Public Stream

The FBI just announced they found #human #meat in the Cabal owned #McDonald’s #Fast #Food meat supply.

What they didn’t say was that since at least 2015 – for nine long years – they have known about the meat of #children being in the meat supply of US fast food restaurants and the FBI, FDA, and USDA has done nothing about it.


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Видео с текстом от D-A-D

D-A-D опубликовали официальное видео с текстом на песню "Speed Of Darkness", которая войдет в новый альбом "Speed Of Darkness", выход которого состоялся четвертого октября на AFM Records:

01. God Prays To Man

02. 1st, 2nd & 3rd

03. The Ghost

04. Speed Of Darkness

05. Head Over Heels

06. Live By Fire

07. Crazy Wings

08. Keep That Mother Down

09. Strange Terrain

10. In My Hands

11. Everything Is Gone Now

12. Automatic Survival

13. Waiting Is The Way

14. I'm Still Here

#D-A-D D-A-D Premier Official Lyric Video For


#lang_ru #метал #darksideru

Krieg in Nahost: Israel greift erstmals im Nordlibanon an

Israel hat erstmals seit Beginn der Offensive im Libanon ein Ziel im Norden des Landes angegriffen. Bei einem Drohnenangriff auf ein Flüchtlingslager bei Tripoli soll ein Anführer des militärischen Flügels der Hamas getötet worden sein.#Nahost #Krieg #Kämpfe
Krieg in Nahost: Israel greift erstmals im Nordlibanon an

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#WhiteDog is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

One of the gifts of White Dog is the calling in and recognition of other companions of destiny. Other beings with the same longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who can see you as you authrentically are. When you have truly been seen, you feel empowered, and remembrance of a shared sacred trust is ignited. This is a natural process, divinely designed for recognition through vibrational affinity, freed from personal expectations.

White Dog can be seen as an access point for developing relationships with guides, totems, allies and guardians. There are many ways to work with these spiritual guides, including guided visualizations, shamanic journeys, and meditation. A useful construct is viewing them as aspects of yourself, part of your life stream that is asking to be integrated. Remember, there is no ‘other’. In this grand adventure, you are being asked to embody all that you are.
Profound insights are garnered through shared purpose and relationship with others who are willing to be in their truth and integrity about the light and shadow aspects they perceive in themselves.

Similarly, intimate relationships can be viewed as unique opportunities to bring forward in each other deep emotional patterns to be transformed. In this case, those you have drawn to you hold the ability to assist you in your own integration as well. There are no mistakes. Be willing to look deeply into the truth held within any relationship. The expression of intimacy is a gift of love; the lack of it may be a symptom asking for honest communication and healing. It may also be guiding you to reevaluate your relationship and the purpose it is serving.

White Dog signals a breakthrough in your life: new beginnings, new perceptions, new allies and friends. As you express more authentically who you are, you draw your true family closer to you.With your guides and companions, you have the ability to manifest your inspired visions and dreams. Recognize the eyes and hearts that spark the remembrance of a sacred trust.

The harmonic wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibration or substances for one another. Spiritual affinity is not limited to family kinship - it is part of the natural affinity between companions of destiny. Such companions of are drawn together by the same aligned force that draws iron filings to a magnet. Companions of destiny are drawn togther to do work that is naturally harmonious.

On the surface at times, it may seem that you have little in common with these companions, yet the attraction remains. This is because Essence Selves are often committed to work together long before they meet in the physical world. This is a natural process of affinity, rather than a process motivated from personal desire. Follow this guidance into your unfoldment within the larger pattern.

#Kin: 90


Tone: 12 Crystal
Universalizing * Cooperation * Dedicate

Tribe: 10 Dog
Love * Loyalty * Heart

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#mayan #haab

Today's Date: Sat 5 Oct 2024
Today's Maya Date: 13 . 0 . 11 . 17 . 6
7 Kimi 9 Yax

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The 15th #Nakshatra: #SWATI.

The four quarters are ruled by:
Guru (Jupiter) - the 1st quarter,
Shani (Saturn) - the 2nd quarter,
Shani (Saturn) - the 3rd quarter,
and Guru (Jupiter) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
The Purushardha (life's vector or motivation) is #Artha.
Totem animal is #Buffalo (male).
Symbol - #coral.
Devata (Deity) - #Vayu.
Dosha - #Kapha.

