

In addition, Western propaganda has come out with so many egregious #lies, that anything they claim has to be viewed critically.

Just Google “Russia” and “war crimes”— you will get no less than 130,000,000 results. Now look at this list. You will see multiple entries, using almost identical phrasing, indicating the same sources.

Now Google “UAF war crimes”. 234,000 results.

Yet, while there is almost no hard #evidence of Russian war crimes, there is more than enough of UAF crimes. 15,000 dead in Eastern Ukraine testify to that. Not to mention the well-documented shelling of civilian sites, in addition to random #atrocities such as #rape and #murder and, of course, numerous Ukrainian videos of the #mutilation and #execution of POWs.

#Bucha massacre”? A miniscule 1,160,000 results. Yet all the photos showed fresh bodies who apparently remained fresh for 3 weeks. Those chicken cutlets in my fridge go bad in about a week. But they don’t have white arm bands, indicating they are Russian chickens.

We must assume the laws of Nature are different for Russians. Not to mention basic psychology.

The Western #Media would have us believe the Russians are self-destructive. Massacring their own. Blowing up their own pipelines. Attacking their own nuclear power plants, shelling their own hospitals, schools, and shopping centers.

Again, this is not to say that individual Russians or Wagnerites have NOT done some bad stuff— just as American and Brit soldiers did in WWII — just not on the same scale as the UkroNazis. Don’t #believe what you read uncritically.

I didn't give the source. I wonder if the text can be googled. Yes, it can be found!
#media #ukraine #russia #google #war-crimes


The fact that the Ukrainian forces had to abandon those territories in the first place was the result of a miscalculation. They had been taken by Russian forces in the early days of the invasion. According to Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National #Security and Defense Council of #Ukraine, as he noted in a Liga.net article on June 18, Ukraine had expected the main Russian attack to come from the territory of the self-proclaimed #DNR and #LNR and consequently concentrated its most combat-ready units there.
This blunder left the south relatively unprotected for an invasion from #Crimea, which enabled the rapid Russian advance toward #Mariupol and the occupation of #Kherson and #Zaporizhzhia regions. It also created the threat of #Mykolaiv and #Odesa being occupied, while for some time part of the Russian strategy seemed to be to take the entire Black Sea coast of Ukraine, in effect creating a land bridge from Russia all the way to #Transnistria in #Moldova.
Though that has not been achieved and is unlikely to be achievable in light of the successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, what Russia did achieve after the fall of Mariupol is a land corridor to Crimea, which was among #Moscow’s key strategic objectives from the beginning.

https://russiapost.net/politics/occupation #war #un #osce #military #irpin #bucha #culture


Let’s imagine a common situation on the social networks. You see some vicious and aggressive comment like "I would execute people like you! Die, you ugly beast!" Such words shock you a bit, so you decide to check this person's profile, to see maybe she is some sort of a maniac. But what you see there is a mom's blog full of kids, suns, and flowers. And the profile pic has some motivational words like "may everyone have love in their soul". Slightly shocking, right? But it shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, there is nothing extraordinary in this. "Unfortunately," because meeting such a contrast is always unpleasant, and sometimes even deadly dangerous.
Now we have a lot of comments on #Bucha, a lot of explanations, but almost every speaker stumbles talking of #violence. Like, we didn't expect such atrocities. It hardly needed mentioning that most of locals also could not imagine that the photos of their town would very soon be all over the world media with horrible headlines like "Bucha #massacre". The evacuation from the town started on March 9, and it was relatively safe to leave by bus or by personal cars then. But some people decided to stay. Some of them did not know about the evacuation or could not come to the meeting place physically. And the rest remained as they simply did not see the danger. Do these good boys really pose any threat to us? And by "good boys" I mean those that now animal rights activists ask not to call "animals." Out of respect for animals.

https://detector.media/in-english/article/198376/2022-04-15-ordinary-evil-my-experience-of-communicating-with-the-russian-military-in-bucha/ #war #russla #military #propaganda #culture #ukraine


Frenchman Adrien Bocquet “whitewashing” Russian crimes in Bucha

According to the Frenchman, he came to Ukraine with a humanitarian mission to help women, children, and Ukrainian refugees.

