

Simple tricks to overcome Social Anxiety and Fear... the Greatest Enemies within us.

Learn how to overcome....

Although this article is not a full pledged thoroughly researched article, it is through experience we tell..

If you want some best proven hacks to overcome Social Anxiety, visit our website - https://dia.so/5yb

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Irish Parents standing up for their children at last.
The inhumanity and trauma inflicted already is leaving a trail of devastation among our teenagers and young adults. At last younger children are being guarded by their parents doing their parental duty.

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#coercion #massformation #compliance



Bullies often make people feel worthless: as if they had no value. [...] The most important thing to remember is that your worth is never determined by what others think of you (good or bad), especially not if your evidence for such an undermining self-opinion comes from the opinion of someone who bullied you.

--- From Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness by Gillian Butler

#bullying #anxiety #SocialAnxiety #shyness #GillianButler #quote #MentalHealth


Bullies often feel extremely vulnerable themselves, and may not be well supported by the people around them. Their primitive need for acceptance and approval is often - though not necessarily - based on a potent sense of their own inadequacy or isolation. They may feel inferior and vulnerable too, and only have recourse to the more primitive ways of dealing with these feelings. They often pick on people who threaten them in some way, for example by being cleverer, or more competent, or more acceptable.

#bullying #anxiety #SocialAnxiety #shyness #GillianButler #quote #MentalHealth


Bullying and social anxiety

Social anxiety focuses on the fear of being evaluated or judged: on the fear of doing something that will be humiliating or embarrassing; and bullies evaluate and judge their victims, and openly humiliate and embarrass them. It is hardly surprising that bullying can sometimes exacerbate social anxiety, and make it difficult to fight against it.

--- From Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness by Gillian Butler

#bullying #anxiety #SocialAnxiety #shyness #GillianButler #quote #MentalHealth


Their [victims of severe bullying] waking life may be dominated by a sense of dread, constantly keeping one the look out for 'dangerous' situations, by thoughts about what might happen next, and by memories or images of recent distressing experiences. Disturbing dreams may prevent them sleeping at night. Their daily behavior will be a product of all these experiences, which seriously interfere with their ability to do the things they wish to do, in the ways that they otherwise would.

β€” From Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness by Gillian Butler

#bullying #anxiety #SocialAnxiety #shyness #GillianButler #quote #MentalHealth


Bullying is described in many books as 'primitive' behavior. What is meant by this is that it is often motivated by an almost instinctive desire to mask one's own vulnerability by controlling other people. If you are top dog, then you will be able to get your own way and other people are less likely to attack you.

--- From Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness by Gillian Butler

#bullying #anxiety #SocialAnxiety #shyness #GillianButler #quote #MentalHealth