry Moon Milk.

The Mirror of Nourishment
Brhaspati is the planet Jupiter. He is the Guru to the gods. He is the deity of this lunar house and is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is the amplifier, Pushya as an adjective indicates someone who is well nourished, healthy and rosey-cheeked like a well fed baby.

Brhaspati knows which things give nourishment and which things do not. Brhaspati sees into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomenal universe and knows and shows exactly which things are magically reflected back by the decisions that we take. When we look at the meaning of his name we see this principle at play, Brhas means that which nourishes and magnifies, Pati means master. So literally Brhaspati is the master of that which nourishes, magnifies and increases.

In this Nakshatra,
Brhaspati brings us this very teaching,
giving us the vision
of the mirror of nourishment.

The mirror of nourishing force might be smeared, if so, it won’t fully reflect things back to us. If the mirror is pristine then it reciprocates that which is given into it. Nourishment is like this. We could just as well say, if the soil is well tilled and receptive, then it will give back of the seed that we sow there. If the soil is hardened and strewn with rocks then the seeds will fall into a barren death.

We sometimes put our energy into things where nothing comes back to us. If we focus our concentration and go into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomena of our lives, we might get closer to the vision of what we are actually feeding. The reasons we might be feeding some things that do not nourish us is a lesson of the highest magic, this is the investigation of the Tantric. Nourishing dead soil naturally leads us into a life of malnutrition. If the soil fertilizes the seed then we have harvest. Harvest starts on the subtle planes and manifests into the tangible.

A Time to Decide
Pushya is the magical milk of nourishment. The lunar vessel on the night of Pushya is half full with the illumination of Moonlight. The Moon will be beaming the rays of Pushya to us on earth on this coming half Moon. As it is the rising Moon, it will continue to expand the psychic action and decision we take upon this night.

This is a most favourable position
to give an impetus of growth
to our visions and decisions.

The half rising Pushya Moon brings an impetus of nourishment that can profoundly support our human undertakings. This Nakshatra is aptly symbolised by a milk-filled fortifying cows udder and a lotus flower in the height of bloom.

The Pushya Half Moon is a good time for new undertakings and making clear resolutions of the stray and fraying edges of the psychic fabric of our being. The lunar energy on the half rising Pushya Moon, reveals, two roads of our destiny in stark distinction. It is a time of thinking soberly about where we are going and perhaps even seeing into… what the outcome of our endeavours could really be.

Pushya pours milk-like nourishment and fulfilment into the infancies of our visions upon earth, it is a mothering star for this reason, who like a mother, gives flesh, form and nourishment to the infancy of any vision and undertaking. Those new ventures undertaken on a Pushya full Moon can bear great fruit and success if one continues the ever attentive work of nourishment.

Living off the Fat of the Land
The lesson of Pushya Nakshatra is all about developing the awareness of nourishing the opportunities we receive. There might be opportunities around us that we don’t always see. There might be openings that we are not able to recognise as doorways to power.

There is an old Indian teaching story of a person wandering in a dark labyrinth-like place. They went round and round, ever and always looking for the doorway out of their prison, but each and every time they actually reached the door to their freedom, the draft that came in, caused a moment of distraction in which they scratched their head, and so they ever missed the way out and continued in eternal circles.

It is perhaps easy
to take our health, successes
and opportunities for granted.

Even if our receivings are generous, they dwindle away if the law of nourishment is forgotten. What is that law? Perhaps the work of a good earning is never to be taken for granted and one must remember that the soil must be eternally nourished and tilled. Perhaps we are brought to question our notions of wealth by the Pushya star constellation.

If we realise that there is no resignation or retirement in magical matters of growth, then we might be spared from psychic death. Living off the fat of the land and laying down one’s tools is perhaps the biggest and most crippling of all fallacies.

The Lotus in Bloom
Pushya also carries another law of nourishment to us by its rulership over the lotus flower. The law of nourishing by halves is implicit in our lives. A period of exertion is naturally followed by respite. Living by the sun is replaced by the nightly retirement into the darkness.

This law of dualisms is starkly reflected in the being of the lotus flower. A flower held in high esteem by the Yogins. The Lotus is a flower with far-reaching roots that gains her nourishment from deep dark of marshy subterranean places. The lesson and law of nourishment by the way of polarity is inherent in the Lotus. This flower is greatly prized for its beauty and honest and generous teaching of the laws of reality. The Lotus flower spreads magnificence and emanates an aura of an almost otherworldly beauty. This mystical bloom shows us how it’s beauty and nourishment comes from the underground of dark, womb-deep places. The precious Lotus flower that spreads her colour and scent in the visible world obeys – perhaps like no other – the law of nourishing by polarity. The Yogins tell us time and again to be like the Lotus flower.

Pushya is the deep introspective study
of the Lotus flower…
so magical and so natural.

The Psychic Web of Karma.
Pushya is regarded as the lucky star, but luck is dependent upon the actions that we take. What is luck exactly? The luck that Pushya offers us is conditional upon the choices that we make and the energies that we nourish. A bloom is a thing of beauty. Throwing seed upon wintery granite grave and hoping for luck to bring us the beauty of a blossom growth is obviously an act of absurdity. The same seed cast upon fertile moist soil in spring is far more likely to result in growth. We see in this way that what we might term as luck, is dependent on choices of wise vision.

Karmic effect
is the manifestation
of a resonant energy field
that lives in the psychic hemisphere
of our being.

When something involves us and touches all the aspects of our being then it becomes a web that catches the phenomena of our lives. Tantric ritual practices work with the principle of the psychic web of energy, by attempting to engage the full range of our being, both the unrevealed and revealed parts of ourselves.

The law of Karma is often summed up as ‘what you sow you reap’. Karma is not as simple a matter as to reduce actions to a moral code of obedience, that is punished or rewarded according to the degree of abidance or deviation.

Karma lives in the very psychic realities that we align ourselves to. Some of what we align to might be out of sight and invisible to us. The Tantric process of making the invisible become visible, then becomes a way to navigate beyond the psychic webs of Karma. What lays beyond the webs of Karma is unknowable while we are within the web, we are dealing with a great mystical voyage.

The psychic karmic realities that are we aligning to, become the investigation of Pushya.

Karma could aptly be described as a magnetic psychic web.

What kind of web are we weaving?
Perhaps we are the spider and the fly?
Are we catching life of death?
Or perhaps a little bit of both?

Still from ‘The Picture of Dorian Grey’, 1945
Smears on the Psychic Mirror
What are the reasons why we might be feeding dead soil and therefore reaping a desolate harvest? Might it be based on the illusions that we have taken in? These illusions are called the Granthis by the Tantrics. Granthis are like smears on the psychic mirror of the self. It is these smears that cause the reflection of life to be reduced to obscure knotted forms.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the Guru of the gods and he is a strict discriminatory force. He is most generous indeed but he only gives to those who meet his subtle psychic standards.

Shukracharia (Venus) is the opposite of Brhaspati. Venus is the Guru who gives generously and indiscriminately of his riches. This is why he is the chosen Guru of the Asuras.

The Asuras are the beings of dualistic destruction. Very often we see that the Asuras are described as demons, but this does not at all translate correctly what the Asuras really are and carries too many foreign connotations to be accurate. Venus gives us prosperity, joy and pleasure in an earthly sense (Shukra in his name literally means the essence and seed). Venus spreads out and down and is received by laying down. Jupiter on the other hand moves up and out and takes the opposite action to gravity. In other words…

…to reach the levels of Jupiter,
it takes a psychic climb
through the winding
labyrinths and stairways
of the mind.

Polishing the Mirror
Brhaspati (Jupiter) is reached through psychic Tapasya (effort). Tapasya could be called the polishing of the Psychic Mirror of the self.This is the effort to go beyond the frontiers of consciousness and towards the ultra-terrestrial potentials of the psyche.

Brhaspati is the master of magical ritual formulae. It is he who leads us beyond the limits of consciousness through his penetrating force within magical ritual. He is the Jupitarian high-priest with the magical wisdom that transforms the subtle layers of reality… which in turn change the experience of reality itself. He is the doorway keeper to the mysteries beyond the known, his conditions take the work of undoing and outdoing oneself. Unlike Venus who gives it for free.