There is no data confirming that he actually was in Bucha on his Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, although he had been using these platforms quite actively before. Despite this fact, in his media appearances, Adrien Bocquet claims he has obtained “hundreds of videos of war crimes committed by the Ukrainian military.”

Not a single video or photo has yet been published or handed over to French law enforcement, which is directly involved in the Bucha war crime investigation.

We reached out to Adrien Bocquet for a comment, via his Instagram account, but he never returned our inquiry as of the time this story was published.

France’s BFM.TV aired several photos that allegedly confirm Adrien Bocquet’s visit to Ukraine as part of a humanitarian mission. These photos show on the background a van that with the logo of the Sheptytsky Hospital Charity Foundation, which is actually located in Lviv.

In order to find out how long Adrien has been working with the organization and what exactly he was doing there, we turned to the Foundation chief, Andriy Lohin.
Lohin told StopFake that Adrien Bocquet had visited the Charity’s branch in #Lviv only twice and never systematically worked with them. During both visits, Adrien arrived unannounced, using private transport, bringing some packages of humanitarian aid. Adrien made his private visits alongside several people accompanying him at lunchtime on April 4 and at about midnight on April 6. At the same time, according to Andriy Lohin, no one could speak with Adrian and his companions as the they all spoke only French (although in his interviews, Adrien Bocquet claims that he understands both Russian and Ukrainian a little, thanks to which he allegedly found out what the “Ukrainian Nazis with the Azov Regiment were chatting about in Bucha).

His story, which is shared over and over again in the studios of French media outlets, contains clear signs of Russian propaganda clichés. The details of the story are also confusing as they contradict the objective timeline of what was happening in the Ukrainian town of Bucha throughout April. Anyone who followed the events of the war in Ukraine even superficially would notice this. However, the French broadcasters seem to be listening to his story with interest, without asking any detailed questions.


#adrienbocquet #propaganda #russia #fakenews #ukraine #nazi #bucha #crime


#Journaliste #français : il nous est #interdit de parler des #atrocités #nazies en #Ukraine

Французский журналист: нам запрещено говорить о зверствах нацистов на Украине

Une vidéo du meurtre brutal de soldats #russes par des nazis ukrainiens apparue sur Internet le 5 avril a choqué les internautes.

Selon la chaîne Rybar #Telegram, non seulement le lieu du crime, mais aussi l'identité des punisseurs ont été établis après enquète.

Selon la chaîne, la vidéo du #massacre a été filmée sur la route de #Dmitrovka à #Zabuchi près de #Kiev. Initialement, la vidéo était plus longue et une partie de celle-ci - des images avec du matériel de la colonne détruite - a été publiée par le portail ukrainien UNIAN sous le titre "La #Légion #géorgienne continue d'aider les Ukrainiens à nettoyer la région de Kiev des libérateurs".

La deuxième partie du plan par un opérateur inconnu est apparue plus tard. Mais il y a la même colonne. Et la même armée ukrainienne.

"Le #meurtre brutal de #soldats #russes, qui ont été #ligotés puis #égorgés, a été l'œuvre des bataillons nationaux de Kiev", écrit la chaîne #Readovka .

L'un est un représentant de la Légion géorgienne, qui combat en Ukraine depuis plus de huit ans, l'autre est un Ukrainien de Kiev.
Le crime était planifié à l'avance

Selon le correspondant militaire Alexander Kots , les Russes tués "à la caméra" ne sont pas morts à la suite de la bataille :

"Bandage blanc sur la manche, mains liées derrière le dos. Exactement comme sur les images de #Bucha, écriture similaire. Ils ne sont pas morts par balles. Sous chacun des parachutistes, il y a une grande mare de sang écarlate. Cela ne se produit pas après une blessure par balle", - il a partagé ses pensées, ajoutant que, très probablement, nos combattants ont été pris en embuscade et "la bête sous la forme ukrainienne les utilise à certaines de ses fins".

