

I knew it : #FIFA has postponed a decision on a Palestinian proposal to suspend Israel from international soccer because of the conflict with #Hamas, clearing the way for the Israeli men's national team to play at the #Paris #Olympics.

FIFA said Thursday that it had pushed back the timeline because “more time is needed to conclude this process with due care and completeness" — meaning a decision is now set to come after the Olympics have finished.

#Hypocrisy #Cowardice #DoubleStandard #Israel #Palestine


Why there are no reporters in Europe like him any more?

They all have turned into cowards at best or genocide supporters at worst. The disgusting dirty and disgusting atmosphere created by Israeli supporters and right wing media owners not to forget the sold out politicians and indifferent public (on top of racism and islamophobia) have created a vaccume of strong, knowledgeable and brave reporters who are not afraid of telling the truth.

With Robert Fisk gone, The independent have also turned into a echo chamber of pro Israeli voices. German and Swedish media are not even worth reading any more and I get better news from Israeli media criticizing the fascist regime of Netanyahu than any of the so called progressives and liberals in those countries.

As Ahmad Shamloo the great Iranian poet said more than half a century ago : "strange time we live in my dear; they smell your mouth to make sure you haven't said 'I love you'".

#Media #Israel #Fascism #GideonLevy #Politics #SelfCensorhip #UK #Sweden #Germany #News #Cowardice


The Eagle Forum

"At a time in our country when we see daily examples of creeping — no, galloping — authoritarianism, it might be a good reminder to read what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote not that long ago about this human tendency. As G.W. Thielman describes, Solzhenitsyn "excoriated Western leaders" in 1978 that “A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. … Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite." Gulags are not an impossibility if malevolence is given a free rein. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D."
#fake-regime #authoritarianism #fake-president #cowardice


A quotation from Rogers, Will

Cowardice or Bravery is never racial. You find both in every Country. No country has a monopoly on Bravery; great deeds of heroism is liable to break out in the most unexpected places.

Will Rogers (1879-1935) American humorist
“More Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat,” Saturday Evening Post (1932-03-12)

#quote #quotes #quotation #bravery #courage #cowardice #heroism #humannature #nation #nationalism #race
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/rogers-will/65271/


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

#whentheycameforthe #Firsttheycame
#fascism #tyranny
#holocaust #genocide #democide #humancull
#courage #cowardice #compassion #negligence
#dutyofcare #freedomworthfightingfor
#coverttyranny #crypofascism
#theyarealreadyhere #theyneverleft #whoreallywonthewar
#weareinalotoftrouble #wokeyet
#thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution
#nowagain #historyrepeating #worse
#wetriedtowarnyou #ignorance