

Radical Realism for Climate Justice: From Industrial Agriculture to Peasant Agroecology


Limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial is feasible, and it is our best hope of achieving environmental and social justice, of containing the impacts of a global crisis that was born out of historical injustice and highly unequal responsibility.
To do so will require a radical shift away from resource-intensive and wasteful production and consumption patterns and a deep transformation towards ecological sustainability and social justice. Demanding this transformation is not ‘naïve’ or ‘politically unfeasible’, it is radically realistic.

In this part of the Radical Realism video series, La Via Campesina and Heinrich Boell Foundation explore the need for reclaiming a food system based on food sovereignty, small-scale farming and peasant agroecology.

Based on the chapter "La Via Campesina in Action for Climate Justice“ in the Radical Realism publication: https://www.boell.de/en/radicalrealism

#climate #food #food-growing #small-scale #farming #peasant #agroecology #food-sovereignty #HeinrichBoellFoundation #LaViaCampesina


A forgotten classic of agroecological science


The agro-chemical industry definitely does not want a new agricultural revolution. And perhaps society at large, at least in western World, has been encouraged to agree. After all, revolutions are equated with uncertainty, and uncertainty can be scary for those enjoying relative comfort.

But at this moment in history, with chemically intensive agriculture wreaking havoc on life-giving soils, polluting land, water and our shared atmosphere, plunging farmers into crippling debt, we cannot afford to take half measures or hope for silver bullet solutions to arrive unbidden where they have failed before.

#food #food-growing #agroecology #HealthyCrops #FrancisChabboussou #TheEcologist


Gates Foundation doubles down on misinformation campaign at Cornell as African leaders call for agroecology


The PR investment comes at a time when the Gates Foundation is under fire for spending billions of dollars on agricultural development schemes in Africa that critics say are entrenching farming methods that benefit corporations over people.

Bill Gates’s Foundation Is Leading a Green Counterrevolution in Africa


AGRA was established in 2006 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Deploying high-yield commercial seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides as its main weapons, the program is meant to help Africa unleash its own Green Revolution in agriculture to fight hunger and poverty. At least, that’s the promise.

#food #food-growing #agroecology #Africa #AGRA #AllianceForAGreenRevolutionInAfrica
#BillAndMelindaGatesFoundation #BillGates #JacobinMagazine #USRTK