

Originally, #Humanity as a #collective was #taught the #knowledge of who we really are as #spiritual #beings and living holograms of the #Universe; how to reconnect with Higher Self by raising #kundalini energy from the base of the spine up to the third-eye and crown #chakras…and lived at a much, much higher level of #consciousness and full potential in human form
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…before the Earth’s people and grid system was deliberately #hijacked by #dark #beings with a #negative #agenda, who definitely don’t want us to wake up to our true #history and #who we really are.

Here’s the thing. By #Universal #Law, we have to give our #consent for what they have done here, and the only way they can accomplish this consent is by outright lies, #deception and #duplicity because if #people knew the true agenda of these controllers, the majority of Humanity would never, ever, ever accept anything that has taken place here.


#14Octobre #Autoréduction #Réapproprieation #Collective des #Richesses #Lutte #Système #Capitaliste #Autonomes #Libertaire #antiCapitalisme #anticapitaliste

Va-t-on assister à une flambée des colères ?

Depuis plusieurs jours, un appel à une flambée des colères circule sur les différents réseaux sociaux, le samedi 14 octobre, lendemain de la grande journée de mobilisation lancée par l’intersyndicale. Des rassemblements sont d’ores et déjà annoncés partout en France, dont un à Saint-Étienne à 14h place du Peuple.

Presque cinq ans après le soulèvement des Gilets jaunes, va-t-on assister à une flambée des colères ?



The #world is in the grips of #mass #formation―a #dangerous, #collective type of #hypnosis―as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to #censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive #groupthink.

#Desmet’s work on mass formation theory was brought to the world’s attention on The Joe Rogan Experience and in major alternative news outlets around the globe. Read this book to get beyond the sound bites!

#Totalitarianism is not a coincidence and does not form in a vacuum. It arises from a collective psychosis that has followed a predictable script throughout history, its formation gaining strength and speed with each generation―from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Stalinists―as technology advances. Governments, mass media, and other mechanized forces use fear, loneliness, and isolation to demoralize populations and exert control, persuading large groups of people to act against their own interests, always with destructive results.


#Shoah et #Esclavage: Même #Combat ? - #StellaKamnga


Dans cette #vidéo, nous allons explorer deux #tragédies de l' #histoire : la Shoah et l'esclavage. Bien que ces #événements aient eu lieu à des moments et des endroits différents, ils partagent des similitudes dans la manière dont ils ont affecté les personnes qui ont été touchées par eux.

Ensuite, nous examinerons comment les #peuples touchés ont réussi à se reconstruire après ces événements. Nous étudierons les #efforts de #résilience et de #survie des #Juifs et des #Afro-Américains, qui ont dû faire face à des #discriminations persistantes dans le #monde d'après-guerre et d'après-esclavage. Nous verrons comment ces #communautés ont travaillé pour se reconstruire, guérir et surmonter les #traumatismes du #passé.

Enfin, nous réfléchirons à l' #héritage de la Shoah et de l'esclavage. Nous aborderons les questions sur la #mémoire #collective et la #réconciliation, en explorant les différents #mouvements pour la #justice #raciale et la #reconnaissance de la Shoah. Nous verrons comment ces #tragédies continuent d'avoir un #impact sur notre monde aujourd'hui et ce que nous pouvons faire pour #construire un #avenir plus #juste et plus #équitable pour tous.

📖 Mon #Livre "La France n'est plus la #France": https://amzn.to/3SoH7Xq

Retrouvez-moi sur mes autres réseaux:
➡ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stella.kamnga.9
➡ TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@stellakamnga
➡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZc1nadsy5Y
➡ Twitter: https://twitter.com/stellakamnga

Par Stella Kamnga.

#esclavage #shoah #histoire #guerremondiale #memoire #analyse #politique #débat #culture #conservateur #droite #racisme #justice #stellakamnga


Cross posted from Mastodon:

Why is it so hard to find anyone to build a #coop in the EU? I am interested in starting a public interest tech (#PIT) #collective delivering #health and #fitness solutions aimed at the general public. #FOSS would be absolutely required with #GPL licensing. #Mental health tech would also be a focus. If anyone is interested (esp., in the EU) please contact me. #NOTblockchain #neurodivergent #nocrypto #ADHD #ASD #dataaggregation

If anyone would like to start an EU based technology cooperative (I'm in CZ) please reach out to me. I would very much like to work on creating technology solutions that address public issues ( the big ones for me are personalized health monitoring, mental health and aging population).




