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Eugene Gates Jr. collapsed last year while delivering mail on a day when the heat index reached 113 degrees. A year later, his widow worries that it will happen again if something doesn't change.
The USPS disciplined Eugene weeks before he died for taking too long on his route in the heat wave. Carla found out later #Heat Illness Prevention training he should have received was falsified by postal management

How we created a beautiful native wildflower meadow in the heart of the city using threatened grassland species

A city street may seem an unusual place to save species found in critically endangered grasslands. My new research, though, shows we can use plants from these ecosystems to create beautiful and biodiverse urban wildflower meadows. This means cities, too, can support nature repair.

Species-rich grassy ecosystems are some of the most threatened plant communities on the planet. Occupying easily developed flat land, grassy ecosystems are routinely sacrificed as our cities expand.

In south-east Australia, the volcanic plains that support Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs were once grasslands strewn with wildflowers, “resembling a nobleman’s park on a gigantic scale”, according to early explorer Thomas Mitchell. But these exceptionally diverse, critically endangered ecosystems have been reduced to less than 1% of their original area. The few remnants continue to be lost to urban development and weed invasion.

Unfortunately, efforts to restore the grasslands around Melbourne have had mixed results. In 2020 the City of Melbourne took matters into its own hands. Recognising it is possible to enrich the diversity of birds, bats and insects by providing low-growing native plants, the council set a goal to increase understorey plants by 20% on the land it manages.

Creating a large native grassland in inner-city Royal Park would help achieve this goal. Adopting a technique used by wildflower meadow designers, we sowed a million seeds of more than two dozen species from endangered grasslands around Melbourne. All but one of these species established in the resulting native wildflower meadow.

Almost a year of genocide, and almost all major news networks have stopped posting news from ongoing genocide in Gaza.

No UN team was sent to Gaza to investigate those mass Graves.

No EU delegates were takilen picture condemning these crime against humanity and calling for the criminals to face justice.

No western media EVER going to put this on their front page.

Unofficial number of casualties in Gaza is close to half a million people, including the 41000 verified killed, over 180000 injured, 10s of thousands missing and thousands of children lost at least a limb and scared for life.

It has been a year of shameless hypocrisy and complicity in one of the most well documented mass murderer in our history

#MassGraves #WarCrime #NeverForget #NeverForgive #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel

Hamas: „Wie unsere Feinde das Leben lieben, so lieben wir den Tod“.

Vor knapp einem Jahr hat die Terrororganisation ihre Verachtung jĂŒdischen und israelischen Lebens, in weiterer Konsequenz auch palĂ€stinensischen Lebens, auf beispiellose Weise real gemacht. Ihre Vernichtungslust gilt Israel, dem jĂŒdischen Staat, und geht ĂŒber die Leben von Individuen hinweg als seien sie Kies auf dem Weg zur Macht.
Das antisemitische Massaker der Terrorgruppe ging mit spezifischer misogyner sexualisierter Gewalt einher und stellt den schwerwiegendsten Angriff auf jĂŒdisches Leben seit 1945 dar.
Mit dem bewusst grausamen Angriff auf Israel und der Verschleppung der Geiseln hat die Hamas unausweichlich einen israelischen Kriegsschlag herbeigefĂŒhrt, das Leid der ihr unterstellten Zivilbevölkerung gezielt eingesetzt. Dennoch sind es aber gerade nicht die angegriffenen und verwundeten israelischen und jĂŒdischen Gemeinschaften, sind es nicht die verbliebenen PalĂ€stinenser*innen, die trotz massiver Repression gegen die Diktatur der Hamas und fĂŒr eine palĂ€stinensisch-israelische Aussöhnung eintreten, die sich in den folgenden Monaten auf die SolidaritĂ€t der Weltgemeinschaft verlassen durften. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Antisemitischer Hass hat seit dem 07. Oktober global einen neuen Höchststand erreicht. PalĂ€stinensische und muslimische Stimmen, die sich gegen den islamistischen Tenor aussprechen, werden bekĂ€mpft und mit Drohungen bedacht. Das Gedenken an die Shoah scheint entleert und innerhalb der Linken nahezu aufgekĂŒndigt. Die RealitĂ€t eliminatorischen Antisemitismus wird heute eher geleugnet als anerkannt.

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#antisemitismus #islamismus #antifeminusmus

#emanzipation #solidaritÀt

Eugene Gates Jr. collapsed last year while delivering mail on a day when the heat index reached 113 degrees. A year later, his widow worries that it will happen again if something doesn't change.
The USPS disciplined Eugene weeks before he died for taking too long on his route in the heat wave. Carla found out later #Heat Illness Prevention training he should have received was falsified by postal management