

#Debian #Bullseye wants to install #php 8.2. I do not want this, since #Nextcloud will complain.

root@a:~# apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'apt autoremove' to remove it.
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libapache2-mod-php8.2 php8.2 php8.2-bcmath php8.2-cli php8.2-common php8.2-intl php8.2-ldap php8.2-mysql
php8.2-opcache php8.2-readline php8.2-xml
The following packages will be upgraded:
php php-bcmath php-common php-intl php-ldap php-mysql php-xml
7 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 4855 kB of archives.
After this operation, 22.8 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

How can I tell apt to ignore php8.2?


Freie Suchmaschiene / SearX / Nachtrag

Nachtrag zum Nachtrag vom 26.05.2022 ... zu SearX 🤦 🤷

Dies geht ausschließlich an Linux NutzerInnen. Windows wird nicht unterstüzt, bzw. ich weiß nicht ob das im Linux Sub System von Windows läuft.

Wie das so ist, ist mensch an einem Thema erst mal dran, lässt es einen auch nicht mehr los.
Bei dem ganzen Suchen, Lesen und Installieren, bin ich bei Nerdmind auf eine schöne Blog-Serie zum Thema SearX gestoßen.
Darin wird die Installation, das einrichten als Dienst, die Konfiguration & Verwendung von Apache oder nginx als Reverse-Proxy und das Umleiten der Suchanfragen über Tor erklärt.

!!! Jetzt nicht von Fachbegriffen abschrecken lassen !!!

Die einzelnen Schritte sind mit Copy & Paste einfach abzuarbeiten.
Wer mehr interesse hat, kann aus den Artikeln entnehmen was noch zu Lesen wäre. 🤓

Viel Spaß beim aufsetzten!

#searx #suchmaschiene #uwsgi #apache #nginx #tor #installation #install #linux #debian #bullseye #nerdmind #it #diy


GNU Linux Debian - very fast and easy semi-automatic online install Debian 11 (non-free)

many users have/had macbooks.

what was/still is great: OSX can be reinstalled over internet! (no more searching for licence keys or setup sticks/DVDs/CDs/)

given the fact – that once installed – GNU Linux Debian can boot (almost) anywhere, the fastest and easiest way to “install” it is to simply 1:1 copy it on whatever the user wants to boot from (harddisk or usb stick (some sticks can not be made bootable, try at least 3 different vendors)).

So… this install script 1:1 copy installs Debian 11 (non-free) on any laptop/desktop/server (depending on internet speed) very fast & easy.

The process can be automated (on similar hardware or on hardware where /dev/sda is always the device the user wants to 1:1 overwrite).

This script install process is almost like OSX 🙂 but “semi-automatic” to double ask, not to overwrite the wrong (USB attached?) disk.

  • it comes with a full MATE Desktop and everything to get working (LibreOffice and Firefox and Thunderbird)
  • it has the “cosmos” slideshow (love it!) background enabled per default
  • the terminal comes with green on black for better readability
  • it does not have a swap partition enabled, so the user can easily with gparted 1) extend the harddisk to it’s full capacity 2) create a swap partition
  • English, Spanish, Chinese and German keyboard layout are active, should be possible to switch between them in the top right corner

todo: what is still missing

  • what is still missing is:
    • automatically calc (based on RAM size, would do as much swap as RAM) how much swap should be created
    • extend the /root partition to full harddisk capacity minus the swap space
    • create the swap partition and edit config files /etc/fstab and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume for proper (as intended) functionality of the system
  • apply this
  • display a dancing penguin during first successfull boot and encourage user to do at least 5min of dancing to this funky music 🙂


  • make sure to disconnect all devices (external harddisks, usb sticks, sdcards)
    • less devices = less trouble and less accidentally overwriting a external harddisk or usb stick
  • if the target device /dev/sdX contains important data, backup it up !first! (all data will be overwritten)


it’s based on the non-free version, because it is intended to allow new users that never tested GNU Linux Debian (with a MATE Desktop) a “it just works” turnkey experience.

Is the Free version better?

