

Excerpts from the Special Article

How does this stuff (below) tie together? You have to read the article!

#Words no longer need to have #objective meanings in this #market. Everything is about ‘ #attention’, however achieved. True or false. That’s what the advertisers wanted. Words could mean what those in #power say they mean. The ‘ #truth’ behind the #narrative became irrelevant.

What mattered was the force of a narrative, now divorced from meaning, to compel a singularity of messaging, and to demand that #belief in the new order be reflected, not just in #compliance, but in #assimilation of the messaging into personal conduct in life. Critical thinking was disallowed as denoting an enemy; a threat to be crushed.


The BBC is showing how disgustingly biased it is.

I remember my dad used to listen to BBC Persian broadcast on our shortwave radio, and he was always saying that "don't ever trust BBC news on subjects that benefits them", and the BBC is the voice of Britain foreign policy of "divide and conquer" so their news about opposition to Shah is nothing but preparation their long time plans for the region to put the mullahs in power.

We used to laugh at him as conspiracy theorist and hateful of Brits, but in the old days, I've turned into him. Not as wise and healthy, but at least I no longer fall for the lies of the media.

#BBC #Propaganda #Israel #Compliance #Politics #Genocide


Most of the world wasn't aware of the Holocaust when it was Happening, but they were well aware of the genocide in Rawnda, In Bosnia and in Myanmar, in almost all of those recent genocides, the vast majority of the world decided to stay silent, but what we see in Gaza and occupied territories is well beyond silence, it is criminal support and silencing those who expose it.

#Israel #Gaza #WestBank #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Compliance #Politics


could be worth a read . . .
maybe meditate for a breath first. :)
#mercola #genocideapologistry #tuckercarlson #scammed #genocide #partizanship #groupthink #confirmationbias #noexcuse
#fakeawake #fakecine #twofaced #fakeapology #eugenics #genocide #keepingupappearances #gaslightingvictims #smearingwhistleblowers #wealthtransfer #wealthdestruction #healthdestruction #aPatientCuredIsACustomerLost #ForProfitMedicine #Oxymoron #censorship #massformationpsychosis #totalitarianism #medicaltyranny #covidzealotry #murderzealotry #usefulidiots #justdoingyourjob #unethical #immoral #compliance #inducecompliance #terrorism #superstateterrorism #medicalterrorism #NEVERAGAIN #nextpandemic #plandemic #scamdemic #theyarenotdoneyet
#stopit #nocullnecessary #realseriousscience #FaceTheHorror #ReEvaluate

They're trying to figure out how to regain people's trust because, without it, finalizing the implementation of The Great Reset will be far more problematic than if people follow their lead and do as they're told.

Which leads me to my bottom line analysis: the powers that be are Monday morning quarterbacking. Why didn't people just do what we said and obediently comply? Because they don't trust us. If they trusted the media, the government, and scientists, they would do what they were told …

Bass is the puppet they've sent out to deliver this narrative … [T]he only reason one Monday morning quarterbacks is so that one can win the next game. They want to identify how better to induce compliance for the next pandemic …

The degree of lack of awareness of reality itself that was required to think that this message would work to shift the narrative could be attributed to a few of things — youth, inexperience, low IQ … So GOOD. It means we're dealing with weakness. All we have to do is be stronger (smarter, more experienced, braver) and we will win. We will continue to win."

#Nuremberg #bioethics #universaldeclarationbioethicshumanrights #humanrights



"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi


#criticalmass #sayNO #FuckOffFascist #connect #collaborate #forFREEDOM #wakeup #shine #youaremorethantheytryrepressyouto #thegreatawakening #solutionspaceupstream #unplugfromthematrix #climboutofplatoscave #facereality #facethehorror #riseup #lookup #restoreyourabilitytolookup #everybodysresponsibilitytopokebigbrotherintheeye #theanswerhasalwaysbeenthepeople #calltoaction #local

looking down the barrel of not a mere 1000 year reich like the nazis promoted, but an everlasting one. we are the people, now, who can avert this dystopian totalitarian nightmare. there are worse things than death. go forth, fearless, loving, aware there are scams to use your love to kill.