Pushya brings a blessing of vision to us on earth. That blessing is the ability to make the right decisions. There are other Nakshatra’s that bring us different lessons pertaining to nourishment. The Yogin studies the lessons written in the stars, by tuning into the celestial forces through ritualistic formulae and devotion.

In conclusion, Pushya’s particular lesson, as we have seen, is very much concerned with finding the distinction between that which nourishes and that which does not. One of the symbols of this Star is the cow’s udder. This is the naturally most nourishing place for the baby. The soul that finds the nourishing breast in all arenas of life, becomes the baby, nourished by Mother Nature.



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#Pushya is one of most lovable #nakshatra among 27 constellations as it is ruled by two planet the expansion of Jupiter and the planet of Karma Saturn. Hence, it is a favourable nakshatra for carrying spiritual pursuits.Astrology is not about marriage, child birth, career, it is a bridge to connect and know oneself.The characteristic of our Nakshatra and the dignity of that planet in our Kundli shows in which areas of life we have to work and correct ourselves.

People of Pushya Nakshatra are generally fond of good food and living.This nakshatra is considered very auspicious in any work except marriage, if we buy gold and property then it gives good results in the long run.

Pushya Nakshatra falls in Cancer sign and the quality of Cancer sign is flexible, caring, emotional, nurturing but if the effect on Cancer is bad in one’s horoscope then Pushya Nakshatra native has to work on it that otherwise it makes them conservative and rigid.

favourable activities – beginning anything ,laying foundation for building ,celebration, gatherings ,imaginative activities, music ,dance, travel ,financial planning, receiving legal assistance , cooking ,gardening ,activities for children ,purchasing or taking care of a pet ,healing and nurturing activities, seeking guidance, religious and spiritual activities and activities .

unfavourable activities -marriage, activities involving cruelty.

positive traits- hardworking .creative ,tolerant of pain ,intelligent ,learned, liked by many ,spritual, intutive wisdom, help others ,make good advisor and public servant ,independent ,interest in education and humanitarian causes, philanthropic, socially adapt ,selfness, good finance, respected ,moderate , have spiritual practice ,passionate and defensive about the things they believe in.

Negative Symptoms- Stubborn, selfish, arrogant, overly talkative, dogmatic, bigoted, hyper sensitive, sensitive to the cause of others about them, that devotion can turn into oppression, distorted by believing the wrong people Goes, there is an increase of insecurity.

career interests – government ,politics, geologist, aquatic Biologist, military police, Managing Director, food ,merchant, clergy, priest,

Pushya Nakshatra 1st Pada :In the Leo Navamsa ruled by the Sun. Here the focus is on achievement, riches, family and ancestral pride. There is strong support from planets.

Pushya Nakshatra 2nd Pada: In the Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury. Here the focus is on the achievements of the hard-working professional. Good material results are obtained.

Pushya Nakshatra 3rd Pada: In the Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. The focus here is on home, luxury, and creature comforts.

Pushya Nakshatra 4th Pada: the Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. It represents the occult aspects which attempt to connect with native with celestial powers. Negative traits such as intolerance and too much dependence on others are also manifested here.

Translation: Nourisher Symbol: #Teat of cow, #arrow, #flower

Lord: #Saturn Zodiac: Cancer sign Diety: Hanuman Nature: The light ( #Lagu)

Gana: Dev (Lord LIke) Body VarahaMihira: Mouth, face


Number: 8 Letter: Hoo, He, Ho, Dah Lucky Stone: Blue Saphire

Lucky Color: Red Lucky Numbers: 8

Element: #Water Dosh: #Pitta Bird Name: #Sea-Crow

Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Aja ( #Goat) Tree: Ashwatha Vriksha / #Peepal.

Meaning: “The #Nourisher or The Nurturer”; The Ancient name of Pushya in the Rig Veda was “Tishya”, the Celestial Archer, This nakshatra is also called “Sidhya” or “ #Pushyami



#Pushya falls entirely in the Cancer sun sign and is the combination of Theta-Cancri, Gamma-Cancri, and Eta-Cancri. Its symbol, udder of the cow, represents the literal translation – #Nourisher or nourishment. The #cow is the most auspicious being in the Hindu religion. It is a symbol of fertility and productivity. Hence, it is said that the natives of Pushya Nakshatra are productive, happy, highly esteemed, stable-minded, and good-looking.
Astrological Range: 93°20′ to 106°40′ Cancer
#Nakshatra Number: 8
Gender: Male
Symbol: The udder of a cow; #Flower; #Circle
Presiding Deity: #Brihaspati
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Saturn
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: #Hanuman
Shakti: Brahmavarchava Shakti
Caste: #Kshatriya
Nature: The light (Lagu)
Gana: Devas (God-like)
Body Varāhamihira: Mouth, face
Body Parashara: Lips
Rashi/Zodiac: Cancer sign
Marriage: Not auspicious
Translation: Nourisher
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Hoo, He, Ho, Dah
Lucky letters: H & D
Lucky Stone: Blue Saphire
Lucky Color: Blackish Red
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 8
Common Name of Associated Tree: Sacred #Fig
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Ficus religiosa
Astronomical Name: Delta Cancri
Dosha: #Pitta
Guna: #Tamasic
Element: #Water
Bird Name: Sea #Crow
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Goat
Career: Counseling, Public Administration, Planning and research, Priests or Clergies, Careers related to Geology, Aquatic Biologists, Land or Agricultural merchants, Teachers, and Professors.



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Natives born in #Mrigashira #Nakshatra are friendly, sincere, easily trusted, gain several friends, have a large social circle, attracted to romantic partners, chase things of interest, lover of travel, and enjoy exploring new places,

Mrigashira Nakshatra in #astrology is one of the Tiryaka Mukhi Nakshatras (or the #Nakshatras, which have their mouths curved). In these Nakshatras, things related to roads, dams, the expansion of metals, chariots, boats, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: A #Deer
The symbol for Mrigshira (Mrigasheersha) is Deer.

Deity: The #Soma
The deity of Mrigashirsha is Soma. Soma indicates a plant or a creeper. Soma is also one of the names of the Moon. Soma is a master of great mantras or chanting.

He is fast and sustains senses. He is the owner of wealth, food grains, and nourishment. The deity of this Nakshatra is also called Chandra or the Moon. Chandra means the one who shines or glitters. One more meaning of the word Soma is the one with a mate.