Le fait du crime a été prouvé, les suspects ont été identifiés. Où est la réaction de la communauté mondiale ?

Malgré le fait que le massacre de soldats russes soit un fait établi et que son authenticité, contrairement aux tirs de la ville de Bucha qui ont fait le tour des médias mondiaux, et ne fasse l'objet d'aucun doute, le collectif occidental pour une raison quelconque n'est pas indigné et n'exige pas que quiconque soit tenu pour responsable.

De plus, le représentant du secrétaire général de l' #ONU, Stéphane #Dujarric , a qualifié l'enregistrement de "rapport de violations des droits de l'homme", l'un des nombreux qui "devrait faire l'objet d'une enquête".

Comment? Pourquoi la communauté mondiale est-elle silencieuse ? Vrai. Ru ces questions ont été répondues par le journaliste français Dmitry de #Koshko .

Selon lui, la vidéo de Bucha est apparue comme un plan d'une guerre de l'information "comme au Kosovo, à Rakchi, au marché de Sarajevo, en Syrie avec des casques blancs et au Koweït avec une maternité".

"C'est une méthode courante de guerre de l'information. Les médias occidentaux n'autorisent rien d'autre. Vous pouvez montrer autant de vidéos russes que vous voulez, autant de terribles tortures que vous voulez, ce que font tous ces #Azov* et autres #nazis, mais cela ne sera pas montré. Nous (les journalistes occidentaux - Note . ndlr ) sommes interdits. Personne ne peut parler dans nos médias avec une opinion alternative. Une seule opinion est autorisée ici. Tout est à sens unique. La censure est sévère. Même sur YouTube et la censure de Twitter. Nous avons une chaîne Twitter "Stop à la russophobie". Il y a des articles en français, anglais, parfois un peu en russe. Nous avons déjà été bannis pour plusieurs articles. Et nous avons été prévenus qu'ils seraient carrément coupés."

  • bataillon nationaliste interdit en Russie


#guerre #ukraine #russie #DroitsDelhomme #GuerreDelinformation
#politique #société #dictature #fascisme #censure #manipulation #démocratie #oligarchie #questionner #comprendre #agir
#revolution #MondeDAprès #résistance #complot #complotisme #capitalisme #escroquerie #corruption #terrorisme #exclus


The true importance of the Bucha false flag: a change of narrative

The #true #importance of the #Bucha #false #flag : a #change of #narrative #Ukraine #Russia #politics


"*The false flag in Bucha is not only a declaration of total war on Russia, it is also a rallying call for those 10 million who run Zone A and a good part of Zone B. The fact that it was botched really makes no difference. If you have a brain, you know who did it and why, and if you don’t, you know it was Russia, on Putin’s personal order, no less.*"



Sitrep: Operation Z

#Sitrep : #Operation #Z #Ukraine #Russia #politics

"We must evaluate the timing of the #Bucha #false-flag, which is of great importance and will give us major clues as to the real unfolding of events behind the curtain. It is no coincidence that the single largest mass surrender of the conflict so far occurred literally in the latter part of the same day as the false-flag. There is a clear connection.

Here’s the surrender video for those who haven’t seen it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aEanhNSwYPoR/

In short, Ukrainian command and the western Intel services that control it, are getting desperate. The fall of Mariupol would mean the beginning of a long chain of events that will start a domino effect of collapse for the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine). The Ukrainian elite obviously knew that one of the last remaining contingents holding Mariupol together at the seams was ready to fall and they needed an event that would somehow disrupt the momentum Russia was soon to have from the upcoming fall of Mariupol. Because it is now clear the battle for Mariupol is nearing its end – the fall of the 501st special marine battalion today was like a giant edifice crumbling from the face of a barely standing building."

