

Diaspora CSS tweaks: Notifications pane height

I've just thrown the following into my Diaspora stylesheet using the Stylus CSS manager extention (Firefox / Chrome / Safari, etc.):

.navbar.navbar-fixed-top .nav-badges .dropdown-menu .notifications {
    max-height: calc(85vh - 4em);
    min-height: 8em;

I'd found the previous 350px max height far too short, especially for all the love I've been getting. This will dynamically extend the panel to within 4em of the visible viewpane floor.

It might make a nice feature enhancement for Diaspora core.

#diaspora #css #tips #webDev #googleplus


I've been reminded of just how miserable G+ performance is

I'd been digging through it (mostly removing my posts and comments, some real searching). The amount of client memory it consumes is absolutely prodigious -- 1 - 1.5 GB in Chromium. I constantly have to kill the tab (and associated threads) to recover performance.

Diaspora by contrast is much, much, much lighter. Though I really wish it had search. Sigh.

#googleplus #diaspora #performance #client #webdev #footprint #search