

The Revolution Has Begun in the UK - by daisy greenwell

#health #childhood #surveillance #freedom

In the UK, 24% of 5-7-year-olds own a smartphone. By age 12, just about everyone (97%) owns one. A few days before that post, my friend Clare Fernyhough and I had started a WhatsApp group called Parents United for a Smartphone Free Childhood, in an attempt to support each other in holding back the digital tide.



End the Phone-Based #Childhood Now

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/03/teen-childhood-smartphone-use-mental-health-effects/677722/

Once young people began carrying the entire internet in their pockets, available to them day and night, it altered their daily experiences and developmental pathways across the board. Friendship, dating, sexuality, exercise, sleep, academics, politics, family dynamics, identity—all were affected. Life changed rapidly for younger #children, too, as they began to get access to their #parents’ smartphones and, later, got their own iPads, laptops, and even smartphones during elementary #school.

#technology #news #change #humanity #future #society #smartphone #problem


A quotation from Orwell, George

The child thinks of growing old as an almost obscene calamity, which for some mysterious reason will never happen to itself. All who have pass the age of thirty five are joyless grotesques, endlessly fussing about things of no importance and staying alive without, so far as the child can see, having anything to live for. Only child life is real life.

George Orwell (1903-1950) English writer [pseud. of Eric Arthur Blair]
“Such, Such Were the Joys” (1948)

#quote #quotes #quotation #adult #childhood #age #aging #perspective
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/orwell-george/60155/


‘Dad said: We’re going to follow Captain Cook’: how an endless round-the-world voyage stole my childhood | Family | The Guardian

In 1976, Suzanne Heywood’s father decided to take the family on a three-year sailing ‘adventure’ – and then just kept going. It was a journey into fear, isolation and danger …

Wow crazy story. Really tough woman.
#sailing #childhood #family




In the turquoise-coloured fields of childhood there's
except childhood.
Nor is there anything in the yellowing sky, nor
on the bare ochre wall, nor behind the bare ochre
nor on the oriental horizon, nor beyond the horizon,
nor in the little house, nor on the target, nor in the
nor behind the mirror.
Except childhood.
Objects are strange and unfamiliar because they were
before and will be there after. So far as I remember,
childhood is solitude amidst
a confederacy of things and creatures which
have no name or purpose.
Names and purpose are thought up by us afterwards.
Then we believe
that the wall divides something from something else,
that the house provides shelter from stormy weather
that the nightingale spreads happiness by song and
That's what we believe. But it probably isn't so.
For the emptiness of houses is boundless, boundless
the fierceness of nightingales, and the path from gate
to gate has no end anywhere.
And seeking we lose, discovering we conceal.
For we are still searching for our childhood.



Nei campi turchesi dell'infanzia non c'è
se non l'infanzia.
Non c'è niente nemmeno nel cielo ingiallito, né
sul muro nudo e ocra, né dietro il muro nudo e ocra,
né sull'orizzonte orientale, né oltre l'orizzonte,
né nella casa, né sul bersaglio,
né nello specchio,
né dietro lo specchio.
Se non l'infanzia.
Gli oggetti sono estranei e singolari perché
erano già lì prima
e ci saranno anche dopo. Per quanto mi ricordo,
l'infanzia è solitudine in mezzo
a un insieme di cose e creature
senza nome o scopo.
I nomi e gli scopi li pensiamo solo in seguito.
Allora cominciamo a credere
che il muro divida qualcosa da qualcos'altro,
che la casa offra un riparo dalle intemperie
che l'usignolo diffonda la felicità con il canto e le
Questo noi crediamo. Ma probabilmente non è così.
Perché il vuoto delle case è sconfinato, sconfinata
la ferocia degli usignoli, ed il percorso da un cancello
all'altro non si conclude da nessuna parte.
E cercando perdiamo, scoprendo nascondiamo.
Perché stiamo ancora cercando la nostra infanzia.

#Holub #poetry #poem #poesia #literature #letteratura #Czech #childhood

Ads/commercials never had the intended outcome with me personally (even as a kid I generally just viewed them as a form of entertainment and couldn't care less about the products they want me to... want) but I do support this campaign:

Stop Advertising to Kids – Stop Predatory Advertising

#kids #childhood #advertising #manipulation #corporations


Tiens, je vous partage un "Montage d'archives, émissions jeunesse, 1954 à 1995":
Mes émissions jeunesse, de mon époque à moi sont: "La ribouldingue", "Sol et Gobelet", "Grujot et Délicat", et "Le Major Plum Pouding"...
Ce sont mes Héros et Héroïnes, mes Idoles de mon enfance; des moments où s'impriment en soit des trucs... vous savez...
Radio-Canada était alors passé maîtres dans ce type de productions!
C'était bien de chez-nous, mais en même temps c'était de culture internationale! Je trouve qu'au début des 80' ils en ont perdu, progressivement. La câblo-diffusion devenait prioritaire. Mais dans les 50-60's surtout, ces productions; c'était de l'Art!


Si vous me le permettez, je vous partagerai quelques épisodes de mon enfance à moi (à la télé, quand ça existait)!

#archive, #histoire, #télé, #tv, #enfance, #childhood
