

At least one firefighter is dead and 14 people are missing in Cuba after a massive fire at an oil storage facility spread to a third storage tank.

Biden has sent thought but no prayers to people of Cuba fighting the worst fires in their history with out dated, non-functioning and home made equipment.

This is another shameful stain in the legacy of Biden and his criminal gang in the white house. Many countries simply refuse to help Cuba because they are afraid by doing so, they will break the US imposed blockade and sanctions and as the bandit rules of the US foreign policy goes, any company or nation who break the AMERICAN imposed sanctions will be sanctioned and will not be able to operate in any businesses in US or American companies world wide.

In the mean time, an environmental disaster is happening in Cuba, people are dying and the country that already struggling with having fuel for it's people keeps loosing more stored fuel/oil in this fire.

#Cuba #Fire #Sanctions #Environment #Inhumanity #Biden #Politics #FireFighters



From the twitters:

Dutch firefighters ram a van to get through narrow street. Who pays? The van user, who parked in the wrong space, obviously.


German car lovers would fume. Our useless minister of the transport ministry needed to only mention a law change in this direction, and millions would not vote for his party.

This is the kind of change Germany dearly needs. Scheuer needs to go.


#amsterdam #netherlands #firefighters