

The National Trust remains deaf to concerns about A303 road scheme

Neither our resolution nor any members’ resolution presented to the National Trust AGM last Saturday was successful.

Media release Friday 4 November 2022. Concerned National Trust (NT) members have tabled a resolution

[1] on the A303 #Stonehenge road scheme for the Trust’s AGM tomorrow (Saturday 5 November 2022). The resolution will be proposed by Dr Kate Fielden and seconded by John Adams, OBE. Both members are supporters of the Stonehenge Alliance

[2]. The resolution, on which members will vote, asks the Trust’s Trustees to reconsider their stance on the road scheme. The Trust has supported the scheme since it was announced in 2014. Since then, independent planning inspectors and the former Transport Secretary have said that the road scheme would permanently and irreparably damage the famous Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS). UNESCO has warned that the site could lose its world heritage status if the scheme goes ahead without fundamental change. A Judicial Review in 2019 ruled that Grant Shapps’ approval of the scheme was unlawful and that alternatives must be examined

[3]. The Trust’s Trustees, in responding to tomorrow’s resolution, say that removal of the A303 from the site has long been called for and that the route has been carefully chosen to avoid archaeology. However, only around half of the road would be removed into a tunnel, leaving massive, noisy, and unsightly dual carriageway cuttings to each side, entirely removing sensitive archaeological remains in the way

[4]. Walkers and cyclists on a new right of way referred to by the Trust would see directly into the huge western road cutting.
Dr Kate Fielden said:

“In view of #warnings from #UNESCO and other expert bodies, and the Trust’s founding purpose to protect natural and historic places for future generations, we believe the Trust should reconsider its position on the scheme. It should be leading the calls for less damaging alternatives to road building at Stonehenge, not providing cover for National Highways’ highly destructive scheme. At a time of climate emergency we need to find solutions that don’t increase traffic and emissions, while also safeguarding the WHS for future generations.”



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Manifesto 2000

The year 2000 must be a new beginning for us all. Together we can transform the culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and non-violence. This demands the participation of everyone. It gives young people and future generations values that can inspire them to shape a world of dignity and harmony, a world of justice, solidarity, liberty and prosperity. The culture of peace makes possible sustainable development, protection of the environment and the personal fulfilment of each human being.

Recognizing my share of responsibility for the future of humanity, especially for today's children and those of future generations, I pledge - in my daily life, in my family, my work, my community, my country and my region - to:
1. respect the life and dignity of every person without discrimination or prejudice;
2. practise active non-violence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economical and social, in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable such as children and adolescents;
3. share my time and material resources in a spirit of generosity to put an end to exclusion, injustice and political and economic oppression;
4. defend freedom of expression and cultural diversity, giving preference always to dialogue and listening rather than fanaticism, defamation and the rejection of others;
5. promote consumer behaviour that is responsible and development practices that respect all forms of life and preserve the balance of nature on the planet;
6. contribute to the development of my community, with the full participation of women and respect for democratic principles, in order to create together new forms of solidarity.

#manifesto2000 #unesco #peace #ThichNhatHanh


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