This is 15th Nakshatra of the zodiac, having all its four quarters in Tula (Libra), spanning from 6°40' to 20°00'. The node #Rahu rules this Nakshatra. The entire span of this Nakshatra falls in the sign Tula (Libra), the sign ruled by the lord of beauty, #Shukra ( #Venus). These people have beautiful physical appearance, a well-balanced body. Females born in this sign and Nakshatra walk as if they are thinking deep before taking every step and trying to balance their body before taking any further action.

A well-balanced behavior is the essence of their life. These people try to maintain a balance in every walk of their life. They believe in the principle of live and let live. Also they are helpful to others in case of their need. They do not like to do any injustice to others neither do they like any injustice being done to them. But these people are adamant, and they do not like the criticism of their work. A large number of those born in Swati earn their living trough the jobs or businesses involved in traveling.

These people are intelligent and hardworking, but they have to face difficulties in the early part of their life. This is same even for the people who are born in the wealthiest families. But they early struggle serves well for these people, as they start seeing the path clearly ahead of them. The experiences learned in the early part of life serve well.

A strong Shukra (Venus) or Rahu in case of those born in this Nakshatra makes the native good in art work related with the trade of cloth, jewellery, valuable stones, etc. A conjunction of moon with Shukra (Venus) will make the native extremely beautiful and lucky. These people will gain in every assignment they undertake. But in case of a beneficial aspect of Chandra (Moon) with Mangala (Mars), the native may serve in the defense forces or may earn through any of the outdoor games.

When the lord of this Nakshatra, Rahu, is placed in the first house, the native will be short in height, slightly obese. When Rahu is placed in the seventh house, there will be some kind of difference in the wife and husband. For example, one of the partners may be well educated compared with the other or there will be some disparity in physical appearance.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features : One of the peculiar features of Swati born is that his under part of the feet will appear to be curved and the ankle risen. His feature is very attractive to the women folk. His body will be fleshy type.

  2. Character and general events: He is a peace loving person, but adamant and independent. He does not like neither to swallow others property nor ready to part with his own property. He does not like criticism of his work. Once he loses temper, it will be very difficult to calm down. Hence for a better tomorrow it would be better if he uses his proper balance of mind.

He is willing to extend any helping hand to others provided his own freedom is not questioned. He keeps limit of respect to be given to others irrespective of the position or level of persons that is to say he is not hypocritical in giving respect. He is the best friend in need and worst enemy of the hated. He does not hesitate to take revenge on the persons who is against him. His childhood days will be full of problems. He initially tries to give protection and helping hand to the most dear and near ones but he changes his mind later on due to the unwanted criticism received from such persons.

  1. Education, sources of earning/profession: His intelligence and capacity to do the work are excellent. He has to suffer, financially and mentally, even if born in a wealth family, till his 25th years of age. However, he cannot expect much progress and advancement in profession or business up to the age of 30 years. Thereafter he can have a golden period up to his 60 years of age.

The native will earn through the profession as goldsmith, travelers or drug seller, an actor or dramatist or a textile worker; may join defense (navy); one may be an astrologer or a translator; the native may be a mechanical engineer.

  1. Family life: His married life will not be so much congenial. For the outsiders it would seem that they are the most adjustable couple but in reality they are not.

  2. Health: Normally the native has a very good health. However, as every human being has to have certain diseases, he is also prone to diseases connected with the abdomen, heart, piles and arthritis.

Female Natives

Females will enjoy a little different result than those mentioned above.

  1. Physical features: She can be distinctively identified from the way of her walk because she is very slow in walking.

  2. Character and general events: She is sympathetic and loving, virtuous and enjoys a very high social position. Fond of religious rites. She is truthful. Have many friends. She will win over enemies. While most of the women folk prefer to wander, this native is not inclined to do so.

  3. Education, sources of earning/profession: In case she takes up some employment she will attain much fame even beyond anticipation. As the fate would have it, while she does not like to travel, she is forced due to circumstances to accept a job where more traveling is involved.

  4. Family life: She will have to act against her consciousness in regard to moral due to some peculiar circumstances and atmosphere prevalent in the family. However, she will enjoy complete satisfaction from her children.

  5. Health: Outwardly her health will not look to be very good. But internal constitution is weak. She may suffer from bronchitis, asthma, breast pain, broken feet ankles and uterus trouble.