

Araschnia levana ou Carte géographique (papillon)

Le nom vernaculaire de « Carte géographique » provient du motif en réseau de traits blancs qui orne le revers des ailes, évoquant un réseau routier sur une carte. Pour la même raison, l'espèce est appelée map en anglais et Landkärtchen (ou Landkärtchenfalter) en allemand.

#gif #papillon #butterfly #été #summer


In the back #garden, the #colours are dominated by the #reds and #greens of #plants and the #browns of the #soil.

Here, I think this #photograph captures the tangled #jungle nature of the #tomato plants with #fruit distributed around in various stages of ripeness.
Tomato plants and fruit

In another part and in direct #sunlight are some #grapes developing nicely. The image is deceptive as they are quite small, less than 1 cm in diameter. You can also make out a #spider and its #web.
Spider and grapes

Lastly, here are #flowers of #RunnerBeans against the #blue #sky.
Runner bean flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Summer


While it's hot and dry as the #summer is progressing, the #tomato #plants are beginning to bear ripening #fruit.

Here are some #tomatoes which are just about ready. I like to see the #Sun reflecting off their smooth shiny surfaces.
Ripening tomatoes

This bunch contains #red, #amber and #green ones.
Tomato traffic lights

Of course none of them would have come about without #pollinators and so here are a couple of images of #insects on neighbouring the #flowers of #rocket plants.
Bee on rocket flower
Hoverfly on rocket flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Garden #Horticulture #Bee #Hoverfly


Approximately a day apart, these two #photographs around #sunset show a marked difference owing to #clouds. In the first, from yesterday, there were some undulations present at height.
High clouds

Today has been sunnier as the clouds have have been more dispersed but there was an interesting interaction of #light and #dark, and #greys, #blues, #golds and #oranges today. A few #birds can also be seen #photobombing the #image.
Sunset sky

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer


I was staring at the #garden when having dinner just now and saw what looked like a dark motionless blob hanging below some #Allium #Florets. When I got closer I found it was this #bumblebee which was suspended from its hind legs only. I think it may be dead although I've know #bees to fall asleep on these plants before. But if it is dead, wouldn't it have fallen off? I don't know. If it's still there in the morning, I will presume it has expired. If not, it's sleeping in a funky way.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Summer #Insects #Pollinators