

When I decided to try to build up some development momentum by restarting the Ray Tracing Challenge but with Dart/Flutter it was a toss up between that idea and deep diving into some retro coding on an Apple II. I briefly thought, "Why not do both?" Har har har. Well, it turns out someone did just that. A ray tracer in BASIC on a ZX Spectrum. #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #programming #ZXSpectrum #BASIC https://gabrielgambetta.com/zx-raytracer.html


The #Monsanto Tribunal took place in 2016-2017 in The Hague. Five judges delivered a legal opinion and concluded that Monsanto’s (now, #Bayer) activities have a negative impact on #basic human-rights. Better regulations are needed to protect the victims of multinational #corporations. International law should be improved for better protection of the #environment and include the crime of ecocide. The entire process is documented in a brochure and a documentary titled "The Monsanto International Tribunal, the Making of".
Monsanto Tribunal


Doctors move premature babies at Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital | AJ #shorts

Dozens of premature babies at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital have been moved into an area that still has electricity as doctors try everything they can to keep the...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Dozens #Gazas #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #al-ShifaHospital #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #babies #basic #care #doctors #electricity #latestnews #medical #moved #newsheadlines #premature
Doctors move premature babies at Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital | AJ #shorts


L' #informatique #personnelle en 1986 - Tech'Antik - Phot'antik par #MickaelMinarie


En 1986, l'informatique continue d’évoluer avec l'apparition du 386, l'informatique dans les foyers, le #minitel, le début des IA et des simulations...

Je remercie les donateur sur la video sur 1985 qui m'ont permis de continuer les videos malgre les soucis que j'ai actuellement.
Merci a https://abandonware-magazines.org , https://acpc.me/ https://archive.org/ et http://empichon72.free.fr qui m'ont permis de trouver la plupart des informations et capture trouvée pour cette vidéos.
Les émulateurs utilisé lors des capture sont Caprice, Pcem, Pcjs et DCmoto.

00:00 - Start
00:34 - La fin du premier #PC
01:01 - Les compatibles #IBM AT
01:58 - les premiers 386
02:57 - chez IBM
04:05 - Les compatibles "low cost"
04:37 - l' #amstrad PC 1512
05:55 - Le #Macintosh plus
07:08 - #Apple IIgs
08:21 - Le premier #Amiga
09:44 - #Atari ST
17:34 - Calculatrice graphique
17:51 - #CDROM
18:33 - Les premiers #RISC
19:50 - #Processeur #français et IA
20:02 - Turbo #Pascal 3 et Quick #Basic 2
22:18 - #LCD couleur
23:39 - #musique et #son sur les #ordinateurs
24:04 - #réseaux et minitel
24:44 - Les #jeux

#retrocomputer #histoire #computer


#fr #aide-demandée #programmation #basic #vieux

Dans les années 80, j'avais acheté un gros bouquin, à la couverture rouge, de taille presque A4 et assez épais, rempli de programmes tous en BASIC et facilement utilisables sur n'importe quelle machine de l'époque car n'utilisant aucune instruction spécifique à une machine particulière. Le papier était relativement épais.

Il y avait un programme qui était pas mal fichu, mais long à saisir car contenant énormément de données stockées dans des lignes de DATA...

Son idée était de créer de nouveaux mots en assemblant préfixe, corps, suffixe. Et ce, de manière assez intelligente, en se basant sur leurs sens, eux aussi stockés dans des DATA.

Une fois le travail fini, le programme affichait le mot et sa définition. Le résultant était souvent assez surprenant, voire amusant.

C'était une sorte d'étymologie inversée, si on peut dire.

Je n'ai jamais réussi à retrouver ce livre de programmes, car je ne me souviens ni de son nom ni du ou des auteurs.

Si ça cause à quelqu'un...


The title of the video is "Birth of BASIC" but it is really as much or more about the birth of computing in the university setting and the creation of the Dartmouth Time Sharing System to make it far more accessible. I had no idea the first version of DTSS was written by undergraduate interns (basically). Lots of wonderful insights and anecdotes about design decisions, what it was like to be working on it, and the feeling of seeing the first time two teletype terminals interfaced with the system to run the new BASIC Development Environment concurrently #history #BASIC #ComputerHistory #RetroComputing #Dartmouth https://youtu.be/WYPNjSoDrqw


enter image description here
welcame back #ramolaD #Ramola
Informative conversation with #JamesRoguski, #health and #human rights reporter, on the WHO's secret negotiations with numerous countries on a working panel seeking to amend the already-draconian International Health Regulation treaty of 2005 in ways which will #completely #strip all #people #everywhere #of #basic human #rights and tie the hands of sovereign governments from protecting their own people


''Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a "religion in reverse" - pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: "By their fruits ye shall know them." These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.'' ~ Vladimir Putin (Source)

Leaders in the West are truly wicked, and their work truly pushes in the opposite direction of life.

The current global confrontation is also taking place in the spiritual/religious realm. Russia is at war with an anti-religious Western civilization that is itself at war with God and attempting to overthrow the very foundations of spiritual and moral values: God, the Church, the family, gender, man. The anti-Christian Western "woke" elites are bent on the destruction of Christian Russia, a war against the last Christian bastion.

Putin is unapologetic about Russia's determination to defend Christian values and maintained that it is very important to defend Christianity against the corroding influence of Antichrist-type ideas that are causing people to lose their human dignity.

A psychopathic elite is bent on recreating humanity in their own deviant image, with one of their goals evidently being to normalize Pedophilia, making Putin's struggle a veritable holy war of good against evil.

Putin's #Russia has the status of the undisputed leader of the "alternative" world, capable, and more importantly, ready to use force where it considers it fundamental and important for its own #survival and that of #basic #human rights.

Metaphorically-speaking, the world is one big schoolyard with a single, big, bad bully. Until now, the majority stood with the bully, either out of fear, cowardice or because they are sadists themselves. Only a few stood against him, but they were largely powerless to change the status quo. Now a newcomer has arrived who has not just stood up to the bully, but given him a black eye. The bully knows he can't take on this newcomer in a fair fight, so he calls on his followers to denounce the newcomer and banish him. Slowly but surely however, more and more of the bully's "allies" are starting to figure out that the bully is scared and weak, and will not defend them should the newcomer also take aim at them over their immoral and spineless behavior. One by one, they begin to rethink their positions.

This simplified explanation of world affairs is not too far off the mark, considering that #Putin, according to a former classmate of his, stood up #against #bullies in the #schoolyard. To this day, he is simply acting on his nature.