

Another Enlightenment Fraud

Again and again and again, we see that the “human rights” promoted by the self-styled “liberals” of the #Enlightenment were always fraudulent to their very core. Here we see in #England how so-called “equality” only goes one way and works systematically to the #disadvantage of #boys:

One of the biggest girls’ football leagues in the country faces being shut down by the Football Association for refusing to allow a boy to play in its matches.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a row has broken out between the FA and officials running a female league in Yorkshire after parents complained their son had not been allowed to join.

It is understood the FA has threatened the West Riding Girls Football League with sanctions and a possible suspension if it does not agree to let boys on the pitch, a scenario officials have branded ‘a massive threat to the girls’ game’.

Last week an emergency meeting was held by organisers of the league – which has at least 6,000 under-18 girls playing across more than 300 teams – where managers voiced their concerns that allowing boys to play would ‘open the floodgates’.

The FA’s gender policy states that any under-16 teams must allow both boys and girls to play, despite admitting that ‘physical strength, stamina or physique’ can put one sex at the disadvantage of the other. Fiona McAnena, at sex-based rights group Sex Matters, said: ‘A boy on the pitch changes everything. The law is clear that female-only sport is allowed. It’s sex discrimination for the FA to tell girls they must accept a male player.’

Top girls’ football league faces being shut down, THE DAILY MAIL, 3 March 2024

This is what inevitably happens when reality intrudes upon the #dogmatic #Enlightenment #principles to which the #secular champions of #social-justice have been appealing for more than 200 years. Whenever the #ideological #principle violates their #identity #priority, the principle always crumbles into dust.

We’ve seen it with #free-speech, as that has been trumped by the need for protect the ability of one group to believe they were uniquely persecuted in the 20th Century and for another group to ignore crime statistics. We’ve seen it with “democracy”, as that has been trumped by the need of #ClownWorld #governments to ignore the will of the people. And now we see it with “equality”, as three generations of unrestrained #assaults on #male-only-activities are suddenly jettisoned as soon as #female-only-activities are threatened.

We are somehow supposed to believe that #equality means telling girls they must accept a male player is #sex #discrimination, while not telling boys they must accept a female player is also sex discrimination. Which is, of course, a certain sign that #satanic #inversion is somehow involved.

The #Enlightenment is the philosophical basis for Clown World. It is an #outdated and #sophistic #philosophy that will disappear in the aftermath of Clown World’s #demise.


#Huna #Kupua

by Serge Kahili King

Huna is a Hawaiian word meaning " #secret," but it also refers to the #esoteric #wisdom of #Polynesia. Kupua is another Hawaiian word and it refers to a specialized #healer who works with the powers of the #mind and the forces of #nature. In that respect it is very similar to the #Siberian #Tungusic word "shaman."

The understanding of Huna described here comes from the kupua tradition of the Kahili family from the #island of #Kauai, through Serge Kahili King, who was adopted as the grandson of Joseph Kahili and trained in his tradition.

The #Seven #Principles
The basic assumptions of Huna are these:

  1. The World Is What You Think It Is.

  2. There are no limits.

  3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.

  4. Now Is The Moment Of Power.

  5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or

  6. All Power Comes From Within.

  7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.

The Three Selves (or Four)
Another set of assumptions used in Huna is that #human #behavior and experience can be explained and changed through the interaction of three (sometimes four) selves, aspects or functions:

  1. The High Self (Kane, Aumakua), inspires.
  2. The Conscious Self (Lono) imagines.
  3. The Subconscious Self (Ku) remembers.
  4. The Core Self (Kanaloa) wills. The Four Levels of Reality

A third set of assumptions coming from the kupua tradition divides all experience into four levels or frameworks of beliefs about reality which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Everything is objective (Scientific reality).
  2. Everything is subjective (Psychic reality).
  3. Everything is symbolic (Shamanic reality).
  4. Everything is holistic (Mystical reality). The #kupua ( #Hawaiian #shaman) learns to move in and out of these realities in order to change experience more effectively.

#Theosophical Classic #1989, 28:00 minutes.
#shamanic #healing
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=e4Z9SRzgVQQ


The big #problem with #British #politics is that it doesn't exist. #Read some #political #history and #philosophy and you'll soon realise there is a de facto one party state in the #UK.

#Conservatives = neoliberal-globalists.
#Labour = neoliberal-globalists.
#LibDems = neoliberal-globalists.
#Green = neoliberal-globalists.
#ScotsNats = neoliberal-globalists.

The only real choice is the #colour.

The Conservatives #conserve nothing, grow #government, permit mass #immigration, support #speech crime, support thought #crime, increase #regulations, support "#multiculturalism", support "LGBTQIA+", hate #autochthonous British people, borrow #money at interest, print #currency, support #globalism, support foreign #wars, support net zero, support offshoring #industry, take part in #cronyism, don't support free market #capitalism, want to give illegal #migrants #amnesty, support the #corrupt #Ukraine puppet government, supported illegal #lockdowns, supported illegal #medical #mandates, supported #unscientific mask wearing, support illegal on-the-spot #fines, support #biometricID, support ignoring #paedophilia, support ignoring crime #statistics regarding #race, support the World Economic Forum, support #agenda2030, support "the great reset", support low #birthrates, support #miscegenation and support #depopulation.

Labour support everything the so-called Conservatives do and they don't support the #working classes and in-fact appear to hate the autochthonous British working classes and consider them, in the words of Jack Staw, a people "not worth saving."