Characteristics of Mrigashira Nakshatra in Astrology
The animal of Mrigashira Nakshatra is a# female #snake, and the soul of this nakshatra is a #Cobra.
The natives of Mrigashira Nakshatra have a very similar attitude to a male snake but are more private, secluded and submissive. Just like the #Rohini snake, Mrigashira is all about eloping when given a chance.
They want to break all restrictions and completely fall in love. The Rohini Nakshatra is more about the pleasure and seduction but Mrigashira is about seduction, pleasure and falling deep in love.
Female cobras build a nest and remain nearby to protect it, but male king cobras try to avoid fights.
Mrigashira becomes extremely protective of their lovers, children, especially on the Taurus side of this Nakshatra.
There is still a strong foundation of material search and protection in their life.
The sense of sexual pleasure is extreme with both Rohini and Mrigashira Nakshatras.
When these two Nakshatras get along, there is an instant electrical charge of attraction, but at the end, Mrigashira wants more while Rohini, the male cobra, looks for another to mate with.
It’s a great dating relationship between the two Nakshatras, but not a long term.
There is always the caress and coil the other individual during love making, even crushing them.
The deity of this Nakshatra is Soma, the Moon God himself.
Soma is the #elixir, which gives devas #immortality.
The whole story runs about where Soma stole #Tara, the wife of #Jupiter, who was too busy with his teachings, rituals, and guiding the royal family.
The lonely Tara was seduced by Soma and eloped with him; and became pregnant with his child, who was the #Mercury graha.
This also created a huge scandal for Jupiter, who later accepted Mercury after seeing his intelligence and quick learning skills.
#Moon was always fond of Rohini and spent the most time with her, but he also had an affinity for Mrigashira.
Mrigashira Nakshatra natives, like Rohini, will either elope or have an affair with a person whom they will fall deeply in love with.
Women with this Nakshatra have the tendency of having premarriage children; even in a conservative society, they may get pregnant a few weeks before the wedding.
Mrigashira and #Pushya are two Nakshtras who always tend to either date or marry a partner having a child from a previous relationship.
In mythology, there is a chapter where #Shiva saved Moon (Soma) as he received his boon to have him wax and wane so at least he can be in full phase on one day in a month.
This boon from Shiva was given to him after much effort and prayers. Shiva was so impressed that he took part of the crescent Moon and wore it on his head.
The story of Moon leads to Mrigashira natives having an affinity with Moon, especially the crescent moon.
They will even draw crescent Moon subconsciously on a board in the class or at their work. Many people become fascinated with looking at Moon at night, be big fans of the Apollo program, which landed a man on the Moon, and crescent moon days are highly sexually active.
When we look at Soma, it sounds like a divine drink, which every one of us have looked or thought about at one point in our life.
In reality, these natives do not really get the elixir of mortality, but elixir to escape.
Mrigashira natives are prone to addictive substances like alcohol, drugs, etc.
It isn’t due to the fact they are looking for immortality, but looking to escape this mortal life.
They try to escape from this known consciousness to the world they came from.
This act is also not conscious because they are not trying to be yogis and practice spirituality; they simply do it subconsciously by using their current situation as an excuse, but it is this chasing of elixir that ultimately leads to realizing about spiritual knowledge.
This may happen while they are drunk and suddenly get some type of an epiphany.
When this Nakshatra is occurring in the 12th, 4th, or 8th house, this part of the Nakshtra is very active, most of the time you won’t find them as drunkards or substance abusers.
On the contrary, many natives are actually spiritualists.
Mrigashira Nakshatra connects the Earth element of Taurus to the air element of Gemini, which makes a big difference on the two sides.
One seeks the pleasure of earth or material resources, while the other seeks the pleasure of information to reach the final elixir.
The symbolism of this Nakshatra is a deer’s head.
Deers are extremely good with smells, run fast, gets spooked, constantly searche for food in the forest, run away as soon as they notice you and are highly reproductive.
Mrigashira people have a great sense of smell. They can smell a dirty diaper on a different floor in the house, they can smell a burning food, but they love the rose smell.
The crux of the smell is actually the deer’s musk, which has a wonderful fragrance.
Such people are fast in doing their work, they quickly get into whatever they need to do and accomplish, but also they get spooked very easily and have a hard time with darkness as their imagination goes wild.
Mrigashira natives run away from conflict, constantly search for something in their life, whether it’s the search for pleasure, or when it turns into search for God and, they are highly sexual with their mate.
Mrigashira is #Parvati, and #Ardra is Shiva; what we know about their story is that Parvati had to search for a perfect mate after rigorous penance when she finally found Shiva.
This shows that Mrigashira natives have to go through many failed relationships before they find their Shiva regardless of the gender whether it’s a man or a woman.
Most of the search that occurs for Mrigashira native is the search for a perfect partner.
This Nakshatra has a strong theme of running and searching, which is also chasing.
Mrigashira natives love chasing and stalking things, whether it is something they want to buy or someone they like.
They will always somehow stalk until they have them.
This Nakshatra strangely loves eating meat or exotic meat because it takes place in the searching path of a jungle.
Mrigashira and Ardra Nakshatras both have similar food tastes if they eat meat.
Attributes of Mrigashira Nakshatra in Astrology
Mrigashira Nakshatra extends from 23’20” in Taurus (Vrishabha) Rashi up to 6’40” in Gemini (Mithun). The word ‘Mriga’ represents forests, gardens, a search, a seeking to find, to roam about in the forests and a hunter, to seek, to blaze the trail, a guide, preceptor, an erotic affair, beauty of the countenance with particular emphasis on the radiant lustre of the face, because of Chandra.
Chandra is the Lord of the mind, so all mental attitude, good or bad, sympathies and antipathies, patience and impatience, the fidgetiness and placidity, imagination, the gift of poetry, purity, sweetness, and light, physical and mental aspects, all these come within this star and when things of sweetness and light of physic as also of the mind derivatives from Chandra. Corresponding to these attributes, the horoscope of Rabindra Nath Tagore (a famous Indian poet) comes to mind.
His Janma (birth) Lagna was Pisces (Meena) with Chandra there, and Guru was in Cancer (Karka) Rashi. Because of this yoga, Rabindra Nath had something like physical translucence, which was the object of admiration worldwide, wherever people met. Also, at the same time, his poetry enthralled the whole world.
Description of Mrigashira Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Mrigashira Nakshatra will be fickle-minded, will have a broad body, will be sickly, prone to several accidents, enthusiastic, and will have many enemies and miseries.
According to Jataka Parijata: If at a native’s birth, the Moon is in Mrigasirsha Nakshatra, he will be soft-hearted, wandering, love-sick, and ailing.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Mrigashira Nakshatra will be enthusiastic, unstable and timid in disposition, wealthy, a peace-lover, pure in conduct, will know about Tantra (inculcating the methods of worship of Lord Siva and Mother Sakthi), be lordly, learned and skillful.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under the star Mrigashira becomes fickle, clever, timid, eloquent, wealthy, and endowed with sensual pleasures.



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#Pushya’ or ‘ #Pashyami’ is a #constellation in the #Cancer zodiac sign, and it can have a significant impact on a person’s life depending on where it’s placed in their #birth chart. When it’s in favorable positions, it brings positive outcomes, but in unfavorable positions, it can lead to challenges. The positioning of other planets in the chart also plays a crucial role.

Pushya is often associated with nurturing and preservation. In simpler terms, it aims to support and sustain what is healthy and beneficial. This concept isn’t limited to just relationships; it extends to intellect as well. Since Pushya is governed by #Jupiter, a planet linked to wisdom and broad-mindedness, people born under Pushya seek to nourish their minds and expand their mental horizons.

These individuals are lifelong learners who actively seek out teachers, books, places, and people that contribute to their personal growth and wisdom. They also have their own insights and ideas generated through their self-reflection and mental abilities.

Pushya individuals are in a constant state of exploration, looking for answers both within themselves and in the world around them. This curious and inquisitive nature is a fundamental trait of Pushya, present from birth. You might recognize a Pushya individual as a child who always questions how things work, tries to figure things out on their own, asks lots of questions, and gets excited or uneasy when answers aren’t readily available.

Empathy is another key trait of Pushya. From a young age, they have a deep understanding of what can hurt or uplift someone, and they naturally act in ways that consider these feelings. They are known for giving selflessly, without expecting anything in return, and their generosity comes from a genuine place of respect for others and their own values.

This trait is exceptionally strong in Pushya individuals; they act this way not because they want something in return, but because it’s in their nature to do so.

A famous example of a Pushya personality is #Goddess #Sita, who was born under this Nakshatra. She endured tremendous trials, like the trial by fire, without questioning until she reached a point where she couldn’t bear it any longer and chose salvation. Pushya individuals, like Cancerians, are giving and nurturing, but they are also deeply emotional and have their limits. When they feel their purpose in someone’s life is fulfilled, they are willing to let go, leaving behind beautiful memories.

For those who understand and appreciate these qualities in Pushya individuals, they can enjoy incredibly harmonious and loving family lives Pushya Nakshatra.

Lastly, Pushya is associated with one of the five primary elements, known as ‘Pancha Mahabhutas’: Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space. In Pushya Nakshatra, the element of Space is particularly influential and takes shape among these five elements Pushya Nakshatra.
Translation “to #nourish and #nurture
Symbol #Cow’s #udders
Animal Symbol #Goat
Presiding Deity #Brihaspati, priest of #Gods
Controlling/Ruling Planet #Saturn
Ruling Deity of Saturn #Hanuman
The 4 Quarters of Pushya Nakshatra

1st quarter Ruled by Sun
2nd quarter Ruled by Mercury
3rd quarter Ruled by Venus
4th quarter Ruled by Mars
Nature #Deva (God-like)
Mode #Passive
Number #8
Gender #Male
Dosha #Pitta
Guna #Tamasic
Element #Water
Disposition #Light and #swift
Bird #Crow
Common Name of the Tree #Peepal
Botanical Name of the Tree #FigFicusreligiosa
Seed Sounds Hu, He, Ho, Da


  1. #Pushya #nakshatra enter image description here Cow vs Heifer - #Cow #Udders A cow’s udder is the #symbol of Pushya.

