


A record number of over 6000 cities in 117 countries are now monitoring air quality, but the people living in them are still breathing unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, with people in low and middle-income countries suffering the highest exposures. https://www.who.int/news/item/04-04-2022-billions-of-people-still-breathe-unhealthy-air-new-who-data

Live most polluted major city ranking: https://www.iqair.com/ca/world-air-quality-ranking

These particles can travel hundreds of kilometres, crossing municipal, state, and even national boundaries. For example, about 30% of air pollution in the Indian state of Punjab comes from neighbouring Pakistan. Further east, an estimated 30% of pollution in Bangladesh’s largest cities originates in India, given the predominant wind direction from the northwest to the southeast. https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/endpovertyinsouthasia/united-south-asia-can-beat-air-pollution

This is what we should be focused on, reducing general pollution and reducing air pollution. Its rather sad that the climate change movement has stolen this focus and made it into a CO2 hysteria. Clean air give good health and save lives.

#Pollution #AirPollution


After two years of testing, Cape Town’s Golden Arrow Bus Service will go operational with 60 new electric buses per year

A whte commuter bus with words Golden Arrow and Electric on the side, with the background showing 8-story flats and in the far distance a hill peak.
Cape Town-based Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) is planning to introduce 60 electric buses to its fleet every year starting in 2024 until it has replaced its full fleet of 1,100 diesel-powered people haulers.

After two years of testing both a 37 and 65-seater electric bus along major commuter routes in Cape Town, GABS’s pilot project has proved to be highly successful.

Initially, the buses completed 7,000km of testing without passengers with the weight of the maximum number of occupants modelled using sandbags to check whether the vehicles would be able to traverse the mountainous terrains on which they are required to work. The real-life trials showed that the electric BYD buses were able to operate on the steepest inclines in Cape Town, most notably Hospital Bend on the M3.

In addition to the satisfactory driving performance, GABS found that it could save upwards of R657,000 per year on fuel for its diesel buses by switching to electric, as well as achieve a 50% savings in spare parts and 80% savings in oils and lubricants.

Therefore, despite the battery-powered buses being two to three times more expensive than their diesel counterparts, the cost savings will see them paying for themselves within two to eight years, according to a Green Cape case study.

Test after test has shown that bus fleets around the world will benefit from going electric. Busses are the perfect type of vehicle for this use case, as they are depot bound, have known routes and distances, and have a period of rest when charging can be done. Bus fleets also have lots of operational and maintenance data to do proper case studies. And, of course for commuters, both inside the bus and others in rush hour traffic, the air is far cleaner to breath.

The facts are, times have chnaged along with available technology and the economics are telling us the chnage now makes sense.

See https://topauto.co.za/features/83106/1100-electric-buses-coming-to-cape-town/
#Blog, #airpollution, #capetown, #environment, #EV


Corsi-Rosenthal boxes, which is a fancy way of saying a cube of regular furnace air filters with a fan on top, a type of air filter invented during the coronavirus pandemic, turn out to be useful on an ongoing basis for reducing indoor air pollutants.

"PFAS, a type of synthetic chemical found in a range of products including cleaners, textiles and wire insulation, decreased by 40% to 60%; phthalates, commonly found in building materials and personal care products, were reduced by 30% to 60%."

A type of simple, DIY air filter can be an effective way to filter out indoor air pollutants

#discoveries #airpollution


(LPG) Household Gas Stoves Emit Pollution Even When Not In Use!

It is widely known that gas production and transportation both result in methane leakage, but a new study found that appliances, such as stoves, leak dangerous methane — even when they are not being used. These results are concerning because methane is a powerful climate pollutant that has a global warming potential (GWP) 86 times more than carbon dioxide over a 20-year time period.

Methane gas is one of the most potent greenhouse gases and accounts for about 25 percent of global warming. Methane makes up 70–90 percent of natural gas, which is used in our homes for cooking and heating. Previous studies have highlighted the presence of a pulse of methane leakage every time a tankless gas-powered water heater is turned on and off, and this most recent study shows that this problem of leakage is even greater than previously thought as it occurs in gas stoves also.

Methane is not the only dangerous pollutant emitted from stoves and other gas appliances such as space and water heaters, as nitrogen oxides (NOx) are also released into our homes when gas is burned and have been shown to cause respiratory diseases, headaches, eye irritation, and loss of appetite.

See https://cleantechnica.com/2022/03/08/gas-stoves-emit-pollution-even-when-not-in-use/

#environment #airpollution #methane #gas #health
#Blog, ##airpollution, ##environment, ##gas, ##health