Lib Dems are neither #Liberal, in the classical sense, or #Democratic. They wanted to overturn the #EU #referendum and reject the Democratic #vote on membership and they're #neoliberals, which is a philosophy that includes attacks on classical Liberal concepts like free speech, free thought and free inquiry. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives and Labour party do.

#Greens support the the reduction of #CO2 from the current 400ppm to zero, which will kill all life on #Earth as it will prevent #photosynthesis occurring, therefore preventing #plants growing and eliminating them as a food for #humans, #insects and #animals, destroying the food chain and the Earth's #biosphere. They don't understand how the #climate or biosphere works and are ostensibly useful idiots for plutocratic #elites and big #corporations. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives, Labour party and Lib Dems do.

The #SNP wants to take #Scotland out of the UK union and give the Scots "#independence" by signing them up to EU union. Essentially all this does is transfer dependency from #London to #Brussels and exchanges the #English for the Franco-Germans. Scotland will be no more independent and in some ways even more dependant. The SNP also support everything the other neoliberal-globalist parties do too.

In short, there is no political #choice beyond colour because there is no meaningful differentiation between political philosophies, or outcomes of voting. Whatever party you vote for, you get the same policies, the same lies, the same #corruption, the same #cronyism, the same #sophistry, the same national trajectory, the same everything, only with some minor and ostensibly superficial differences in packaging and delivery.

British politics is a total #farce that doesn't even engage in any recognisable political #debate because other than faux ad hominems, jeering and lip-service to non-existent political #principles there's nothing to debate, because they all agree...


I recently started reading "Principles" by Ray Dalio. So far, it's been one of the best books I've ever read. It's little surprise that according to him, he became one of the top 100 richest people in the world. He's very wise, like a modern day #Plato or #Aristotle. #Principles



Building Indigenous Food Sovereignty with the Hua Parakore Organic Framework

Hua Parakore was established in Aotearoa New Zealand by Te Waka Kai Ora, the National Māori Organics Authority. It provides a framework using Indigenous values – Māori principles – for producing natural food without chemical inputs or GMO.

It also encapsulates the Māori worldview in its approach to how food growers are verified as Hua Parakore, with principles that require practitioners to deeply consider such things as their connection with the land, its energy, the many species living on it, and their community.

This documentary provides an insight into Hua Parakore from the perspective of one of its most knowledgeable practitioners – Jessica Hutchings was one of the researchers who helped develop the framework.

Te Waka Kai Ora https://www.tewakakaiora.co.nz/

#food #food-growing #food-sovereignty #organic #indigenous #values #principles #HuaParakore #TeWakaKaiOra #Māori #NationalMāoriOrganicsAuthority #NewZealand #JessicaHutchings #happenfilms


An Introduction to Life’s Principles


The Life’s Principles of biomimicry reveal the deep patterns in Nature that lead to successful and sustainable existence on this planet. They are a distillation of the consistently repeated principles within just about every organism and ecosystem on Earth. Life’s Principles reveal how Nature overcomes disturbance, adapts to change, and prolongs existence on an ever-changing landscape. A blueprint that now, more than ever, we need to put into practice.

#nature #life #principles #biomimicry #RebeccaMacKinnon #biomimicryinstitute


Lysander Spooner ~ There is No Law Above Natural Law


'In #1882, Lysander Spooner wrote #NaturalLaw; or The #Science of Natural #Justice. In it he explained why there is only one #UniversalLaw that governs our #relationships. Natural Law stands above all others.

Natural Law was not created by men and women and it cannot be altered, denied or evaded by any human being, claimed authority or State. It defines the nature of our interactions and even how we judge our own character.

As Natural Law is a phenomena that exists in nature it can be studied like any other. Understanding Natural Law is, as Spooner wrote, the science of natural justice.

How do we live in peace? What rules determine how we maintain peace between each other? It is “self evident” that we can and do live peacefully but do we only do so because some higher “authority” will punish us if we don’t. Or do we all innately understand the unwritten Law that binds us within our corner of #society?

Is there a #common set of #principles which we all understand, regardless of the jurisdiction we live in? Is there a Universal Law which establishes the #boundaries of our #behaviour, enabling us to live in #peace and #harmony?

Of course there is, if there were not #humanity would not have #survived. This is Natural Law and Spooner described it.'

#lysanderspooner #natural #law #universal #truth #knowledge #understanding #rights #morality #ethics


Andreas Schou: "Okay, I'll Stop Hiding the Ball: A Guide to My Politics"

There are a very few voices at the Plus I miss particularly. Andreas Schou is most of them. While I agree with much of what he has to say, more importantly, I really appreciate how he says it and writes. This is another great piece from him. A strong voice, a clear mind, and a potent message.

So, as I suspected, there was a great deal of variability in the description of my politics. I got both "liberal" and "conservative" and "libertarian" and "not libertarian," some comparisons to anarchists, and some things which were mostly just complimentary but not really descriptive. So, that being said, here are where my biases are....

My main priority is avoidance of misery.

I take "very bad things" much more seriously than "very good things," and when thinking about government policy, my focus is largely on avoidance of extreme poverty, starvation, wars, major recessions, imprisonment, sexual assault, and other things with a high propensity to cause large numbers of people to be miserable.

I think that there is very little to be learned from misery, and very little to be gained from it; there are some things that are just bad, and are to be avoided at all costs. I think the government ought to do what it can to keep misery from happening, because I evaluate inactions as being essentially morally equivalent with actions.

(Inaction is, however, easier.)

It goes on. I recommend reading it, and scrolling through his archives. Andreas, if you see this, get yourself a goddamned blog already.

Turns out he does have a best of stream.

#politics #misery #principles #AndreasSchou