©Ratthaphong Ekariyasap/Shutterstock.com

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Associated Deity: #Bhraspati, a sage who gives counsel to the other gods

Associated Stars: #Asellus-Borealis, #Asellus-Australis, and #Theta-Cancri

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Cancer-10°26′ Leo

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Peaceful, expansive, abundant, optimistic, balanced, helpful, ethical, sometimes suspicious or overly protective of material items



#Pushya #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Male natives born in Pushya Nakshatra are old school romantics with a hidden emotional character that debars them from making tough life decisions. These people find it tough to leave someone and thus are loyal lovers. These people also struggle at making tough changes in life. The emotional nature of these natives, however, also makes them kind-hearted. This native is always in the mood to please himself and hence, can be selfish about it. The Pushya male has a chosen few friends and doesn't pay much heed to people beyond that circle. Praise inflates his ego, while criticism deflates it. The soft nature of these individuals makes them malleable to falling into the wrong company. Hence, males born in Pushya Nakshatra must be very careful about who they forge bonds with, be it personal or professional.

Profession male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra has a will to take up any job. These people want to show the world that they can do anything and everything and thus take on tasks whether or not they are capable of handling them. Yet, having too much work under their selves make them stressed and uninterested in other commitments in life. Also, as these males are emotional beings, even a little criticism about their work can make them sad. These natives, however, don't like to leave any task in between if they have once committed themselves to it. Aka, the male born in Pushya Nakshatra is born with strong willpower and overcomes difficult obstacles to reach his goals.

Compatibility male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra is more inclined towards his family, or say, is dependent on them for a large part of his life. Even if you are earning well, still you will get help from your family whenever you need it. Often, the arrival of even the smallest problem in life activates the panic mode in males born in Pushya Nakshatra. Thereafter, they don't even think once before ghosting every relation in life until their problem is solved.

Health male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra may have to face health problems right from birth till the age of 15. If you cross the age successfully, you will relatively live a disease-free life. However, try to not be lazy about things in life.

Characteristics female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra may have a tough time finding peace for herself, owing to her busy schedule throughout her life. The female is too gentle, which is a quality of hers that people tend to use against her. As someone born in Pushya Nakshatra, you may have experienced instances when you gave someone all of yours and got nothing or even misery in return from them. Yet, despite the odds, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra believes in the plan of the lord and is a religious kind. She has an appetite for following family rituals and does everything from her whole heart. The sexual nature is one of your cherished qualities but make sure you don't use it for the wrong reasons.

Profession female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra is a smart investor. This woman has the capability of handling her money well. You may get good returns by investing in land, buildings and estate. In the professional world too, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra rises to fame and important positions faster than anyone else. Many may quote your looks as the reason behind the quick promotions, but you may give the credit to the sharp mind and intellect thinking that you get from being born in Pushya Nakshatra.

Compatibility female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra has less time for family matters and thus may struggle at forging good compatibility with her spouse. In fact, your spouse may even suspect you of cheating in some instances. Thus making space for work-life balance is one thing you must do immediately. The female born in this Nakshatra also struggles from the inability to express herself. Countering this can help you meet more compatible people.

Health female
Just like the male native, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra may also have to face health problems till the age of 20. Skin-related problems such as acne and pimples might leave you irritated. Medication, however, is not the cure for these problems, but time.

Dates for Pushya Nakshatra in 2022
January 18, 2022 February 14, 2022
March 13, 2022 April 10, 2022
May 7, 2022 June 3, 2022
July 1 & 28, 2022 August 24, 2022
September 20, 2022 October 18, 2022
November 14, 2022 December 11, 2022
Pushya Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Leo Navamsa and is ruled by the Sun. The native born in this pada is ushered with achievement, wealth and ancestral pride faster than anyone else.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Virgo Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. The native born in this pada may have to face health problems. Native born in this pada will have fair complexion and slim body.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Libra Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The native born in this pada is more inclined towards home, comfort, luxuries and romance. This native tends to become a great life partner.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. Natives born in this Nakshatra may have setbacks in their early education due to health problems. Also, your irresponsible behaviour, if not changed, can let you down in life.
Features of Pushya Nakshatra
Symbol- Wheel

Ruling planet- #Saturn

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- rajas/sattva/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Brihaspati

Animal- #Ram

Indian Zodiac- 3°20′ -16°40′ Karka



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#Pushya #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

The Pushya Nakshatra is the 8th lunar constellation withinside the #VedicAstrology collection of #Nakshatras. All 4 quarters or padas, of this Nakshatra fall below the signal of #Cancer due to the fact it's far below the Cancer #zodiac signal. The natives of this nakshatra are very emotional, jovial, and fun-loving in nature having a very positive mindset. #Saturn is known to be the Graha Devta or the ruler of this Nakshatra.

Pushya Nakshatra

Pushya offers to nourish and nurture, and this definition quite a great deal captures the spirit of this Nakshatra. It denotes being a parent and having the potential to thrive. It is visible as a totally lucky constellation and emphasizes compassion and generosity for all human beings, irrespective of differences. They excel at imparting emotional support, and due to those traits, they're well-liked. They are kind of individuals who can be relied upon and lends their helping hand in the hour of need. However, in case your beginning chart has stricken planets on this Nakshatra, you'll be slothful, reliant, and susceptible to addictions due to the fact you lack self-control. You get easily carried away by your emotions and thought processes and then lose track of reality.

Pushya Natchathiram

Pushya nakshatra natives are exceptionally kind, sincere, and compassionate. They have an actually precise heart, are kind, and hold a fab head below pressure. These human beings every now and then undergo the struggling and burden of others without inquiring for something in return, which could every now and then reason, pressure, and annoyance. They have a robust experience of belonging to their homes, families, and communities, which makes them noticeably decent, hospitable, and defensive of those they love.

Lord of Pushya Nakshatra

The Pushya Nakshatra's Lord is Graha Devta, who bestows upon us the potential to recognize the man or woman of the planets in our horoscopes in order that we might also additionally perform according with them. Saturn is the Pushya Nakshatra's Graha Devta, or ruling planet, in line with Vedic astrology, and it bestows upon its population the features of perseverance, dedication, and practicality. They are devoted to their objectives, spiritual, and disciplined.

Pushya Nakshatra Famous Personalities

In Pushya Nakshatra, many famous people were born. According to this Nakshatra's traits, many human beings born below it have accomplished reputations on a worldwide scale in their respective fields, along with Nancy Reagan, Lata Mangeshkar, Raj Kapoor, and Vivian Richards, Madhuri Dixit.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 1

The Sun-dominated Leo Navamsa is wherein the Pushya Nakshatra's first pada falls. Here, success, wealth, family, and delight in ancestry are highlighted. The natives born on this planet are mostly materialistic in nature. Planets offer a variety of assistance.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 2

The Mercury-dominated Virgo Navamsa incorporates the Pushya Nakshatra's 2nd pada. The accomplishments of the diligent expert are highlighted in this context. Good tangible consequences are attained. Then they are having great communication skills and deal with anyone very intelligently.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 3

The Venus-dominated Libra Navamsa incorporates the 3rd pada of the Pushya Nakshatra. The perception of home, elegance, and creature comforts is highlighted here. Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon are the beneficial planets in this area.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 4

The Scorpio Navamsa, which is managed via way of means of Mars, homes the Pushya Nakshatra's fourth pada. It symbolizes the occult factors that take the time to unite local beings with celestial powers. Here, poor traits like intolerance and an immoderate reliance on others also are evident.

