



⬇️⬇️⬇️ #CHAPITRES - #LIENS - #INFOS ⬇️⬇️⬇️


00:01:32 Recalbox #RGB #JAMMA - https://swll.to/Lrotwc
00:04:10 30 ans #SamuraiShodown - https://swll.to/byCwA
00:05:00 La #disparition des #jeuxvidéo #classiques - https://swll.to/WBxgH
00:14:18 Arrêter de soufflez dans votre #Switch - https://swll.to/rEjEqr1
00:15:46 #Nintendo bloquerait le remake de #F-Zero - https://swll.to/4hhAF
00:17:02 Nouvelle #8BitDo #NEOGEO - https://swll.to/0gYsv
00:19:34 #YujiNaka condamné - https://swll.to/uYoIdD
00:20:27 #Nouveau #jeu de #PeterMolyneux - https://swll.to/0FLGl
00:21:54 #Atari & #Playmaji s'unissent - https://swll.to/NQ1JF
00:24:53 Un grosse #collection archivée - https://swll.to/agGbL
00:26:20 Fin de #Sega Channel Revival - https://swll.to/GrRADR
00:27:57 De #nouveaux #jeux Raiden - https://swll.to/wu93K
00:28:51 Banjo-Kazooie une franchise désirée - https://swll.to/nyI5uZ
00:30:19 Un Zapper #NES inhabituel - https://swll.to/YJfgaL
00:31:36 #Découverte d'un #prototype #Nec - https://swll.to/0U9ZqcG


00:32:54 Énorme #trésor de #documents Sega - https://swll.to/9CrEl
00:34:12 #Documentaire 'First-Person Shooter' - https://swll.to/TOg9nIY
00:36:35 La #techno qui a failli tuer l’ #industrie de l’ #arcade - https://swll.to/I8iFI
00:37:32 #Interview de Cyrille - Moulinex - Baron - https://swll.to/jUy2lZ
00:38:27 #Archive: #Imagine #Software - https://swll.to/sn1fAh
00:39:18 Meilleurs #ROM #Hacks et #Mods de 2023 - https://swll.to/ArUWH
00:42:03 #Sélection de jeux #indés du #Festival #Steam - https://swll.to/DGzZj
00:43:42 Meilleurs jeux #Jaguar - https://swll.to/mGOKP5
00:45:27 #Homebrew #Games Summer #Showcase 2023 - https://swll.to/uSsrE


00:46:27 #Flashback 2 - https://swll.to/P4D3rk
00:50:37 Tevi Battle System - https://swll.to/Bmk7A3H
00:52:18 Garlic - https://swll.to/mkPwJ
00:54:05 Dying Breed - https://swll.to/ZAora0
00:57:00 River City : Rival Showdown - https://swll.to/C4SAd
00:59:18 Abathor - https://swll.to/wFoDdW
01:00:23 Quartet - https://swll.to/KMfnTf
01:03:15 Epic Party Quest - https://swll.to/RuBQaWt
01:05:00 Ingression - https://swll.to/IvZLwy


01:06:51 #RetroLazer 17 - https://swll.to/cBRN0s
01:08:07 Nolife Story Legacy - https://swll.to/SE72I
01:09:02 AHL - Tu le crois ça ? - https://swll.to/57Tku
01:10:10 Nouveau #BOING #Magazine - https://swll.to/YOSwuj
01:11:08 L' #album hommage à #Flashback - https://swll.to/6P29Uj
01:12:34 Un album #vinyle #Pokémon - https://swll.to/Pj29Gaw
01:13:41 #Coleco Revival: Mini Arcade - https://swll.to/gQISnk
01:16:16 Les meilleurs produits Retrogaming - https://swll.to/1nkyl
01:17:51 Les #peluches de #Capcom - https://swll.to/70REM
01:18:37 #Ghostbusters: #Special #Edition #Hack - https://swll.to/G0iBafC
01:19:22 Coque NES - https://swll.to/JLmHj4
01:20:20 Cease To Breathe - https://swll.to/ugrpra9
01:21:31 Alterium Shift - https://swll.to/uiucww6
01:23:07 Ravva and the Phantom Library - https://swll.to/tYguW
01:25:33 The #Settlers: New Allies - https://swll.to/C1dzd
01:27:31 Gimmick! - https://swll.to/jwQp9I
01:29:12 Sword & Bones 2 - https://swll.to/A44inbW
01:30:27 Fallen leaf - https://swll.to/aDavC6


01:32:46 At0mium lance un Duck Hunt inversé ! - https://swll.to/i7cBH
01:35:34 #Doom - #Atari XL/XE - https://swll.to/npa3Rk
01:38:00 #Bulbmaster sur #Amiga - https://swll.to/zD35EFa
01:39:50 Absolute Zero° - sur Amiga - https://swll.to/7UPDcLx
01:42:26 Ninja Turtle sur #MasterSystem - https://swll.to/rJ4IPwm
01:44:28 Smash Bros. Mod 'Smash Remix' N64 - https://swll.to/shWbQUc
01:46:54 Super Mario / Celeste ROM Hack - https://swll.to/AHHWw
01:49:37 Nights Into Dreams en 60FPS - https://swll.to/wtxRT
01:51:31 Un bonus Doom sur N64 - https://swll.to/umk5JDZ
01:52:56 Super Mario Bros DX - https://swll.to/HJz7Le
01:54:56 Spyro 3 Hack sur #Playstation - https://swll.to/IC9ulo


