

In 50 minutes I'll get another 5 stèr of firewood; my Cuccinota eats much more logs than my old Plamen (simple cast iron stove). only since October it was fed with 7 stèr of spruce, cherry and beech wood logs, produces much more ash as well but, am happy that my neighbour Helmuth is gonna help me wheelbarrowing the wood down to my little barn...

#stove #fire #wood #logs #heating #warmth #ya #photography


building a log cabin the LHBA way

Log Home Builders Association ( #LHBA) teaches you how to use #logs that almost all other #builders would reject. Here's my buddy pulling some logs out of a pile I had my neighbor make while clearing his driveway. My friend is going to build a 20x20 #hunting #cabin on his property with them. The excavator operator THANKED ME for saving him the money he would have to spend to dump these logs at the #landfill. You can see my cabin in the background - I got my logs the same way (well - I had to cut them myself, but still....)

You see all the #doom and #gloom on the news - what with #covid, #vaccine #mandates, threats of #unemployment, a #devaluing #dollar, #instability in the world, #evil #bankers pushing for a new world order #NWO, and you wonder what you can do about it. Getting out of #debt is a great way to #StickItToTheMan. #Building a #home with no #mortgage is a great way to stay out of #debt.