

Finnish Law Enforcement: Arms Sent to Ukraine Ending Up in Hands of Criminals

There's been a lack of oversight for the tens of billions in weapons being sent to #Ukraine

I hate to say it but

We told you so

Just wait for the javelin rocket launched at a target in Stockholm or Helsinki, for the right wing neo Nazi to blame it on Afghan and Syrian refugees. And our lovely Ukraine lovers here blame it on Putin.

Who wants to bet?

#Finland #Russia #NATO #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #Racism #Politics #StopTheWar



More than 5,000 dolphins die in Black Sea as a result of Russia’s war

Russia's war in Ukraine is not only killing civilians but defenceless animals as well.

Marine biologists and ecologists from countries in the Black Sea region are sounding the alarm, as dolphins die en masse for the fourth month in a row.

Ivan Rusev, an environmental scientist at Ukraine's Tuzly Estuaries National Nature Park, estimates at least 5,000 dolphins have died in the Black Sea between March and July.

This number is three times higher compared to pre-war figures, according to Rusev.


#environment #BlackSea #dolphins #ecology #war #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #marine #wildlife #oceans #



#Ukraine #UkraineWar #berlinhilftukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #StandWithUkriane