

#trees #myphoto
The beautiful tree that was, but is no more. It was cut down when the property was sold to new owners.
I called it "The Bird Tree" because it would be filled with the songs of all kinds of birds, including owls and eagles who visited during their travels.


I live in the brown brick building. This tree was right outside my windows. Very Close. It was cut down when the property next door was sold to a multinational corporation. There is only concrete there now.


#destruction #trees
Utah State Capitol
The planned 'path' didn't work out. The small, fast growing trees didn't work out. Most of the large areas are covered with a lawns - That hasn't worked out very well either. The lawns die, or dry up to a crisp brown in the summer - and left like that. Then the lawns are completely replaced. So - most of the grounds are 'No Care Concrete' - with a small patch of a garden.


#trees #destruction #myphoto
I took 14 photographs through a chain-link fence of the trees on the grounds of the Utah State Capitol being cut down and trashed. Most were large, magnificent trees that had been there for a few hundred years. Officials offered many excuses.