If the user has concerns about surveillance/spying and needs maximum privacy than it is probably better to start with the defautl GNU Linux Debian free version and usually all network-cards/NICs work out of the box (free drivers available 🙂 (but maybe not the wifi cards)

new users: workaround for this pitfall:


Problems might arise with the free version and wifi: (notebooks)

because then the user will probably have to install the appropriate closed source (#evil!) drivers from the the non-free repository with all the spying backdoors that a intel wifi driver might have (after all a network card, is like a small computer, inside a computer, ideal! but then if the BIOS is not LibreBooted… the Intel ME can not be disabled… (some OS allow to permanently disable Intel ME!!!).

… the fight for more privacy and security – seems never ending and goes on.


  • the laptop/desktop/server root harddisk/the target harddisk (/dev/sdX) should have at least 100GBytes of harddisk space
  • ideally boot from GNU Linux live usb stick with at least 3GBytes of free space
  • or alternatively: boot from read-only live DVD or image and when booted up, connect a ext4 or ext3 or fat32 or ntfs formatted USB stick or drive with at least 3GBytes of free space

    • there are many other desktop live flavours available (great! 🙂 : https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/
    • when booted from live, cd into the external usb stick-drive
    • create the below script (copy content into a text file, name it name-of-script.sh)
    • <span style="color: #00ffff;">chmod +x name-of-script.sh</span>; # mark it runnable - <span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root</span>; # become root
    • <span style="color: #00ffff;">/name-of-script.sh /dev/sdX</span>; # run it, passing the device Debian 11 should be installed on - will download ~2.5Gbytes image.gz to current directory (the usb-stick-drive and store it there permanently for later re-use) - curl can resume interrupted downloads


# sdX is the device the user wants to install Debian 11 on
<span style="color: #00ffff;">/scripts/install_debian_from_image.sh /dev/sdX

process complete? reboot & “it just works”?

congratz! do 1min of wiggle dance!

[video width=”306″ height=”194″ mp4=”https://dwaves.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/happyness-drum-and-bass-dance-of-success.mp4″\]\[/video\]

post processing:

want to use the complete harddisk not just the 100GBytes? two possibilities:

what the script will do:

  • download a pre-installed Debian 11 image.gz and it’s sha512check-sum
  • sha512 check the image (check the image is unaltered and intact)
  • on the fly unpack and 1:1 write the image to /dev/sdX while showing a progress bar
<span style="color: #00ffff;">vim /scripts/install_debian_from_image.sh</span>

<span style="color: #ff6600;">#!/bin/bash


# define colors
COLOR_OFF='\033[0m' # reset color to default

echo -e "${WHITE}=== download and 1:1 copy debian.img.gz to $1 ===${COLOR_OFF}\n"

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "please pass device like this: /dev/sdx
          NOT A PARTITION! (sdb1)"

echo -e "${RED}this script is meant to be run from an live-cd or usb stick (so $1 should be an OFFLINE filesystem (not currently running)"
    echo "please read carefully, a mistake could overwrite critical data!!!"
    echo -e "physically disconnect all critical data-drives before procedure!!!${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    echo ""

    echo "========== do you want to copy the $DEBIAN_IMAGE image on device $1 ?"

    echo -e "${YELLOW}~3GBytes of disk space is needed in the current directory${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    echo "=========== harddisk overview";
    echo "==== where is what";
    smartctl -i $1;
    echo ""

echo -e "${YELLOW}"
read -p "CONTINUE? (y/n)" choice
case "$choice" in 
  y|Y ) echo "yes";;
  n|N ) echo "no";;
  * ) echo "invalid";;

    echo "installing required software for fast multi threaded decompression of image (pigz)"
    echo "and showing progress during dd (pv)"

echo -e "${COLOR_OFF}\n"

    apt update
    apt install pv pigz curl

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting download of $DOWNLOAD... please stand by${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    curl -L -O -C - $DOWNLOAD;

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting download of checksum $DOWNLOAD.sha512sum.txt ... please stand by${COLOR_OFF}\n"

    curl -L -O -C - $DOWNLOAD.sha512sum.txt;

    echo "verify sha512sum..."

