

After many days of hot and dry weather, with temperatures in the 30s and feeling rather uncomfortable, today offered a respite and there were showers as well as some thunderstorms and lightning to cool things down again. The weather cleared up later in the afternoon and the day ended with this spectacular #sunset with #greys and #golds amongst the #clouds and #sky. Sort of reminiscent of #JMWTurner.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer


The back #garden is parched now and there is no sign of significant rain for many days yet. However, the #tomatoes are ripening well and the splash of #red #colour is a lot greater.
Ripening tomatoes in the garden

I find #butterflies more difficult to #photograph at the moment as they move fast and don't settle on #plants for more than a split second. However, this one did stop off for a bit longer.
White butterfly

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Insects #Summer


The City

It is funny how many thoughts and memories gets conjured in the city this time.

Both pleasant, highly unpleasant and just…interesting.

Especially when attempting to sleep.

To me some forest grove, a stub with some magical implements was never as magical as the city and the night lights.

At times i almost felt like ”me” again.

Anyway, lunch with dad.
Also, ”Note To Self”: A buffet does not mean i HAVE to stuff myself with three full plates of Chinese.

#Gothenburg #Sweden #Summer #Magick