

#books #literature #cooking #hopi
I’m making Indian Fry Bread. Hopi Fry Bread. (Wequivi)
The balls of dough are under a towel now. I’ll roll them out, and fry in a cast iron skillet.
I’ll be traveling to the Hopi Reservation in Arizona in May - before it gets too hot here in the West.


#books #germany #corona
Ich habe übers Wochenende Über Menschen von Juli Zeh (DE 2022) gelesen und mich gut amüsiert.
Neuer Roman von Juli Zeh
Juli Zeh hat früher weniger literarisch geschrieben. Diesmal ist viel Satire in die Darstellung von Klima- und Corona-Hysterie geflossen und der Stil ist dichter.
Die Protagonistin wird von Corona aus Berlin vertrieben in ein kleines Dorf in Brandenburg.
Grosse Überraschung: Nazis sind Menschen!
Das macht sie nicht notwendig zu harmlosen Mitbürgern, aber es ist eher schädlich, sie aus der Kommunikation auszuschliessen.


Z-Library: New Problems

My private URL for Z-Library no longer works. These were an innovation Z-Library started a year or two ago. You sent an email message to them, and they sent you back custom URLs just for you.

However, I found http://zlib24th6ptyb4ibzn3tj2cndqafs6rhm4ed4gruxztaaco35lka.b32.i2p/ This works just fine, and will be harder to block, but I2P doesn't make connections as easily as the Clearnet, and not even as easily as Onionland. Also, a lot of you don't run I2P.

For now, https://singlelogin.re/ is also working.

#zlibrary #z-library #books #copyright #site-blocking #open-culture #library #libraries #free-access #ebooks #downloads #ebook-downloads #book-downloads


https://mas.to/@mostaurelius/112269853208615850 mostaurelius@mas.to - A pack horse librarian delivering books in rural Kentucky in 1938. During the Great Depression, the Pack Horse Library Project was a Works Progress Administration (WPA) program in which the librarians, who were often called "book women" or "book ladies," delivered books to remote parts of Appalachia.

source: https://www.facebook.com/GoodwillLibrarian

#books #library #PublicWorks #WPA #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon


‘A new abyss’: Gaza and the hundred years’ war on Palestine

The Guardian

While much has changed since 7 October, the horrific events of the past six months are not unique, and do not stand outside history. (...)

This is the thesis of my book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: that events in Palestine since 1917 resulted from a multi-stage war waged on the indigenous Palestinian population by great power patrons of the Zionist movement – a movement that was both settler colonialist and nationalist, and which aimed to replace the Palestinian people in their ancestral homeland. These powers later allied with the Israeli nation-state that grew out of that movement. Throughout this long war, the Palestinians have fiercely resisted the usurpation of their country. (...)

Complete article

Photo of destruction in Gaza)
Palestinians returning to the ruins of Khan Younis, Gaza, on 7 April 2024. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images.

Tags: #books #palestine #palestinians #israel #gaza #occupied_territories #zionism #history