cat "./$DEBIAN_IMAGE.sha512sum.txt" | sha512sum -c

if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Checksum failed. aborting script. maybe $DEBIAN_IMAGE corrupted during download. please try to re-run the script." >&2
echo -e "${COLOR_OFF}\n"
  exit 1

echo -e "${YELLOW}starting write process...${COLOR_OFF}\n"
    umount $1*;

    dd if=./$DEBIAN_IMAGE of=$1 status=progress; sync;

    pigz -dc $DEBIAN_IMAGE | pv | dd bs=1M of=$1; sync;
    ## single core
    ### gunzip -c /path/to/image.img.gz | pv | dd of=$1; # write image to usb stick

echo -e "${YELLOW}the image $DEBIAN_IMAGE was written to stick $1. process finished. try booting it now :)${COLOR_OFF}\n"


#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #gnu-linux #debian #osx #setup #installation #breeze #easy #fast #debian11 #bullseye

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/01/28/gnu-linux-debian-very-fast-and-easy-semi-automatic-online-install-debian-11-non-free/


Raspberry mit 7-Zoll Display Problemlösung

Inzwischen hat man bei der #Raspberry Foundation auf #Debian #Bullseye aufgerüstet. Demzufolge habe ich das OS in meinem Papprechner aktualisiert und dabei gleich eine 240GB SSD an den #PI4 angesaftet. Läuft alles soweit gut. Dummerweise nicht die Displayauflösung. Obwohl ich die Daten aus der /boot/config.txt übernommen habe, passt es zwar auf dem Textbildschirm, aber auf dem Desktop fehlen die Ecken. Die Lösung hat mich einige Zeit gekostet. Erstmal musste der #hdmi_mode von 87 auf 88 verändert werden. Danach hatte man im ARandR Bildschirmlayout-Editor auch die Auflösung 1024x720. Blöderweise musste man nach jedem Start diese wieder neu einstellen.

Weiteres Googeln und probieren hatten dann mich zu folgender Lösung gebracht:
Als root folgende Datei erstellen:

nano /etc/xdg/autostart/.desktop

mit dem Inhalt:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1024x600 --preferred

Nach dem Speichern sollte von nun an die Auflösung beim Start passen. Diese Methode sollte auch bei anderen exotischen Monitoren klappen, solange sie vom System erkannt werden. In diesem Fall muss man möglicherweise mit dem hdmi-mode in der /boot/config.txt herumspielen.


#Aide #linux #debian #bullseye #imprimante #cups

HELP !! Demande d'aide pour faire fonctionner une imprimante depuis Debian 11

Je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner mon imprimante, une canon Pixma TR4550.
gdebi me dit que le pilote récupéré sur le site Canon est installé, j’ai tenté des solutions avec l’installation de cups, gutenprint, foomatic-db… rien n'y fait.
Sur cups on me demande un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe, j'ai essayé root et utilisateur, rien ne marche.
Ah et quand je la branche en usb, apparemment elle n'est pas reconnue (rien n'apparaît avec lsusb).

Apparemment, ils sèchent sur les forums debian, pas de réponse... alors s'il vous plaît, faites tourner vers des gens compétents et dispos, MERCI BEAUCOUP ! J'AI BESOIN DE MON IMPRIMANTE !!

ps: j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu en lisant les posts des forums...mais étant inexpérimentée j'ai parfois peur de faire des bêtises. Là j'ai fait le tour de ce que je pouvais essayer.


I have not figured out why #Debian keeps freezing, and I have no clue where to look or search for. It freezes seemingly randomly. I can be doing something actively, or leave the computer on while I (e. g.) refill my cup of coffee. Yesterday I had one freeze for an average day, but today I have had at least 10 forced restarts.

The screen is frozen. If any audio plays, it is stuck in a ca. 2 second loop.

Background: Did an early upgrade from Debian 10 to 11. Some minor issues were easily corrected. To start with, mainly audio issues which has been fixed.

#help #bullseye #gnu #linux #freeze