Our documentary series, Refugia, is available to stream worldwide via Waterbear https://join.waterbear.com/. Through a positive lens, Refugia’s founder, Liana Cornell, activates her inescapable urge to do more, and gains a deeper understanding of the current crises in nature, and the people devoted to preventing them.

From the perspective of the five elements present in every living thing – earth, air, fire, water, spirit – Refugia reveals the good work undertaken by unsung, everyday heroes. We also celebrate communities and companies dedicated to nurturing nature, and preserving these pockets of protection.

Cinematically stunning, bold, personal and evocative, Refugia illuminates their rewarding stories, and inspires us to realise that we are the solution. When we react with action, we unite in a compassionate, global collective, creating continuing, constructive change.

To do so is in our nature… and our nature is in us.

Refugia would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live and work. We would also like to pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

#Refugia #documentary #film #series #nature #people #aboriginal #Indigenous #Peoples #species #survival #collective #solutions #elders #firstnations #earthprotectors #LianaCornell #RefugiaPtyLtd #docu-films


#Plainte #collective contre la #Technopolice - #LQDN


La Quadrature du Net lance une plainte collective contre le #ministère de l'Intérieur pour s'opposer à la #surveillance totale de nos rues. Contre la #vidéosurveillance, le #fichage, la reconnaissance faciale et la détection automatisée de comportement, rejoignez la plainte sur :


Pandemic Brooding: Can the Permaculture movement survive the first severe test of the energy descent future?

by David Holmgren

"Outsourcing personal responsibility for due diligence to authorities is a risky strategy at the best of times; in times of challenge and rapid change the risks escalate. …

For many permies, the pandemic seems another example of hyped threat like the ‘war on weeds’, ‘war on drugs’, ‘war on terror’ used to manipulate the population to comply with some version of disaster capitalist1 solutions. Most sceptics acknowledge the virus as real, but not as dangerous as the cure in lockdowns and other draconian measures. The ‘war on the virus’ seems just as futile or misguided as all the other wars on nature, substances and concepts. So much for trying to have nuanced discussions about viruses as an essential and largely symbiotic mechanism for the exchange of genetic material and mediation of evolution!

While the closure and loss of cafés, gyms and hairdressers might not be a great loss, except to those directly affected, many of us have noticed that the official response to the pandemic tends to follow a pattern of support and strengthening of dominant corporations while leading to the weakening and likely collapse of small business and community self-organised activities. "

"The sovereignty of persons to choose freely how they grapple with the tension between autonomy and the needs of the commonwealth is not just an ideal from western Enlightenment civilisation working out how to apply the gift of fossil fuel wealth. It is a fundamental expression of how the ecology of context is constantly shifting, and that all systems simultaneously express life through bottom-up autonomy of action and top-down guidance of collective wisdom.

In times of great stability, the distilled wisdom of the collective, embodied in institutions, carries human culture for the long run. Sometimes the sanctions on the individuals who rejected the rules of the collective were harsh and, according to modern thinking, arbitrary but over long periods of relative stability, those rules kept society working. In times of challenge and change it is, ironically, dissidents at the fringes who salvage and conserve some of the truths of the dying culture into the unknown future to craft new patterns of recombinant culture…"

#DavidHolmgren #pandemic #permaculture #movement #food-growing #collective #sovereignty


A quotation by Gordon, Peter E.

[Fascism] imagines the masses not as a pluralistic citizenry but as a primal horde whose power can be awakened by playing upon atavistic feelings of hatred and belonging. Its chosen leader must exhibit strength: his refusal to compromise and readiness to attack are seen as signs of tough-mindedness, while any concern for constitutionality or the rule of law are disdained as signs of weakness. The most powerful myth, however, is that of the embattled collective. Critics are branded as traitors, while those who do not fit the criteria for inclusion are vilified as outsiders, terrorists, and criminals.

Peter E, Gordon (b. 1966) American intellectual historian

“Why Historical Analogy Matters,” New York Review of Books (7 Jan 2020)

#quotation #quote #aggression #belonging #collective #criticism #determination #fascism #hatred #leader #rule-of-law #tribalism

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/gordon-peter-e/48799/