"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi

the ignorance that dies, is not you.

if ignorance is bliss, give me agony.

"once we accept the digital identity it's game over for humanity" -- Aman Jabbi

#speakout #criticalmass
#theyknowweknowtheylie #thisisnotwhathealthlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalconservationlookslike #smartweapons #archons #deskkillers #thehourislaterthanyouthink #wecanstillmendthis #ifyouareawake #nocullnecessary #nopanopticonnecessary #nokillgridnecessary #safetyandsecurity #ofthepeople #or #ofthearchons #falseflad #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #cbdc #totalitarian #panopticon #problemreactionsolution #contract #imposition #coercion #digitalprison #defaulprisoner #WEF #identity #facialrecognition #scam #compliance #forcedcompliance #coercedcompliance #topdown #noneed #fakecines #depopulation #humancull #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #theypublishtheseplans #snapoutofdenial #doyourdemocraticdutyandscrutinise #disobeytheirterror #speakout #zerotrust #digitalidentity #freetravel #freespeech #mandate #lockdown #invisablelocks #oppression #massformationpsychosis #stateterror #globalstateterror #globalstatetyranny #noescape #conditionalaccess #genocide #democide #wealthextraction #reverseequity #iniquitous #inequality #digitalcurrency #district9 #conditioning #draconian #brutal #corporatocracy #corporatism #fascism #metaverse #protectionracket #orwellian #ar #vr #mixedreality #thisisnotwhatrealitylookslike #matrixbuilding #matrix #terminator #thegreatawakening #themasses #sheeple #sheepling #sheeplisation #massformation #sublimate #forkedtongue #duplicity #fakefood #destitution #newspeak #sustainabledevelopment #sustainabledevilment #smarcities #smartgrid #controlgrid #manufacturedscarcity #manufactureddependence #energysources #security #privacy #trojanhorse #fakesecurity #fakeprivacy #doublethink #completecontrolofchildren #getthemwhiletheyareyoung #childabuse #childdata #bigbusiness #bigbrother #bigbaron #bigbully #bigpsychopath #dataharvesting #mindcontrol #mindmanipulation #predictive #reductive #stockmarket #gambling #sicknessprofiteering #dataisthenewcurrency #dataisthenewoil #cameras #observation #facialreccognition #smartschools #badidea #bis #un #internationalbankers #digitalid #theytellyou #dracontine #beyondstate #statecapture #regulatorycapture #beyondblack #clearviewai #deepfake #deepfakedb #precrime #predictiveanalytics #prescriptionanalyitics #prescribedbehavior #trolling #ppi #ppe #noidentityleftbehind #inclusivity #totalitarian #orwellianlanguage #repetition #hijackedservices #convenience #convenincecoercion #behaviouralengineering #headinthesand #slavery #debtslavery #identityslavery #slaverysystem #debtslaverysystem #identityslaverysystem #sensoriseeverything #data #thebeast #dehumanising #stopthebeast #getridofthesensors #getridofthecensors #starvethebeast #pokebigbrotherintheeye #pokebigbaronintheeye #pokebigbullyintheeye #blockchainisyourdigitalleash #thefinallockdown


How about #Compliance and #Revisionism?

We should never forget the #Holocaust neither should we allow those who helped sending millions for concentration camps, murdered many and participated in those atrocities.

Revisionism and whitewashing those who helped Nazi Germany kill millions of Jews, Socialist, LGBT, Mentally Handicap and Roma people across Europe.

We should never allow that to happen again, in any name and with any excuse against any groups.

#NeverForget #Holocaust #Ukrane #Russia #USSR #WW2 #Auschwitz


A quotation from Snow, C. P.

When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find that far more, and far more hideous, crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.

