

Mark #Zuckerberg has publicly said #Facebook Inc. allows its more than three billion users to speak on equal footing with the #elites of #politics, #culture and #journalism, and that its standards of behavior apply to everyone, no matter their status or #fame.
In private, the company has built a system that has exempted #high-profile users from some or all of its rules, according to company documents reviewed by The #WallStreetJournal.
The program, known as “ #crossCheck” or “ #XCheck,” was initially intended as a quality-control measure for actions taken against high-profile accounts, including #celebrities, #politicians and #journalists. Today, it shields millions of VIP users from the company’s normal enforcement process, the documents show. Some users are “ #whitelisted”—rendered immune from #enforcement actions—while others are allowed to post #rule-violating material pending Facebook employee reviews that often never come.
In 2019, it allowed international soccer star #Neymar to show nude photos of a woman, who had accused him of #rape, to tens of millions of his fans before the content was removed by Facebook.

#FB #PedoBook #2021-09 #SocialMedia



#Comirnaty #Pfizer #Vaccine #LegallyDistinct #RonJohnson #Letter #FDA #2021-09

  1. Why didn’t the FDA grant full licensure for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is in use and available in the U.S.?
  2. How are the Comirnaty and #Pfizer-BioNTech #COVID-19 vaccines “legally distinct” and what are the “certain differences”?
  3. There is no doubt that the FDA’s action will lead to more vaccine #mandates and increased pressure on those currently choosing not to get vaccinated. Your letter to Pfizer suggests that “there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution.” Is there sufficient supply in the U.S. of the Comirnaty vaccine to ensure that those being #vaccinated under mandates will be receiving the FDA-approved version? Or is it more likely (or certain) that they will be vaccinated using the vaccine administered under the reissued #EUA?

"It does not matter the #circumstances, #trials, or #challenges that might surround us; an #understanding of the #doctrine of #Christ and His #Atonement will be the source of our #strength and #peace—yes, brothers and sisters, that internal #tranquility that is born of the #Spirit and which the #Lord gives to His #faithful #Saints. He nourishes us, saying: “ #Peace I leave with you. … Let not your heart be #troubled, neither let it be #afraid” John 14:27 ~ Benjamin de #Hoyos.

#Christianity #Jesus #2021-09



Meta-analyses based on 18 #randomized #controlled #treatment trials of #ivermectin in #COVID-19 have found large, statistically #significant #reductions in #mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to #viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled #prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.

#2021-09 #CureForCovid