

Falls ihr #Elektrotechnik, #Maschinenbau oder was artverwandtes studiert hättet und #KollegeGesucht von mir wäret, dann würdet ihr das Wochenende in einem 4 Sterne Hotel im #Wallis verbringen, alles bezahlt von der Firma um mit den Kollegen einfach ein schönes Wochenende zu verbringen.

#Skipass wird natürlich auch bezahlt und ⅔ gehen auch #Skifahren, ich werde mit einer größeren Gruppe #Wandern und natürlich #Wellness und #Sauna machen.

Super #Team, glaub diesmal kommen knapp 30 Leute mit.

Die ersten Jahre im Unternehmen bin ich nicht mitgekommen weil mir nicht klar war, dass man im Winterurlaub auch ganz ohne #Ski mitkommen könnte. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Also falls ihr Lust habt, nicht nur auf Ski, dann sagt bescheid, wir stellen eigentlich immer ein, Firma zwischen Basel und Zürich im #Aargau.


YATREDA : ያጥሬዳ


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Artwork series by Sam Spratt.

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#Yatreda #family #team #artists in #ethiopia #artwork #photo #video #art

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#Paris #Saint-Germain coach under fire for response when asked about #team #flying by private #jet

source: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/09/06/paris-saint-germain-under-fire-for-taking-private-jet-instead-of-two-hour-train-journey

#ChristopheGaltier, coach of Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), is at the centre of the #controversy after the team were criticised for using a jet to take a short #flight to a #game in #Nantes over the weekend.


“Paris-Nantes is less than two hours by #TGV (high speed train). I re-re-renew my proposal of a TGV offer adapted to your specifications, for our common interest: security, speed, services and eco-mobility,” Krakovitch wrote.

enter image description here

#France #sports #environment #co2 #travel #emissions #climate #news #problem #protest


rant: system philosophy: IT that ignore UNIX K.I.S.S will die - in Germany there are only one man teams



team, team, team team…

In Germany, everyone is his/her own team, there are only one-man, one-woman teams.

teams not necessarily help each other

the best “help” you can get from another “team” is “it is somewhere in the (incomplete, outdated, no body cares) dokuwiki”

often they also work against each other

so actually there are no teams

without social skills and development as human being

the only interface that still exists is text and money

“give me that, here the money”

a “helpful” “community” isn’t it?

which reminds me of:

have no problem with that, just please do not raise any expectations that it might be otherwise.

“we are a hip, cool and fun company” (no)

just say it out loud: “we are a boring company, our systems are a grown mess and we are about to lose control, want to fix it?”

well if you read & understood K.I.S.S (simplify, simplify, simplify, standardize, automate) it could be fixed over the course of several years, if not: no.

to ignore K.I.S.S means: leaving behind an badly documented mess, either for others to fix or to die (delete & restart).

Any newcomer’s motivation will die fast, when being stuck without help and with outdated documentation.

Aka: the company is doomed to die in a self made mess. (Don’t tell me i did not warn ya)

Some will ride the rainbow, until it dies.

You just killed your own company and your job, but not in the way McIlroy envisioned it:

“As a programmer, it is your job to put yourself out of business. What you do today can be automated tomorrow.”

Doug McIlroy

(probably quoting JFKennedy)

PS: those guys at ubuntu surely also never have heard of K.I.S.S

the only reason ubuntu is still a thing, is that it is based on K.I.S.S respecting Debian

also: systemd has become “creepware” (it used to do startup, now it also does network config, WHY? WHY? (because it want’s to rule them all)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #team #teams #it #crowd #company #germany #error #mistake #unix #kiss #simplify #simplicity #rant

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/11/10/rant-system-philosophy-it-that-ignore-unix-k-i-s-s-will-die-in-germany-there-are-only-one-man-teams/


system philosophy: IT that ignore UNIX K.I.S.S will die - in Germany there are only one man teams



team, team, team team…

In Germany, everyone is his/her own team, there are only one-man, one-woman teams.

teams not necessarily help each other

the best “help” you can get from another “team” is “it is somewhere in the (incomplete, outdated, no body cares) dokuwiki”

often they also work against each other

so actually there are no teams

without social skills and development as human being

the only interface that still exists is text and money

“give me that, here the money”

a “helpful” “community” isn’t it?

which reminds me of:

have no problem with that, just please do not raise any expectations that it might be otherwise.

“we are a hip, cool and fun company” (no)

just say it out loud: “we are a boring company, our systems are a grown mess and we are about to lose control, want to fix it?”

well if you read & understood K.I.S.S (simplify, simplify, simplify, standardize, automate) it could be fixed over the course of several years, if not: no.

to ignore K.I.S.S means: leaving behind an badly documented mess, either for others to fix or to die (delete & restart).

Any newcomer’s motivation will die fast, when being stuck without help and with outdated documentation.

Aka: the company is doomed to die in a self made mess. (Don’t tell me i did not warn ya)

Some will ride the rainbow, until it dies.

You just killed your own company and your job, but not in the way McIlroy envisioned it:

“As a programmer, it is your job to put yourself out of business. What you do today can be automated tomorrow.”

Doug McIlroy

(probably quoting JFKennedy)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #team #teams #it #crowd #company #germany #error #mistake #unix #kiss #simplify #simplicity

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/11/10/system-philosophy-it-that-ignore-unix-k-i-s-s-will-die-in-germany-there-are-only-one-man-teams/


Research on acupuncture has been extensive, and so far, robust evidence supports its effectiveness for some, but not all, conditions. According to one analysis published in February 2022 in the BMJ that analyzed more than 2,000 scientific reviews of acupuncture therapies, the science is strongest behind acupuncture’s efficacy for post-stroke aphasia; neck, shoulder, and muscle pain; fibromyalgia pain; lactation issues after delivery; lower back pain; vascular dementia symptoms; and allergy symptoms.
#acupunture #research #mainstream #team