Pushya Nakshatra Zodiac Sign

Cancer is known to be the Zodiac sign of Pushya Nakshatra. Cancerians are precise at studying human beings and are informed and sensitive. They are compassionate, nurturing, and creative. They are full of energy and positive vibes and individuals who take great pleasure in helping other people. They take challenges in life as their opportunity to learn new things and explore various dimensions of life.



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#Moon in #Pushya #Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the Sun is sighted on the Moon, then the person will be brave, the protector of the government, working in the legal department. If the sight of Mars is on the moon, then the person is knowledgeable of more than one work, giving pain to the mother, due to its effect, the upper part of the body of many people gets spoiled. Will happen. If Jupiter's vision is on the Moon, then the person will be unhappy with the intelligent, teacher and mother's side. If Venus is aspected on the Moon, then the person will be rich in fun, but one who spends money on the wrong things will suffer from diseases related to sex. If Saturn is aspected by Moon, then the person will be moneyless, suffering from lung diseases.

If there is Moon in Pushya Nakshatra, then the person is attractive, beautiful, intelligent, a knower of many subjects after listening, soft-spoken, happy, thoughtful, a skilled worker, not harsh religious but laughing, a believer, and lover of women It happens. The person is secular, and traditionalist but not a fanatic. It is rich, happy, helpful, bright, eloquent, and efficient. However, it considers arrogant and those who do not follow their ideals as inferior to themselves. The person is happy, virtuous, and strong but has a wife, opulent, desirous of living near water or a garden, pious but orthodox, hardworking in foreign countries, and a native family suffers from the problem. Abortion occurs in female natives. The native will have a fickle mind, a grabber of others' wealth, discord with his mother, ostracized by family members, and sinful but a leader of outsiders.

Moon in Pushya Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is handsome, charming, sage has knowledge of more than one subject, gentle attitude, lives a blissful life, says good thoughts, does good deeds, believing in religion but laughs, God is The one who believes in, the woman is engaged in love.

Moon in Pushya Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is great, follows the traditions, and does not argue. The person is wealthy, happy, helping the poor, majestic, flowing, and skilled in all works. The person rejects the person who does not listen to his work, due to which he is said to be arrogant.

Moon in Pushya Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is happy, has good conduct, diligent in work, has a wife, is opulent, desirous of living near a river or canal, follows religion, not believing in customs, abroad. The worker is surrounded by family troubles. In this phase, there is a hindrance in the conception of the female native.

Moon in Pushya Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is cunning, one who keeps his work out of others keeps an eye on the property of others, is troubled by the mother's side, is removed from the family, and does bad deeds but is the leader of a city or village away from his birthplace.


If there is Moon in Pushya Nakshatra, then the person believes in God, is great, follows traditions, helps the needy, means, protects, belongs to the mind, is self-confident, collects wealth, and Is a social worker. If it asks someone to do some work and he does not agree, then it removes him from himself by which he displays his pride. The person is intelligent and calm-natured, follows the path of religion, helps people in society, takes his step in politics, and family troubles remain. They have to work hard till the age of 30 to 32 years but after that they achieve success. There is sorrow from the mother's side



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#Pushyami is one of the essential #nakshatras in Indian astrology; the nakshatra is also known as Tishya, which means to have a look. The nakshatra is also referred to as the #star of #nourishment which implies that this nakshatra brings nurturing boons into people’s lives. This nakshatra is one of the most pious constellations, and it is said that people born under its influence are of helping and compassionate nature.

Lord #Brihaspati is the deity who rules and safeguards #Pushya mi Nakshatra. Deity Brihaspati is the preacher of #astronomy and is also a renowned priest of all the godheads. Leo, Libra, Virgo, and Scorpio are the padas of Pushyami Nakshatra. #Cows sh #udder, or #lotus #flower embodies this nakshatra; the symbol defines tranquillity and hope, which helps make a being’s sustenance better and more lively. The Lotus symbol signifies the good prospects in the education area. Saturn is the planet that rules the star, and Kshatriya is the varna associated with it.

Boons of Pushyami Nakshatra
Following are some of the negative aspects linked with Ardra Nakshatra

Pushyami Nakshatra blesses people with extraordinary capacities to accomplish tasks. People with this star in their nakshatra are determined and hardworking enough to achieve significant feats in life.
The star is highly favourable for attaining wealth, riches, and abundance in life.
People under this star’s influence are very passionate, and they are always motivated to do good for humanity.
The nakshatra favours high-profits and successful stints in the business line.
People under this star’s effects unveil success in any new endeavour or business.
Pushyami Nakshatra also supports positive interest in religious and spiritual areas.
People with Pushyami Nakshatra are also blessed with excellent prospects in travel and explorations. They are also inventive to add more adventures to their lives.
Banes of Pushyami Nakshatra
Here are a few harmful elements linked with Pushyami Nakshatra-

Pushyami Nakshatra is not very favourable for marital affairs.
The nakshatra is also a bit sceptical about physical and vigorous activities.

If you are born with Pushyami Nakshatra in your horoscope, make sure you know its prospects and aspects. If you want to fetch maximum boons out of your nakshatra, then do contact us. We will execute Pushyami Nakshatra Homam for you to please Brihaspati devata. The Homam will ensure that you retrieve all the benefits of your nakshatra, and no force creates an imbalance in your life or horoscope.



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Pushya (To provide nourishment) (93°20′ to 106°40′ Cancer)

#Pushya #nakshatra is located entirely in the Zodiac sign of #Cancer and is comprised of the stars: Theta-, Gamma- and Eta-Cancri. Pushya is translated as "nourisher" which expresses the essence of this #star. The symbol of this nakshatra is the udder of a cow, again representing nourishment. The #cow is revered in the #Vedic tradition and is a symbol of fertility and productivity. #Brihaspati (an aspect of Jupiter) is the ruling deity of Pushya, who bestows qualities of benevolence, while #Saturn, the ruling planet, brings commitment and practicality. People born under Pushya nakshatra have a strong sense of family, home and community as well as an affinity for good food and social enjoyment. They need a balanced approach to life or they may become too comfortable or rigid. Pushya is the most benign of all stars and is considered a favorable nakshatra for spiritual pursuits. Those born under this star are dependable, generous, protective and calm.

Sacred Energy Vortex
Vilankulam Sri Akshayapureeswarar

The energy vortex that resonates with Pushya nakshatra is located in Thanjavur near Peravoorani in Tamil Nadu, India. People born und the star of Pushya should visit and worship the sacred temple of Sri Vilankulam Sri Akshayapureeswarar at least once during their lifetime.

Pushya is the star of Lord Sri Saneeswarar. According to the Siddhas, the inner meaning of Pushya is "to gain the affection through the glorious feet of God." Sri Saneeswarar incurred a foot injury as Yama, the God of Death, kicked Sri Saneeswarar, leaving him with a disabled foot. To remedy his ailment, Sri Saneeswarar began begging for grains, which he then cooked and fed to the poor. He also made offerings and prayers to Lord Shiva at the sacred shrine of Vilankulam. Sri Saneeswarar received the grace of Shiva at this temple and his foot was healed. Those born under Pushya will gain the affection of Lord Sri Saneeswarar at this temple. This is where Lord Shiva revealed himself as Lord Akshayapureeswarar. He was present for Sri Sanesswarar and he is always present at this temple. People born under Pushya have abundant luck and if they offer prayers at this shrine, they will easily attain the benefits of penance.

Sri Saneeswarar can provide longevity and remove worries so that people may live in happiness. It is especially beneficial for people in the major or minor period of Saturn (Shani) to make an offering to Sri Saneeswarar to remove the evil effects committed during their previous lifetimes. Foreigners born under Pushya nakshatra should visit this temple once a year and circumambulate the temple, from left to right, eight times. This will eliminate problems with the planet Saturn.

It is recommended to anoint Lord Sri Saneeswarar with sandal paste and offer sesame sweets. Giving the sweet food to poor people at the temple is another remedy for any afflictions of Saturn. Unexpected health problems, chronic ailments and, large debt problems due to health treatment can be eliminated by making offerings at the Vilankulam Lord Sri Saneeswarar Temple.

Pushya nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Peepal as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.