01:57:07 La claque entre la NES et la Super NES - https://swll.to/et78d
01:59:30 Pi Terminal : un design pour le Pi 4 - https://swll.to/RYjqE8
02:02:14 La première Snake manette - https://swll.to/8btWXMS
02:03:13 Des #CRT découverts dans une grange - https://swll.to/blkcg5B
02:04:39 Une #GameBoy Advance devient switch - https://swll.to/LiYHe
02:06:07 Un mod Super #MarioBros. sur une NES - https://swll.to/5lsP9
02:08:03 Dark Souls x Tony Hawk Pro Skater - https://swll.to/WWOIA


Boutique Recalbox + #Goodies : https://www.kubii.fr/221-recalbox
Télécharger Recalbox : http://download.recalbox.com/
🚀 NOUS SOUTENIR SUR PATREON : https://swll.to/PatreonRecalboxYT

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🚀 : NOUS SOUTENIR SUR PATREON : https://swll.to/PatreonRecalboxYT

#retrocomputer #videogames


Und jetzt überhuapt mal. Wisst ihr eigentlich was jetzt gerade ernsthaft mal viel viel besser werden müsste?

Die verbindung von Valve's Steam zum #FediVerse.

Ich erwarte ja nich gleich das valve aus meinem steam account einen eigentständigen account im #fediverse macht...

Aber sinnvoll zeugs im #fediverse teilen können wär schonmal nice irgendwie.... Also kein plan, screenshots oder zeug auf dem eigenen account publishen....

Yayaya ich weiss..... ich hab halt grad ausnahmsweise mal wieder einen funktionierenden steam client und daddel #cities #skylines. ;)

#Valve #Steam #FediVerse


Full Circle Magazine #188


This month: * Command & Conquer * How-To : Python, Blender and Latex * Graphics : Inkscape * Everyday Ubuntu * Micro This Micro That * Review : Kubuntu 22.10 * Review : Ubuntu Cinnamon 22.04 * Ubports Touch : OTA-24 * Tabletop Ubuntu * Ubuntu Games : Dwarf Fortress (Steam Edition) plus: News, My Story, The Daily Waddle, Q&A,

#magazine #cinnamon #dwarf #dwarffortress #fortress #inkscape #kubuntu #latex #micro #python #steam #touch #ubports #ubuntu #fullcirclemagazine #linux


Astonishingly, #Ukraine's electric #rail system has been so disrupted that they've brought out and fired up #steam #locomotives from museums, and these are #now being #deployed.

Alexander Mercouris reported on this yesterday, saying that he wasn't sure whether to believe this or not. But in his video update today he says he's been contacted by a number of people who assure him that this is really happening.

I do have to say, it'd be a great shame if these very beautiful steam engines were to be destroyed by Russian missiles.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dHr6tHPAN9g


🎮&🌳 #HalfEarthSocialism "Klimaretter spielen" das klingt wirklich mal nach einem sinnvollen (pädagogisch wertvollem?) #Videospiel . Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?

🗞️ sehr interessantes Interview dazu in der #taz über das Spiel und dessen Hintergründe (u.a. geht es um die Inspiration durch den Planer der #bayerischen Räterepublik (fyi: @Dominik Baur ), aber auch um die Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Schulunterricht) @ #FediLZ

#Klimakrise #Ökosozialismus #Neoliberalismus #Kapitalismus
@taz @taz
@Jyn Erso Lives!
#Gaming #Steam
umwelthistoriker über videospiel: „kompromisse aushandeln nötig“


Peut-on #jouer sous #Linux ? - #LesDocs

Je lance les #jeux suivants sous Linux #Manjaro :

Jeux natifs Linux :
- #LTris
- #Foobillard

Jeux exécutables sous #Windows via #Wine :
- #SimCity 4
- #Syberia (Benoit Sokal)
- #Warblade

Jeux sous émulateur #ScummVM :
- Blade Runner

Jeux via #Steam :
- Goat Simulator
- Life is strange
- Elite Dangerous
- Stardew Valley
- Firewatch
- Cyberpunk 2077

Via #GOG
- Exhumed (Powerslave)

Via Itch.io
- Steel Heroes

#jeuxvideo #games #videogame


So I bought the latest Europa Universalis IV humble charity bundle - because got to have something to do in retirement, right?

Most of the stuff I already own, so I have the base game and some DLC's to give, for those who might want them. Ping me for all or some of them, if interested. Note, #Steam only.

  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Europa Universalis IV: Digital Extreme Edition Upgrade Pack
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century

#gaming #europauniversalis