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The United States and Israel stand on the verge of a direct attack on Iran, with the most far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the whole world.

Using Iran’s attack on Israeli military infrastructure Tuesday as a pretext, the White House has effectively given Israel carte blanche to carry out an illegal attack against the second most populous country in the region (after Egypt).

“We’ll be discussing with the Israelis what they’re going to do, but all seven of us [referring to the G7 nations] agree that they have a right to respond,” Biden said Wednesday. Reuters commented in a news report, “[T]he US is not pressing Israel to refrain from retaliation.”…

#Gaza #Genocide #Iran #Syria #Iraq #Yemen #Iraq #Economy #WW3 #Russia #China #PersianGulf #Opec #Israel #Media @palestine group group @israel group group

Roman-era sarcophagus discovered on Bulgarian beach | Archaeology News

An unexpected discovery was made on the beach near the resort of Saints Constantine and Helena, located on Bulgaria’s northern Black Sea coast, when an ancient sarcophagus from the Roman era was found unattended.

Lol image you make holidays on the beach and suddenly, you tumble about this thing. How the hell did it get there? I mean someone must have dumped it there