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#Pushya #Nakshatra - Pushya is the eighth Nakshatra in #Vedic# astrology ranging from 3°20' to 16°40' Karka.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra are Cow's #udder, #Lotus, #Arrow and #Circle.

Astronomical Name - This Nakshatra corresponds to γ, δ and θ Cancri, in the constellation of #Cancer.

Deity of Nakshatra - #Brihaspati, priest of the gods is the deity of Pushya Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by #Shani (the planet #Saturn).

Others - Vedic name of Pushya is Tishya which means #Auspicious. Pushya Nakshatra is considered as an auspicious and very superior Nakshatra. Pushya is derived from Pushti which means #nourishment.



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#Pushya #Nakshatra is the eighth of 27 #nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 3:20-16:40
Sanskrit Name: पुष्य (Pushya) comes from the Sanskrit word पोष (nourishing). One meaning of Pushya is “one who nourishes,” indicating vitality, strength, and a warm, caring nature.

Planetary Ruler: #Saturn. Saturn is the bestower of karmic reaction, the good or bad results of one’s past activities. It is associated with discipline, obstacles, hard work, and philosophy and law.

Nakshatra Group: Godly. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Pushya is a godly nakshatra. People in this group are generally good-natured and fortunate in life. However, they may struggle with pride and a sense of entitlement.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer. Cancerians are wise and perceptive, gifted in their ability to read other people. They are nurturing, creative, and empathetic.

Deity: #Brihaspati. Brihaspati is the guru of the gods in Vedic theology. As their spiritual leader, he gives them advice and guidance.

Symbol: The #udder of a cow, a #lotus, or a #circle. Respectively, this represents nourishment, auspiciousness, and wholeness.

Power: To give spiritual illumination. Spiritual energy is prominent in Pushya, and this energy helps individuals find the Absolute Truth and also creates unity.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Pushya are Hu (हु), He (हे), Ho (हो), and Da (ड). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Pushya natives are especially drawn to spirituality. You are devout and faithful in your spiritual practice, and may be the source of spiritual inspiration for others. Morality is important to you and you strive to act in a way that aligns with your definition of virtue. You are independent and won’t go along with something if it doesn’t seem right to you.

Material pleasures don’t hold that much power over you. Your self-control and austerity allow you to keep your desires and emotions in check, most of the time. You rarely lose your composure. Others don’t need to worry about you imposing your austerity on them, however, for you are very generous. Whatever you have, you’ll want to give away.

A keen curiosity leads you to become knowledgeable in many subjects. You are naturally studious.

Like most Cancerians, you are incredibly perceptive. You are eloquent and you have a natural talent for self-expression. People like you — your empathic nature and admirable qualities make you rather popular.

Pushya Careers
You possess excellent people skills. You’ll thrive in careers where you can use these skills and, especially, where you can use your skills to improve people’s lives in some way.

Some ideal professions include:

Musician, artist, or chef
Teacher or counselor
Member of the clergy or other religious occupation
Nonprofit or charity worker
The downside of Pushya’s nature is your tendency to be proud, haughty, and incredibly stubborn. You refuse to acknowledge when you might be wrong and are often unwilling to consider other ways of thinking. This can make you dogmatic and quick to anger. Much of this stems from the insecurity that haunts you within — once you come to terms with yourself, it will be easier for you to be at peace with the world around you.

You can be too talkative in your efforts to gain attention and approval. You may fill conversation with your own thoughts and opinions without considering whether or not they are really wanted.

Despite the self-control you generally display, there is a side of you that struggles with lust. Sex and other material pleasures can start to consume you if you let them. When you let your desires get the better of you, you can also be quite jealous.

One of the things in life that gives you the most pleasure is your own family — your love for them is profound, but your attachment to them can get out of hand. Ultimately, everyone has their own life to live. You may struggle to let them live their own lives — and may let your attachment to them hold you back from living yours.

Recommended: Learn more about the science of the Vedas and how Vedic knowledge can help you elevate your consciousness and enhance your life.

Other Personality Traits
Your approach to life is systematic. You have a plan and you have the ability to stick to it. It’s unlike you to feel lost for too long — you usually know what your next step is.

You possess great spiritual depth. Pushya is considered by many to be the best nakshatra for spiritual growth. You ask the hard-hitting questions about life, its purpose, and its connection to something greater. It’s likely that you will find the answers, too.

You might miss the big picture. Your stubborn nature sometimes blinds you. You can be so dedicated to people or beliefs that you don’t see how they connect to and affect a greater sphere.

You may be overly protective of loved ones. Your loyalty and dedication to friends and especially family is admirable, but you can take it too far. Be careful not to stifle them in your eagerness to look out for them.

Pushya Compatibility
Pushya sexuality is symbolized by a male sheep. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Krittika nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Pushyas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Mrigashiras in Taurus
Punarvasus in Cancer
Vishakhas in Scorpio
Shravana (for male natives)
Purva-bhadrapadas in Pisces
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Pushya’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Cancer): Leo. You are motivated and will probably achieve a lot. Your family heritage is likely to play a significant role in your life. You may deal with a number of hardships, but your strength will help you persevere.

Second Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Cancer): Virgo. You are practical and efficient. Your intelligence wins you respect and helps you accomplish things successfully. One of your talents is cooking — friends and family can always count on you for a good meal.

Third Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Cancer): Libra. Patient by nature, you take your time making decisions and don’t rush into things hastily. You are balanced in your approach to life in general. However, your dislike for conflict and shaking up the status quo can lead you to conform too readily.

Fourth Quarter (13:20-16:40 degrees Cancer): Scorpio. Your curiosity often leads you into obscure or esoteric realms. Others may not always “get” you. Compromise is not something you are fond of, and you may come across as intolerant. You can tend to be nervous.

Pushya in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Pushya is Kshipra or Laghu, “swift” and “light.” Pushya is an excellent nakshatra for:

Beginning a journey
Undergoing a medical operation
Learning something new
Athletic events and competitions
Performing any healing work


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The #summer #solstice in #2023 will take place on Wednesday 21 June at precisely 3:58pm BST in the UK and 10:58am ET / 7:58am PT. Contrary to popular belief, the solstice is an exact moment and not the entire day.

The event takes place on the first day of the astronomical summer season and marks the exact point the northern hemisphere is pointing directly towards the Sun.

It also marks the longest day of the year, with the highest number of daylight hours seen in a single day in 2023. Expect at least 16 hours of daylight in the UK and in the US.

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Zodiac Sign or #Pushya #Nakshatra Rashi- #Cancer
Pushya Nakshatra Ruling Planet- #Saturn
Pushya Nakshatra Lord or God- #Guru (Jupiter)
Pushya Nakshatra Symbol- #milk yielding #udder of a #cow
Pushya Nakshatra Degree Range- 03° 20'- 16° 40' Cancer.
Pushya Nakshatra Mode of Functioning- Passive
Pushya Nakshatra Quality- #Divine
Chara Rashi/ Navamsa- Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Pushya Nakshatra Lucky Number- 8
Pushya Nakshatra Yoni- Mesh
Pushya Nakshatra Dosha- #Pitta
Type of Nakshatra- #Light
Pushya Nakshatra Dasha- 19 yrs
Pushya Nakshatra Numerical Potency- 8
Pushya Nakshatra Gender- #Male
Pushya Nakshatra Guna- #Tamasic
Pushya Nakshatra Gan/ Nature- Dev
Pushya Nakshatra Element or #Tattwa- #Water
Pushya Nakshatra Lucky Color- Red
Pushya Nakshatra Mobility- #Fixed
Pushya Nakshatra Caste- Kshatriya or warrior
Pushya Nakshatra Animal- #Goat
Pushya Nakshatra Names Starting Letters- Hoo, Hay, Ho, Daa
Pushya Nakshatra Bird- #Seagull and #Crow
Pushya Nakshatra Lucky Stone- #BlueSapphire
Pushya Nakshatra #Tree- #Ficus
Pushya Nakshatra Traits- Positive, intelligent, talkative, bold, learned, helpful, strong attachment inhibits growth, love, emotional wholeness, calmness, generosity and wealth.
About Pushya Nakshatra
Pushya Nakshatra is the eighth star/Nakshatra of the zodiac. It is a constellation of three stars that are not very bright and shining. Pushya Nakshatra is referred to as “Tishya” and “The Star of Nourishment”. Etymologically, the word Pushya means “Nourishment” and Tishya means “On looker”. Pushya signifies the flower of prosperity and auspiciousness whereas Tishya represents the energy to witness, to look around, and to get informed.

