

Rare snow fall in southern city of #Zahedan in #Baluchestan province of Iran!

Zahedan is close to Pakistan border and snow is rather unusual seen in that region.

But the whole country is suffering from one of the worst winters in modern history with temperatures way bellow -20°C in Kurdish and Azeri cities of Iran.

The massive shortfall of fuel and LPG as well as natural gas has made this winter specially hard on many low income families across Iran.

The government of #Reisi to s also making things worse by cutting the supply of natural gas to those who use more than the "norm" or those with back pay are getting their gas cut off.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #iran #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment


In 1992 1,700 scientists led a ‘Warning to Humanity’ - we’re on course for our planet to be ‘irretrievably mutilated’.

30 years of greenwash, lies, delay & distraction & we’re in the age of mutilation.

Do we have 30 more years? The odds are against us without systemic change.

PS. Cartoon is from a shit for brain climate change denying publication

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment


To date, #China, #Turkey, #Iceland and #Japan are the leaders in developing deep #geothermal #energy, #heating more and more city districts and greenhouses. In #Germany, the city of #Munich enjoys inexpensive geothermal heating and has set its sight on using the technology to make the sector climate neutral by 2035.

The German government is also looking at further developing deep geothermal energy to create a nationwide climate-neutral heat supply by 2045. Deep geothermal energy could generate around 300 terawatt hours of heat annually from an installed capacity of 70 GW — more than half the future heat demand of all buildings. According to analysis by six German research institutes, generating heat with deep geothermal energy costs less than three euro cents per kWh.
Read more 👉 https://p.dw.com/p/4L4W0

#ClimateChange #Technology #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment


Why has the mainstream media ignored the role of climate change in the storms devastating large parts of California?

In #California, at least 19 people have died as storms continue to batter the region, leading to widespread flooding, mudslides and power outages. The National Weather Service says large portions of Central California have received over half their annual normal precipitation in just the past two weeks — and more rain is coming.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment



Police clash with anti-coal demonstrators in the village of #Luetzerath, in western #Germany, which is due to be destroyed to make space for an open-cast coal mine extension.

(Twitter video)
#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment