

The Fake Science of Sugar

How #fat and #cholesterol were substituted for sugar and turned #Americans into an #unhealthy #herd of waddling #land-whales.

A doctor explains how the groundwork for the #FoodPyramid #nonsense and the encouragement to reduce #fat consumption and increase #carbohydrate #consumption of the 1990s was laid by the #corruption of #scientistry in the 1960s.

In 1967, a single scientific study revealed the true #culprit of the #diabetes and #heart-disease #epidemic was #sugar. NOT saturated fat or cholesterol. So why wasn’t this information made common knowledge? They covered it all up. The sugar industry knew the results of these studies would tank sales and cost them billions. So the #SugarResearchFoundation paid three #Harvard #scientists $65,000 each to “prove” sugar was harmless. The scientists were some of the most respected nutrition experts in the world. Dr. #FrederickStare was the chairman of Harvard’s Department of Nutrition. Dr. #MarkHegsted was a scientific advisor for the USDA. Dr. #RobertGandy was a pioneer in dietary research.

The scientists dismissed multiple long-term studies. The first study proved sugar caused deadly #arterial #plaques. This was ignored. Another showed heart disease skyrocketed on a #high-carb #diet. The scientists dismissed it, claiming “these diets are rarely consumed.” The consequences of this scientific manipulation are horrifying. The truth about sugar and its effects on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease remained in the dark for years. Well-meaning doctors prescribed their patients #low-fat, high-carb diets for decades. These #dietary suggestions are to blame for the #obesity #crisis in America.

The #USDA urged Americans to trade #butter for #margarine. Margarine is now accepted as an artery-clogging #poison. And another massive shift was to “healthy” low-fat foods loaded with hidden sugars. As a result, U.S sugar consumption tripled. So did #BigSugar profits. And not surprisingly, so did type 2 diabetes and blood sugar issues. In 1980, only 1 in 50 Americans had a blood sugar problem. Today, that number is up to 1 in 3. High blood sugar kills roughly 3.2 million people per year.

In other words, as with #immigration and #third-world #overpopulation, the seeds of the castastrophic crises we are experiencing across the West were planted in a very small period of time between 1960 and 1967.

During the mid-20th century, Borlaug led the introduction of these high-yielding varieties combined with modern agricultural production techniques to Mexico, Pakistan, and India. As a result, Mexico became a net exporter of wheat by 1963. Between 1965 and 1970, wheat yields nearly doubled in Pakistan and India, greatly improving the food security in those nations. These collective increases in yield have been labeled the Green Revolution, and Borlaug is often credited with saving over a billion people worldwide from starvation. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 in recognition of his contributions to world peace through increasing food supply.

Add the names of Frederick Stare, Mark Hegsted, and Robert Gandy to the infamous list that includes #NormanBorlaug, #PhilipHart, and #EmmanuelCellar of men whose objectives and actions contributed the most to the downfall of the West and its transformation into #ClownWorld.



The war with China and Russia must be done through proxies as the number of soldiers the US can present may be restricted..
Ships will need to be redesigned to increase displacement, tanks will either have less armor or it might be a bit more cozy inside.

Aircraft might not perform as well and the paratroopers might need bigger parachutes

the decline in intelligence is interesting is this the results of food and upbringing?

#War #fat #america .


Accelerating Downfall
I am so fucking #angry all the time. Everything is getting worse, and the rate is accelerating. The #price of #everything I #buy to live has gone up more than 100% in the last two years. The #pricegouging and #profiteering is #endless. #Inflation is 7%, not 50%, and everyone else is… I have always been human fucking garbage. I always will be. My life is getting worse every year. It's unrelenting. I have to fucking commit #suicide. There is no way out. It's all getting worse and accelerating. I am already behind. I am already a loser piece of shit. I am #fat. I am #old. I am #ugly. I am #poor. I am #worthless. And there is NO WAY OUT. I have to commit suicide. I #hate my life more and more every day. I hate everyone around me. I hate myself. There is no path away from this. Don't respond saying that there is a path, but it's not an easy path. All that is saying is that I could get out, but I am #lazy. And I have already established that I am #fucking #worthless #human #garbage who should kill himself. But I am too much of a #coward to kill myself. I have to go on pointlessly suffering for some reason. I just hope someone kills me. If you know who I am, please kill me. I deserve a slow, painful death, but I ask for #mercy, and that you please make my #death #quick and #painless. I won't fight. I mean, I won't fight if I don't know what's coming. Shoot me in the back of the head or something. I #hope you get away with it. But ultimately I don't fucking care (See? Worthless Human Garbage). There is no point to your fucking worthless life either. But for what it's worth I hope you succeed and evade #legal #problems for my #murder, which I #deserve, I assure you. Kill me, please. There is no point in this going on.


#New #World Next Week | #Swiss #Army Deploys to Protect #Fat #Cats at #Davos | Jan. 13, 2022

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MTcbOWiscfmX

Story 1: Swiss Army Starts Security Deployment Ahead of World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” 16–20 January 2023

Story 2: ‘Robot Lawyer’ Powered By AI Will Help Fight Speeding Ticket As It Takes First Case In Court

Paywalled: AI Legal Assistant Will Help Defendant Fight Speeding Case In Court
New World Next Year 2018 with James Evan Pilato
Things That Will Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt Happen in 2023
#China Uses Artificial Intelligence ( #AI) to Run #Courts, Supreme Justices; Cutting Judges' Typical Workload By More Than a Third and Saving Billion Work Hours

Story 3: FAA Lifts Airline Ground Stop As Delays, Cancellations Pile Up

White House Says 'No Evidence of Cyber Attack,' Brandon Briefed On Grounded Flights
Computer "Outage" Hits Canadian Flight System Hours After US System Went Down
The New World Next Week Store

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com


The #advertising #propaganda in #Russia is the same as here: you hire a few #models and make them pretend to eat #FastFood and still have a slim #body.

Unfortunately, I have to admit to myself that Mc Donalds is something like #international #understanding. All over the #world they eat fast #food although they should know better. While I was in China, I actually went to #McDonalds because I knew what I was getting and didn't accidentally order some jelly. Let them all be full, #fat and happy rather than at #war with each other.

enter image description here
source of the image: https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-russia-sold-record-burgers-opening-day-vkusno-tochka-rebranded-2022-6

#health #humanity #knowledge #economy #fail #problem #philosophy #humanRights #diplomacy #politics #trade #globalization


The fedtemad

Literally fat-food could be translated as: grease sandwich. The thing is that a rye bread one side sandwich in Danish is called 'a food.' Mention any sort of topping, potato, salami, tomato, add the word -food to the end and it means a piece of rye bread with that topping (potato, salami or tomato) on top. This one is with melted pork fat!

One hundred years ago Copenhagen working class children was brought up on this fare. Not exactly unhealthy. Rye bread is very healthy and a bit of fat in a hungry child never harmed anyone. But they did often suffer from malnutrition and later, in the thirties, forties and fifties, there was a program that sent those pale and skinny children on summer holidays in the countryside with friendly farming families who took their social responsibility serious. Here they could benefit from clean air, sun, seawater and that healthy and varied farm diet.

Below is a small film of Copenhagen children leaving from the Central Station in 1940.


My mother who grew up in central Copenhagen's riff-raff quarter has told me how the children shouted to their mothers who were all stay-at-home moms, to throw down the grease-sandwich wrapped in newspaper.

It is not bad actually with a pinch of salt (the brown bits are crunchy pieces made when you melt the fat.) The pork fat is also used instead of butter on traditional Danish smørrebrød when you eat pickled herring or old cheese.

And keeping with the fat topic, I just saw this introduction to Danish pastry as it is made in Denmark (should be something completely different from what is called Danish pastry in the USA I've heard). Another grand way of consuming large amounts of fat... in this case butter.

#Food #fat #grease #crunchy #bits #Denmark #Rye #history #Copenhagen



loads of good tips for you to investigate suitability for you and yours.

#health #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #supplements #neuropeptides #happiness #pleasure #depression #cramps #liverspots #sleep #insomnia #nutrients #nutrientdepletion #nutrientdeficiency #ww3 #waronpeople #genocide #feedingonourunhappiness #happiness #depopulation #feedingoffourmisery #misery #deliberatelystarved #liedto #fat #lies #wecancorrectallthat #wecanmendthis #glyphosate #fulvicminerals #shilajeet #gratitude #forgiveness #consciousness #realization #guthealth #friendlybacteria #candida #ibs #chrones #probiotics #fermentedfoods #cabbage #saukraut #glutathione #nac #rawcarnivore #fecalimplants #mendwards #miraclecures #heavymetaltoxicity #oceanswimming #healing #saltwater #cold #waves #completelycured #cured #grounded #skin #folkcures #bacteria #realize #foodsupply #joyous #joyousmending #mending #mendwards #methylcobalamin #magnesium #iodine #vitaminc #magnesiumascorbate #aminoacids #frequency #harmoncs #vibration #charge #radio #longwave #shortwave #gentle #diathermin #tesla #nikolatesla #teslahealingdevice #bringingitback #bringinghealingback #pain #progressing #regressing #losttechnology #bewarethephramacon #bewaretherentiers #yettorecoverfromww2 #homeopathichospitals #rockerfellamedicine #medicineboughtout #conventionalmedicine #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #poisoners #manufacturedscarcity #digitalsignals #toxic #healthharmonics #intune #cosmic

and, because of #censorship , download a copy while you can, before it gets deleted.


Everyone Has Stopped Talking To Me
It has taken many years, but everyone has stopped talking to me. I #alienate everyone because I am past helping. People like to think they can help you. They can't help me. I am past saving. I am a #fat, #worthless, piece of #human #garbage. I am down to one friend who will respond to me at all. #Therapists have no interest in me, as I don't have the money to buy their time, and I am past helping. I have been here many times before. I have to kill myself. It is what everyone wants. The most painful thing is to have little alert boxes and chat notifiers set up on social networking and other sites and types of software. And watch as people I have sent messages to, pop on the site, linger for an hour or two, and then disappear without acknowledging or replying to texts, messages, posts, or chats.

I know they saw my messages. They know that I know. They don't reply. After awhile, people just want you to kill yourself. But first they have to make sure that you know that you did this to yourself. And that they are the real victims here. But whatever. I don't blame anyone. I am a completely worthless piece of shit. Who cares? No one. This is your future. Unless you have children and warp their minds and hobble them, no one will care about you unless you pay them once you get old. And once you start paying people to "care" about you, you know what you are: a worthless sack of human fucking garbage.