

The way the starts are aligned right now, if we lose no states in the #senate (aside from WV which we will lose, the best we can do in the senate is gain 11 seats at the end of the 2028 #election. That's being generous and treating NC, OH, LA, KS, IA and TX as purple states. The #filibuster has to go or this complete stalemate will never end. At our luckiest in 2024 we will keep the senate with the VP acting as the tie breaker. That's only if we lose WV and swap out Sinema with a real democrat. NC is the state most likely to flip. OH, KS, LA and IA have surprised us here and there with their senators and governors, and TX demographics are shifting slowly but not organizing enough to the latino vote, too many who do are ones motivated to vote for Trump. America's political system is complete broken and getting worse as 17% of Americans control 50% of the senate and that percentage keeps dropping. every year.


AOC's Post-Roe Action Plan Puts Biden To Shame

watch on Invidious: AOC's Post-Roe Action Plan Puts Biden To Shame

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says the Supreme Court has delegitimized itself and overreached in its authority by denying the human and civil rights of any pregnant person. AOC says that Congress and the President have the power to put the court in check. The Majority Report crew express disappointment in the Democratic response to Roe v Wade being overturned as President Joe Biden has announced his support of changing the filibuster to codify the right to privacy. Biden and officials have also stated that more radical moves would be polarizing. The Majority Report crew discuss the right to privacy and how there must be a move to demand the right to health care which includes abortion.

#SCOTUS #MajorityReport #politics #AOC #democrats #SamSeder #congress #Roe #EmmaVigeland #filibuster #Biden