Pushya is symbolized by the “Udder of a Cow”. The cow is considered the Universal symbol of motherhood and is respected highly in the Vedic religion. It represents the power of lifeforce, vitality and thus offers all kinds of productive forces to the Pushya natives.

The alternative symbol of Pushya is a “ #Wheel”. The Wheel symbolizes the movement of time. It shows a motif for progress that is achieved in the course of time. Pushya offers the idea of progress to its natives and makes them aware to utilize the time to achieve productive, creative and nurturing objectives.

Pushya Nakshatra in English is referred to as Pushya. Whereas, Pushya Nakshatra in Tamil is referred to as Poosam Natchathiram ( பூசம் நட்சத்திரம்), the name of Pushya Nakshatra in Malayalam is Pooyam Nakshatra (പൂയം നക്ഷത്ര) and the name of Pushya Nakshatra in Telugu is #Pushyami (పుష్యమి).

Pushya Nakshatra Characteristics- Physical Characteristics
Pushya is the most loved and benign star among all the Nakshatras. The children born in Pushya Nakshatra are blessed with a gentle, poised and positive persona. Their body is well built and their face is calm and radiant. Pushya Nakshatra male and female possess a peaceful and lively appearance which compliments their composed and full of life nature.

Pushya Nakshatra Characteristics- Behavioral Characteristics
The main characteristic of Pushya Nakshatra is to fulfill the surroundings. People born in Pushya Nakshatra are considered most generous, helpful and caring. They are closely connected to their community, family and society. They zealously protect them and are very inclined to address their problems. These natives are fond of a good lifestyle and food. They are content on the material plane and maternal instincts.

Pusha constellation natives respect people and expect the same from all. They are never vulgar, indecent and non-ethical. These natives are very positive outwardly but inwardly they are doubtful, skeptical and cautious.

Pushya exhibits the feature of expansion. Thus, the children born in Pushya Nakshatra are very direct to growth and expansion. Be it emotional or creative or spiritual or professional front, they strive to progress and leave a mark. Due to the impact of the Water element, these natives embark upon projects that are challenging. They push their limits to achieve the targets and show extraordinary willpower to strive and overcome the hurdles. Jupiter and the Moon in Pushya offer growth to Pushya Nakshatra and Saturn provide stability and unification.

Ruled by Jupiter, the Pushya Nakshatra man and woman are associated with the wisdom of God and the heavens. They are spiritual in nature and have a strong inclination towards religious and spiritual works. As Pushya is a blissful and soothing Nakshatra, people born in this Nakshatra are much sought after by people for friendship and help. They are very reliable and dependable and can be looked up to in hard times.

Pushya relates to “Brahmavarchasa Shakti”- the ability to nurture the creative powers of Brahma. It shows the priestly aspects of Pushya natives which makes them seek divine powers and celestial entities. They like to be alone and do not prefer getting into conflicts. The positive characteristics of Pushya Nakshatra male and female are love, emotional wholeness, calmness, kindness and richness. They are deeply associated with Kith and Kin and have a good disposition to serve humankind.

The negative Pusha Nakshatra characteristics are their orthodox, impulsive and narrow-mindedness. They are very rigid in their principles and do not like to compromise on their faith and values. Criticism hurts their ego quickly and they feel humiliated easily. Moreover, they volunteer for heavier jobs which often create an unnecessary burden on them. Even though these people are excessively cautious, they get easily deceived by others. Thus, they are advised to follow Panchang and astrological Pushya Nakshatra remedies.
Career Options for Pushya Nakshatra Natives
Here are some of the best Pushya Nakshatra Career options for people born in this Nakshatra.

All the professions related to the food and dairy industry such as food and drink merchandise, restaurant business, catering and hotel business.
Psychology, counseling and psychotherapy jobs.
Jobs associated with charitable organizations.
Child care professions and other care-related professions suit best to Pushya Nakshatra natives.
Religious jobs and roles of Clergy, Nuns, Priests, Gurus and Spiritual teachers.
River and lake-related jobs.
Teaching and education sector.
All kinds of business and creative jobs that require finesse.
Managers and real estate agents.
Farming and gardening are good career options for Pushya Nakshatra natives.
Arts, politics and religious bigotry are also good Pushya Nakshatra career fields.
Favorable Activities For Pushya Nakshatra
Pushya is the best Nakshatra for beginning any auspicious and religious work. You can worship Mother Goddess’ energies and initiate any spiritual endeavors. In Pushya Nakshatra, you can celebrate, rejoice and do any sort of artistic and creative works. Traveling and dealing with enemies is recommended in Pushya Nakshatra. It is believed that enemies are at their weakest in Pushya and cannot cause much harm. All activities related to children, healing, soothing and nourishing should be done in Pushya Nakshatra. Seeking legal aid, laying the foundation stones of a building, starting any construction, planning finances and monetary transactions are considered auspicious in Pushya.

Unfavorable Activities for Pushya Nakshatra
Marriage is the only activity that is not considered auspicious in Pushya Nakshatra. This constellation is generally beneficial for negative activities involving cruelty and harshness.

Pushya Nakshatra Remedies
People born in the Pushya constellation or those who are suffering from Pushya Nakshatra afflictions should pay respect to Cows, Priests, Gurus and Brahmins. They should worship the Mother Goddess and seek their blessings.

Pushya Nakshatra natives should chant the root mantra- “Om Kam” 108 times daily to alleviate the afflictions of this Nakshatra. As per Vedic astrology, chanting this Pushya Nakshatra Mantra is very beneficial when the Moon transits this Nakshatra. Reciting this mantra during the lunar month of Paush is also recommended

Natives can enhance the positive energy of Pushya star by wearing golden, yellow, white and orange colors. They should travel into Pushya Nakshatra direction- West to North and perform all the important actions corresponding to the course of this Nakshatra for positive results.


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Natives born in #Pushya #Nakshatra in #Astrology are of independent nature, moral, ethical, selfless, caring and have common courtesy, carry etiquette, possess calmness, patient demeanour and very respectful, social, enjoy engagements with others, make others feel comfortable, heard and liked by others.

Pushya Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, construction of tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.Symbol: An Arrow
The symbol for Pushya is an #arrow. If we correlate this to an embryo it looks very similar.

Deity: The #Brihaspathi
Brihaspati is the counsel of the Gods. He is the God of eloquence. He is described as a sage born from the first great light and the one who drove away from the darkness. He carries a special bow whose string is Rhutha. Rhutha means truth, and Sathya means universal principle. Universal principles are also universal truths, but Rhutha refers to truthfulness. Brihaspati is also identified by Agni or fire. His wife is Thara.