C. P. Snow (1905-1980) English novelist, physical chemist, bureaucrat [Charles Percy Snow]
“The Moral Un-Neutrality of Science,” speech, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York City (27 Dec 1960)

#quote #quotes #quotation #anarchy #atrocity #compliance #crime #lawandorder #obedience #rebellion
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/snow-c-p/57963/


Exclusive: At least $1 billion of client funds missing at #FTX

source: https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/exclusive-least-1-billion-client-funds-missing-failed-crypto-firm-ftx-sources-2022-11-12/

They said the "backdoor" allowed Bankman-Fried to execute commands that could alter the #company's financial records without alerting other people, including external auditors. This set-up meant that the movement of the $10 billion in funds to #Alameda did not trigger internal #compliance or accounting red flags at #FTX, they said.

#money #finance #crypto #backdoor #crime #cybercrime #news #fail #cryptocurrency #insolvency


No such thing as KYC!
What you're helping build is a juicy crypto users database for the governments, just like the "innocent" "what's your religion" question Hitler's threw at 1933 census.
For all crypto supporters; don't ever let yourself be carried away, if a service is asking for SoF/PoF (Source/Proof of Funds) or SoW/PoW (Source/Proof of Wealth), just skip that service altogether, for sure there are alternatives, let those anticrypto sink.

"Freedom isn't a reward for compliance, that's how a jail works instead!"

#bitcoin #crypto #kyc #compliance #sof #pof #sow #pow


here's my #WordOfTheYear.

and, yes, not just #wordoftheday, or #wordoftheweek, or #wordofthemonth.
this word's my #2022 word.



here follows a handful of first lines from the definition blurbs from this websearch: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=agnotology+definition&kl=uk-en&ia=definition :

The study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.

Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product or win favour, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data

Agnotology is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.

Agnotology (n.) the study of culturally-propagated ignorance or doubt in provable fact

Agnotology is a branch of science which looks at the ways in which doubt or ignorance about certain subjects is created. A very good example of how this happens is the publication of scientific studies that rely on data that is inaccurate or misleading.

etymologically, my guess is the gno in there's like gnosis, like knowledge n learning. and the A before it, denoting an absence thereof, and the ology, being the study thereof.

and, i'll quote these two middle paragraphs from the simple english wiki page too, as i think they're excellent at highlighting what it is, and why it's important (not to mention the lesson from it to be applied to contemporary matters...) https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnotology ...

The neologism was coined by Robert N. Proctor,[1][2] a Stanford University professor specializing in the history of science and technology.[3] Proctor cites the tobacco industry's conspiracy to manufacture doubt about the cancer risks of tobacco use as a very good example of how this can be done. Under the banner of science, the industry produced research about everything except tobacco hazards to exploit public uncertainty.[4]

The way in which media attention works can be exploited to produce ignorance. Other factors that influence it are that corporations or governments do not reveal certain facts. At times, they force these facts to be removed if they have been revealed. The methods they use include censorship, destroying documents, putting the weight of certain facts differently, or being inattentive or forgetful.



#media #science #government #propaganda #deception #willfulignorance #masshypnosis #menticide #terror #weaponsofmassdistraction #inducedignorance #oblivious #oblivion #inattentiveblindness #misdirection #communication #conception #curiosity #attention#awareness #education #elucidation #information #disinterest #disregard #incuriousness #normality #apathy #newnormal #newspeak #intimidation #suppression #censorship #doubt #editting #study #research #publication #loopholes #jumpingthroughhoops #alltheliesfittopublish #alltheliesfittobroadcast #network #incuriosity #unconcern #conformity #fear #obedience #compliance #capitulation #culpable #complicit #OBEY



Irish Parents standing up for their children at last.
The inhumanity and trauma inflicted already is leaving a trail of devastation among our teenagers and young adults. At last younger children are being guarded by their parents doing their parental duty.

#parent #irish #ireland #nphet #hiqa #covid #parenting #primaryschool #homeschooling #humanrights #socialanxiety #panicattacks #childhood #deaf #hearingimpaired #rightsofthechild
#coercion #massformation #compliance
