

#Europa ist führend beim Export & Umschlag von #SharkFins.

Aber das kann sich ändern: Mehr als 1.180.000 #EU-Bürger*innen haben die #ECI #StopFinningEU unterzeichnet.

Deine Unterschrift fehlt noch?
Dann los! Heute noch bis 23:59:

via @StopFinningEU


#Europa #Europe #export #transit #sharkfins #change


Only recently did I move from just having a cell phone to having a smart phone. I bought a used Galaxy Nexus, which was released six years ago. I installed Lineage OS on it, without Gapps (I don't need Google tracking my every move). For apps, I use F-droid, which has been fine, but, I was unable to install an app for transit schedules (specifically for the Toronto Transit Commission, which is what I use).

However, I found an app called GTFSOffline, which would have transit schedules on the phone, and thus I wouldn't need to be online (I don't have data -- I just have talk and text, with wifi when available). But, I've been having some difficulties getting it working. The last error told me there's "No usable location fix!" So now I'm in the process installing a GSM Location Service. It's taking a long time (the database installation is at 59.4% now). Hopefully this works. I like to think that open source devices/software can have the same functionality as proprietary devices/software. So, I'm hoping I'll be able to access TTC schedules as easy as my friends who've installed various apps from Google Plus.

#LineageOS #smartphone #opensource #linux #GTFS #transit #software