Range 93⁰ 20” – 106⁰ 40”
Rashi Cancer (Karka)
#Yogathara Asellus Australis or Delta Cancri
Position Middle of Pushya
Apparent magnitude 3.94
Latitude 0⁰ 4” 37’’
Longitude 104⁰ 51” 54’
Right ascension 8h 44m 24s
Declination 18⁰ 10” 23
Characteristics of Pushya Nakshatra in Astrology
The animal of Pushya Nakshatra is a #Goat.
Everyone mistakes the animal as a cow, but it’s the cow udder that is the symbolism of Pushya, not the animal.
Studying a goat will show a lot about a Pushya native. Goats have amazing eyes; they see everything around them, almost to 280º.
They see a wider perspective of the world compared to what we see, which is only around 90º, that too only 30º in focus.
Pushya natives see life in a very broad way, and they don’t feel they need to attach or focus on one specific thing; they want to know the world.
Goats have the ability to swallow food and later bring it back to chew it, and this shows Pushya natives swallow their food more than chewing because their digestive system is much stronger and cable of breaking down food without too much chewing.
Another way to look at this is that Pushya natives will always bring things from their past to show what they had to endure during that time.
If a friend hurts and makes up with them later, the native will remind how they hurt them, and it’s like bringing past food out onto their tongue.
There are some videos online of Goats fainting, which is simply a genetic disorder that doesn’t help them control their muscles.
Pushya natives are known to have vibrating muscles, twinkling in their fingers and sometimes they cannot control the movement of their hands as if they are getting cerebral palsy. This usually occurs with getting into a panic situation.
Goats are extremely protective of themselves and their young ones, which make sense with Pushya as it’s a Nakshatra of nourishing and lies in the sign of Cancer.
Pushya lies in the heart of Cancer, which means Saturn lies in the heart of all water signs.
It shows a lot about Saturn’s character, which is of a nourisher, emotional warrior or the one who shows us true nourishment, wealth and comfort.
It gives us the comfort of home, death, and a higher realm.
The story of Pushya is quite interesting.
Brihaspati (Jupiter), the deity of Pushya Nakshatra, is the Guru to Gods and was always busy doing yagnas, rituals and teaching Vedas.
He also taught law, politics, and economics.
Brihaspati was the most brilliant student except for Shukracharya (planet Venus).
As they grew up, Brihaspati became too engrossed in his teachings and works at the palace while Venus became the teacher of the asuras (demons), the new age workers.
Brihaspati ignored his family and wife, Tara. As a result, she eloped with Chandra (Moon) and became pregnant, having Budha (Mercury) as their son.
Jupiter waged war on Chandra and began to attack him with the army of devas, while Venus sided with Chandra because Jupiter ignored the most important dharma and karma towards his wife.
Venus helped Chandra in the war, and after the bloody battle, Jupiter realized his mistake, accepted Mercury as his step son, and took back Tara.
Attributes of Pushya Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread from 3’20” to 16’40” Cancer (Karka). Pushya etymologically means to nourish, which again means preserving, protecting, replenishing, multiplying, and strengthening. Everything of the very best comes within the scope of this star.
Enjoyment of wealth and prosperity follows from it. Guru is described as the great teacher of all creation, from amoebae to the Gods, and is the source of all knowledge and wisdom.
The mystery of creation is no mystery to him. He is the eloquent preceptor, the wise minister, and the head of all religious ceremonies.
He takes pleasure in all worshipful rituals. And that is why the Pusya is composed of these virtues.
It has been described as blossoming and flourishing. It is the mouth of Orien.
Description of Pushya Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native of Pushya Nakshatra will be very angrily disposed of, intelligent, bold, talkative, learned in many branches, be helpful to his relatives, wealthy, and independent.
According to Jataka Parijata: If at a native’s birth, the Moon is in Pushya, he will love Gods and Brahmins, possess wealth and intelligence, enjoys royal favor, and have a large circle of relations.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Pushya will be fortunate, famous, adventurous, patient in disposition, be happy with the least, and will walk fast.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under the star Pusya will possess a tranquil mind, amiable features, affluence, and attachment to meritorious deeds.
Pushya Nakshatra Pada Description
Pushya Nakshatra 1st Pada:
1st Pada of Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by Leo (Governed by Sun).
Those born in the first pada of Pushya Nakshatra are cruel, daring, famous, devoted to work, and endowed with children. They go to other countries and become wealthy. Their relatives respect them.
Those born in the first pada of Pushya Nakshatra are dynamic, dramatic, attention seekers, look for authority, and want to be known for what there is to offer.
Those born in the first pada of Pushya Nakshatra are responsible, dependable, professional, motherly or fatherly.
Those born in the first pada of Pushya Nakshatra are caregivers, lavish, and become strong parents, leaders, bosses, and authoritative figures.
Pushya Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
2nd Pada of Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by Virgo (Governed by Mercury).
Those born in the second pada of Pushya Nakshatra are sad and interested in grabbing others’ property, are knowledgeable, astrologers, and warriors.
Those born in the second pada of Pushya Nakshatra are intelligent, emotional yet remain practical, hardworking, purposeful, punctual, dependent, and may become a caretaker, dietitian, nurse, healthcare worker, and doctor.
Those born in the second pada of Pushya of Pushya Nakshatra are emotionally attached to helping others, compulsive about taking care of others and perform the duty to help others.
Those born in the second pada of Pushya Nakshatra are perfectionists, committed to doing the best job, detailed caretaking, timely help, feel personally unappreciated, and may be prone to emotional worry, wasting time over anxieties, and losing out due to worry.
Pushya Nakshatra 3rd Pada:
3rd Pada of Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by Libra (Governed by Venus).
Those born in the third pada of Pushya Nakshatra are pleasant-faced, sweet-spoken, enjoyers of life, wealthy, interested in scents and flowers, and confined to their own wife.
Those born in the third pada of Pushya Nakshatra are creative, emotional, need to express themselves, have experiences attached to creations, are natural actors, and are talented at expressing feelings.
Those born in the third pada of Pushya Nakshatra are business-minded, have a balanced approach in life, are diplomatic, and are partner-oriented.
Those born in the third pada of Pushya Nakshatra believe in group efforts and humanitarian efforts, like working, cooking, aesthetically pleasing food, cooking to satisfy feelings, making others feel comfortable, and enjoying family meals.
Pushya Nakshatra 4th Pada:
4th Pada of Pushya Nakshatra is ruled by Scorpio (Governed by Mars).
Those born in the fourth pada of Pushya Nakshatra grab others’ wealth. They are fighters, distorted-faced, instructors in the science of documentation. They are candid in their speech and bereft of money. They are stubborn and hated by all people.
Those born in the fourth pada of Pushya Nakshatra are passionate, emotional, emotionally instinctual, reactive, easily angered, go to extremes to help, passionately and emotionally involved in helping, and psychological experts.
Those born in the fourth pada of Pushya Nakshatra are working hard to understand others, picking up patterns of others, detectives, therapists, psychologists, researchers, investigators, use emotions as weapons, are emotional manipulators, killing over emotions, protecting and defending emotional attachment.
Those born in the fourth pada of Pushya Nakshatra have a connection to the underworld, want to talk to the dead using tarot, and occult and using underworld for revenge or protection.
Sun’s Ingress (Jul 19th – Aug 1st) for Pushya Nakshatra
Sun enters Pushya Nakshatra on Jul 19th and remains here till Aug 1st.
If one is born during this period, then his Sun is in Pushya Nakshathra.
A tree for Pushya is Ashwattha, so Ashwattha is worshipped during this period. Ashwattha and Tulsi are worshipped during the entire Chathurmasa.
Tree of Pushya : Ashwattha
The tree for Pushya Nakshatra is Ashwattha, Peepal, or Piper Longum.
The Peepal tree is also called the Bodhi tree. It is considered the most sacred tree.
It is considered heaven. It is believed that Vishnu and Lakshmi reside on this tree on Saturdays.
Ashworth and Peepal were 2 demons. They were killing innocent people. Shanidhev or Saturn killed both. Therefore, Ashwattha is worshipped on Saturdays. Interestingly Pushya is owned by Saturn.
Ashwattha is known for its healing, absorbing, memory-enhancing, and complexion-enhancing properties.
The tree is also useful in the treatment of chronic ulcers, stomatitis, menstrual irregularities, diarrhoea, diabetes, epilepsy, infertility, and infections.
Applications of Ashwattha
Milky latex obtained from the bark, root, or fruit of the plant helps in conceiving.
The decoction of the bark of the tree is used to treat diseases of the vaginal tract and diabetes.
The decoction of the bark helps in strengthening the uterine muscles and retains the foetus till full term.
Gargling lukewarm decoction of the bark is helpful to treat mouth ulcers and gingivitis.
Dried powder of the fruit or the paste of the bark along with honey is effective in severe cough.
Astronomical Information of Pushya Nakshatra
Almost all astronomers agree that Yogathara of Pushya Nakshatra is Asellus Australis or Delta Cancri.
Delta Cancri is a double star. It is a yellow-orange star and is a very cool star.
It marks the location of the famous beehive cluster. It also marks the radiant of the Delta Cancrid’s meteor shower.